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NSFW SC2 game commentary. I find it funny for the in game smack talk.

Victor of the 5 year fan fic competition!


Kevin Butler will awesome your face off.

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Oh noez, Prosper found this board. Yes, that fits perfectly the "random video game news"-thread.

"only when you no-life you can exist forever, because what does not live cannot die."

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Guest Slinky
Oh noez, Prosper found this board. Yes, that fits perfectly the "random video game news"-thread.

Don't know who that is, but if we can live with volourn we can live with anybody.

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Personally I would welcome a single console future. It would make sense.


But it's probably something else. Or a hoax.


Oh please... You're getting more ridiculious by the day.


A single console future, is basically a standardised PC - it may have a different chip arcitecture, but its what you'd end up with.


I like variation thanks.

I came up with Crate 3.0 technology. 

Crate 4.0 - we shall just have to wait and see.

Down and out on the Solomani Rim
Now the Spinward Marches don't look so GRIM!


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Oh please... You're getting more ridiculious by the day.


A single console future, is basically a standardised PC - it may have a different chip arcitecture, but its what you'd end up with.


I like variation thanks.

I like variation too, but there's no difference playing on a Playstation or a Xbox (or a Wii U, for that matter).


It just means more development costs.


We can have a single home console future, or we can have a future were more quarreling competitors like Apple or Google jump into the game hardware market, where we will have one and the same game released on 5-7 platforms. Well congrats! Am sure programmer like you are going to enjoy the overheat!

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Oh please... You're getting more ridiculious by the day.


A single console future, is basically a standardised PC - it may have a different chip arcitecture, but its what you'd end up with.


I like variation thanks.

I like variation too, but there's no difference playing on a Playstation or a Xbox (or a Wii U, for that matter).


It just means more development costs.


We can have a single home console future, or we can have a future were more quarreling competitors like Apple or Google jump into the game hardware market, where we will have one and the same game released on 5-7 platforms. Well congrats! Am sure programmer like you are going to enjoy the overheat!


You say that there is no difference, but there always is, one version always runs better etc...


Programmers enjoy finding different solutions to problems, and different platforms allow for this.


Most of all I enjoy exclusives, cross/multi-platform releases are more chellenging, but an exclusive title allows the coders to focus on the specific hardware.


Compitition drives innovation, and if we had a single console future, there is no competition, there is no innovation, all we have is PC's with dumb down interfaces, and slightly better suited hardware. I mean seriously, stuff like the Cell architecture, blu-ray, or controller innovations like what Nintendo, Microsoft are doing wouldn't exist.


So, while I've never actually worked on a smartphone game, what I can tell you is Androids have been selling well, but supporting an Andriod handset is like supporting many many different SKU's, I remember a few story's from back in the early mobile phone developer days when programmers would be supporting hundred's of SKU's. So 5-7 platforms doesn't seem so bad, and I can assure you, each one will likely be slightly different in different ways. Have you never seen a Eurogamer comparision?

I came up with Crate 3.0 technology. 

Crate 4.0 - we shall just have to wait and see.

Down and out on the Solomani Rim
Now the Spinward Marches don't look so GRIM!


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You say that there is no difference, but there always is, one version always runs better etc...

Yes, one version, say PS3 vs. X360, runs 5fps faster than the other. But it's still the same game, same experience.


Programmers enjoy finding different solutions to problems, and different platforms allow for this.

Programmers should work to bring the medium forward, not work problem orientated. Having more and more hardware platforms just means more technical obstacles that hampers the medium as a whole.


Most of all I enjoy exclusives,

So now you're just saying the opposite. I thought you enjoy variation.


Compitition drives innovation, and if we had a single console future, there is no competition, there is no innovation, all we have is PC's with dumb down interfaces, and slightly better suited hardware. I mean seriously, stuff like the Cell architecture, blu-ray, or controller innovations like what Nintendo, Microsoft are doing wouldn't exist.

There will always be competition, even with a single home console format. The competition will be driven by the software developers, that's the whole point. All parties involved will eventually turn profits through software (and software fees)

Edited by Morgoth
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I like variation thanks.
Most of all I enjoy exclusives, cross/multi-platform releases are more chellenging, but an exclusive title allows the coders to focus on the specific hardware.

So.. first you're mocking Morgoth for wanting/predicting a single console future, because you like variation, and then you go on to say you like exclusives because you enjoy focusing on specific hardware?


Do you need a minute to think this through, Nightshape?

Swedes, go to: Spel2, for the latest game reviews in swedish!

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I'd also welcome a single console future. Assuming it's made to last. I think it's a necessary step to making game consoles an important part of the home entertainment setup.

"Show me a man who "plays fair" and I'll show you a very talented cheater."
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I like variation thanks.
Most of all I enjoy exclusives, cross/multi-platform releases are more chellenging, but an exclusive title allows the coders to focus on the specific hardware.

So.. first you're mocking Morgoth for wanting/predicting a single console future, because you like variation, and then you go on to say you like exclusives because you enjoy focusing on specific hardware?


Do you need a minute to think this through, Nightshape?


I don't really see the contradiction. Maybe he works one game for the xbox and one game for the ps3. Due to the difference between them developing game xbox is different than developing game ps3. Variety.


I think Nightshape makes good points and I wouldn't want a single console future either. Removing competition out of anything is always a rather bad thing too happen. Though sadly it happens often in this industry.

Edited by C2B
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Hmmm... Single console system ? I guess it could be some gimped PC for the masses, like Xbox360. I just wish they'd upgrade systems way faster then they do now. I'm REALLY frustrated with console generation lasting this long. Freaking Xbox360 is late 2004 tech :p


I really hope that current development speed for the new smart phones and tablets continue. Maybe they'll force console manufacturers to upgrade more often.

Let's play Alpha Protocol

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Hmmm... Single console system ? I guess it could be some gimped PC for the masses, like Xbox360. I just wish they'd upgrade systems way faster then they do now. I'm REALLY frustrated with console generation lasting this long. Freaking Xbox360 is late 2004 tech >_<


I really hope that current development speed for the new smart phones and tablets continue. Maybe they'll force console manufacturers to upgrade more often.

Releasing a new iPhone every 18 months is one thing, releasing a new home console in that period is another.


So no, I disagree. I still enjoy playing on PC and PS3, both are great platforms that get great games.

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Unnecessary upgrading is something I absolutely hate. It segregates the playerbase between those who migrate and those who don't and increases costs for both the developer, who has to learn the new hardware and build/upgrade/license new engines, and the player, who has to buy the new hardware.


Hardware should progress eventually, yes, but only when there's some pressing need for it beyond prettier graphics. I think we're getting there now.


I like to think that it's our chance for cheaper game releases. If console games can regularly drop about $10-20, we'll see wider adoption. But to get to that point, we probably need to find a way to skim on development costs. Cutting the development costs by dragging out the hardware would be a simple way to do that. My personal fantasy. Alternatively, they may not lower prices, but may be more willing to take risks on lower return projects. Something that's often complained about.

"Show me a man who "plays fair" and I'll show you a very talented cheater."
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There's also another problem: What if the next Xbox and the next PS home consoles differ too much in terms of horsepower and functionality?


PS3/Xbox 360 are pretty even. You can actually cross-platform them, with some more or less effort. Also the controllers are basically the same in terms of button layout.


If that equilibrium isn't there anymore for the next home consoles, game development will just become even more expensive and complicated, and everybody will be a loser as a consequenz.


So yeah, a collaboration between MS and Sony makes sense. Remember, even the Cell was a collaboration between Toshiba, Sony and IBM. When they can do this with chips, why not with end products?

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"I think it's a necessary step to making game consoles an important part of the home entertainment setup."


Uh... this doesn't make any sense without real context since logistically, they already are a huge number of homes already vierw them as an 'important part' of the home entertainment setiup.


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I like variation thanks.
Most of all I enjoy exclusives, cross/multi-platform releases are more chellenging, but an exclusive title allows the coders to focus on the specific hardware.

So.. first you're mocking Morgoth for wanting/predicting a single console future, because you like variation, and then you go on to say you like exclusives because you enjoy focusing on specific hardware?


Do you need a minute to think this through, Nightshape?


The two are distinctly different mkreku - There would be positives and negatives to a single hardware platform. The problem with a single platform is to do with the hardware vendor and what kind of innovation they would commit to. It is certainly easier to work on a single platform, which is why I like exclusives - Its always an attempt to get the best out of that particular machine.


You could certainly argue that one single console makes everything and exclusive, and hence, everything should shine. That said different hardware variations allow for specific techniques to be implemented in different ways, some hardware is better suited to particular tasks, the PS3 with the SPU's have been both a pleasure and pain for many developers. The people working on a console exclusive get to focus on the hardware more, all hardware has quirks, and platforms require a slightly varied approach, some feature may be easier on one platform than another, but the results do end up slightly different as a result.


As a software engineering problem, I'm fond of cross/multi-platform development. I also like the variation and choice that that provides to consumers. I worry that having a single platform would lead to a rigid way of approaching problems, with a rigid result - The fixed function 3D pipeline of DX 7 era games lead to a somewhat samey looking result, and that is what I would fear occuring. It is just pixels but the chances of programmers implementing something in a different way, significantly decrease when you've a single hardware platform. Game engines themselves would be less scalable, and simpler so I would expect an increase in stability on a single hardware platform.


Locking this all down, means no Wii U, no PS4, no new Xbox, and no variation. It'd be like having one spec of PC, and one choice of OS and service - would you like that? I wouldn't like that personally as a user.


As for Morgoth, I just don't agree with him that it'd be a great thing - though there are developers, and consumers who would think its great, and I can see those benefits, I don't think its the best long terms solution for the industry.

I came up with Crate 3.0 technology. 

Crate 4.0 - we shall just have to wait and see.

Down and out on the Solomani Rim
Now the Spinward Marches don't look so GRIM!


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There's also another problem: What if the next Xbox and the next PS home consoles differ too much in terms of horsepower and functionality?


Yeah, it'd be more expensive, but it'd be far more exciting! I think the result would be alot like the old 8-bit computers, it could be good, it could be bad.


Even now though if both systems can't do something, and its cross platform, it can get dropped. With exclusives we tend to see those unique features come through.


I see your points though, Sir.

Edited by Nightshape

I came up with Crate 3.0 technology. 

Crate 4.0 - we shall just have to wait and see.

Down and out on the Solomani Rim
Now the Spinward Marches don't look so GRIM!


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Locking this all down, means no Wii U, no PS4, no new Xbox, and no variation. It'd be like having one spec of PC, and one choice of OS and service - would you like that? I wouldn't like that personally as a user.

I look at it similarly to how I look at home movies. You can buy a Sony or a Panasonic Blu-Ray player, they still play all the same movies that get released. You don't have to worry about the movie you're looking forward to only being released on HD-DVD. You don't have to worry about whether the Blu-Ray version getting X deleted scene and the HD-DVD version getting Y behind the scene. Or try to figure out which versions has the slighty improved sound and which version is accidentally missing the cigarette burn at the end of reel 2.


I care more about the media competing than I care about the players competing. Obviously it's not the same situation. I'm just not really sure why it's not the same. And it'd be definitely nice to see the segregated networks gone.

"Show me a man who "plays fair" and I'll show you a very talented cheater."
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