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So you are saying that after bethesda spend 2 years patching Fallout 3 in your experience obsidian didn't introduce nearly so many bugs while working with the same engine?

Glorious achievement indeed.



They.... didn't? As far as I know the last patch was released in July 2009. Thats not even a year from release date.


Furthermore FO3 is FO3, F:NV is F:NV Questreleated bugs etc. aren't going to be fixed across games. Also F:NV has way more content than FO3 in terms of quests. Which also has to be brought into the equation.



But hey, you probably expected OBSIDIAN to fix issues on a engine they have no idea about. Great!

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But hey, you probably expected OBSIDIAN to fix issues on a engine they have no idea about. Great!

That would actually by a valid argument if whole idea behind obsidian wasn't making sequels to games created by other studios.

Unless of course you believe F3 fanbase would be fine with a switch to an isometric perspective.

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I think my Fallout: New Vegas must have crashed well over 100 times by now. It is rare that I turn it off the correct way, it usually ends up with me killing the process after it's stopped responding. But at least it hasn't given me a blue screen since before the first patches..


Seriously though, Obsidian has a bug-ridden reputation for a reason. I love their games, but.. it's useless trying to deny it. They rank up there with Daggerfall for buggyness (almost).

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But hey, you probably expected OBSIDIAN to fix issues on a engine they have no idea about. Great!

That would actually by a valid argument if whole idea behind obsidian wasn't making sequels to games created by other studios.

Unless of course you believe F3 fanbase would be fine with a switch to an isometric perspective.


A: It isn't

B: That doesn't make any sense. Making sequels to other studios games doesn't make you suddenly capable of understanding others engines perfectly. Much less a studio like Obsidian which doesn't have the best or a big amount of programmers (no offense^^)


@mkreku No, its not. It's useless to deny their games are very buggy. Yes. Its not useless to deny they are buggier than other companies as there are clearly different experiences with their games around.


Especially regarding modern complex rpgs ALL are very buggy. Look at Troikas games, look at Black Isles games (Especially Fallout 2) etc.etc.

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I think my Fallout: New Vegas must have crashed well over 100 times by now. It is rare that I turn it off the correct way, it usually ends up with me killing the process after it's stopped responding. But at least it hasn't given me a blue screen since before the first patches..


Seriously though, Obsidian has a bug-ridden reputation for a reason. I love their games, but.. it's useless trying to deny it. They rank up there with Daggerfall for buggyness (almost).


I'm pleased they've survived so long.

I came up with Crate 3.0 technology. 

Crate 4.0 - we shall just have to wait and see.

Down and out on the Solomani Rim
Now the Spinward Marches don't look so GRIM!


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the games i have played with the most infuriating bug-related experience (ranked by how much the bug experience pissed me off when it happened)


1) arcanum. don't get me started.

2) fallout 1. when this game was first released there were some insanely awful bugs in it.

3) CoD world at war.

4) dragon age 2.


all four of the above games had bug issues arise which caused me to have to restart after more than 20 hours of play. fallout 1 was the only one of them that restarting was just as much fun as continuing would have been. i didnt even bother restarting world at war, that game was a piece of s**t


fallout 1 is possibly my favorite game of all time. and yet it gave me the second most infuriating bug experience of my gaming career, so what does this tell you? some bugs, even very frustrating ones, can be ignored if the game is worth it.


also: note that new vegas and fo3 and oblivion etc etc don't even rank up there, cause those bugs were never more than minor inconveniences or ctd's

Edited by entrerix

Killing is kind of like playin' a basketball game. I am there. and the other player is there. and it's just the two of us. and I put the other player's body in my van. and I am the winner. - Nice Pete.

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B: That doesn't make any sense. Making sequels to other studios games doesn't make you suddenly capable of understanding others engines perfectly.

It doesn't but if that is your chosen occupation then it certainly doesn't excuse you.

Nobody forced obsidian to get into the business of making sequels,

but since they did they should effectively compensate for lack of technological familiarity.

@mkreku No, its not. It's useless to deny their buggy. Yes. Its not useless to deny they are buggier than many other companies as there are clearly different experiences with their games around.

And yet the general opinion is to the contrary.

And in my experience the problem isn't only the prevalence of bugs but also their severity.

Nwn1 could crash - nwn2 would hard-lockup the pc,

F3 would crash if abused - NV will crash for no apparent reason and freeze the overlay forcing a blind restart.

Tech support may mark such issues using the same term but the impact on my experience is significantly different.

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Nobody forced obsidian to get into the business of making sequels,


1. The market? Making sequels are the best option if you are private and if you got the chance to do a big one you take it. Launching Original IPs isn't easy at all anymore.


2. I'm not even getting into your case of entitlment here (Your not a voice of some "general opinion" like you call it). Just know. Hard-Locks of the PC with NWN1... happened. Also happened with Infinity games including Icewind Dale and Planescape. F3 crashing for no reason? Happened too. That said NWN1 and Kotor1 were way less buggy than their successors. Yes, I admit that. Then again, as buggy as they are its a fact that Bioware makes the least buggy RPGs.... On their own engine.

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B: That doesn't make any sense. Making sequels to other studios games doesn't make you suddenly capable of understanding others engines perfectly.

It doesn't but if that is your chosen occupation then it certainly doesn't excuse you.

Nobody forced obsidian to get into the business of making sequels,

but since they did they should effectively compensate for lack of technological familiarity.


Naturally an indie crpg developer gets to decide exactly what projects they want to work on. Especially during the economic crisis which caused ****loads of people lose their jobs.

*reality check*


Sorry, thought we were talking about some make believe fantasy world there for a while. In the real world where most of us live in the publishers hold all the strings when it comes to AAA games. Not the developer. It's their dime, if they want Obsidian to make a sequel instead of an original idea Obsidian came up with, they (Obsidian) sure as hell will do as the publisher want. Or else they will be out of business in no time.

Edited by Flouride

Hate the living, love the dead.

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who was it that kept saying the next gen consoles were going to start getting released next year?


i can't remember...


oh wait, it was me.


wii 2 november 2012, Xbox 3 before november 2013, ps4 between november 2013 and november 2014.


mark your calendars!

Killing is kind of like playin' a basketball game. I am there. and the other player is there. and it's just the two of us. and I put the other player's body in my van. and I am the winner. - Nice Pete.

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it will not be called wii2, but you bet your sweet potato that MS will have a new system out by the end of 2013!

Killing is kind of like playin' a basketball game. I am there. and the other player is there. and it's just the two of us. and I put the other player's body in my van. and I am the winner. - Nice Pete.

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well i'll be sure to go all volourn on your ass in 2.5 years.


gonna be trollin for daaaaays on all you non-believers



edit: i called the release date for left 4 dead 2 about 2 months before they even announced they were working on the new game. i got flamed out of the steam forums by like 10,000 nerds all screaming that they wont make a sequel for at least 5 years because they were going to do a bunch of dlc. i managed to get about 5 of those 10,000 to declare me a prophet (once my declaration was proven true). you too will be marveling at my powers of foresight come 2013.


by the time i am an old crazy person i'll start calling the apocalypse and then make a bunch of billboards about it...

Edited by entrerix

Killing is kind of like playin' a basketball game. I am there. and the other player is there. and it's just the two of us. and I put the other player's body in my van. and I am the winner. - Nice Pete.

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The delay between where hardware specs are set and the actual release date are about 2 years.


Remember, Project Cafe uses a graphics chip that was released in 2008.


The current CPU architecture right now just isn't really that much better than say 4 years ago. Wanna replace a 3 ghz triple-core with a 3,6Ghz Quad-Core? Oh wow, big difference.

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thats not actually true though, sony was changing ps3 and psp (and now by reports, the ngp) hardware specs only a few MONTHS before release. 2 years of set in stone hardware is simply not a requirement.


edit: and we all *want* things, but the console makers go by what the competition is doing and by what will maximize profits, not just by how much graphics have improved over the last 5-6 year period

Edited by entrerix

Killing is kind of like playin' a basketball game. I am there. and the other player is there. and it's just the two of us. and I put the other player's body in my van. and I am the winner. - Nice Pete.

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if nintendo did not exist, then i think ms might have waited till 2014, and if ms did not exist then sony definitely would have waited till 2015 but the consoles do not exist independent of the other as they all share the same market space.

Killing is kind of like playin' a basketball game. I am there. and the other player is there. and it's just the two of us. and I put the other player's body in my van. and I am the winner. - Nice Pete.

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