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BioWare's New Game

Maria Caliban

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and Obsidian officially announced they're attached to a WoT project?


Sort of. It was an announcement along the lines of they were acting as advisors / consultants to a company that has the rights to the WoT

"Cuius testiculos habeas, habeas cardia et cerebellum."

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Even if WoT is considered a project for Obsidian, and I have my doubts about that, they have said they are a three-project company, which means they still should be working on something new. Although I suppose they might still have a team working on NV content.


They reason I doubt the WoT gig is the company they were supposed to be consulting is apparently having all sorts of trouble.

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They have a team working on NV content Hurlshot, have you forgot about Dead Money?


As for Wheel of Time, the state of the deal was widely debated. What the guys at Red Eagle said was that they were taking the key positions with an internal team while using Obsidz for the gruntwork but Feargus basically said that Red Eagle is the publisher/IP-holder and that's it in an interview to GameBanshee. So yeah.

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They have a team working on NV content Hurlshot, have you forgot about Dead Money?


As for Wheel of Time, the state of the deal was widely debated. What the guys at Red Eagle said was that they were taking the key positions with an internal team while using Obsidz for the gruntwork but Feargus basically said that Red Eagle is the publisher/IP-holder and that's it in an interview to GameBanshee. So yeah.


Ah, that's right, the DLC.


Although I would imagine they are getting ready for their next project, I'm not sure if DLC requires a full team.

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I think most BioWare fans will be most concerned with whether they can hook up with Ashley/Kaiden again.


By the way, why do the Reapers attack the Earth? Is there anything I missed not playing Mass Effect 2? (I will eventually)

Because of Shepard, they think that all humans are awesome and henceforth want to harvest them. The fools.

Edited by virumor

The ending of the words is ALMSIVI.

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By the way, why do the Reapers attack the Earth? Is there anything I missed not playing Mass Effect 2? (I will eventually)


Also, humans apparently have a much wider genetic variety coupled with the rather significant numbers the Reapers require for their "project". It's not spelled out, but I think it's at least suggested that they were originally planning to target the Krogan (see Saren's cloning project) but decided that da humiez were 'ard enough for their purposes (and had the necessary genetic profile with no Salarian-created genophage to mess with it...)


I'm a lot more concerned by Miranda* than Ashley, thanks! :lol:


*I want Yvonne Strahovski's honey dripping in my ear, again. Interpret that how you will. o:)

You're a cheery wee bugger, Nep. Have I ever said that?


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"The writing was far better then the original."


No. Hella to the noa.



"Well then answer me why Bio hasn't outsourced Jade Empire 2 to Obsidian despite the interest from both Bio and the EA CEO to do one?"


JE wasn't successful enough for a sequel. It sold a measily 1.5mil copies. the typical BIO RPG sells 2.5+mil witht he last two (DA and ME2) have each sold 3mil+. No sequel for JE. Sorry.


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JE wasn't successful enough for a sequel. It sold a measily 1.5mil copies. the typical BIO RPG sells 2.5+mil witht he last two (DA and ME2) have each sold 3mil+. No sequel for JE. Sorry.

I doubt they will just abandon it. The reason they haven't worked on it yet is because their plate is full with DA/ME. I'm sure at some point in the future they will return for a sequel.

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Why would BIO waste their time with a project that clearly underperformed compared to their general standards? Why make a game like JE when you can make a game like DA. 1.5mil simply doesn't cut it for a company BIO's size.


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Why make a game like JE when you can make a game like DA.

the only problem is, JE is a game like DA :lol: you're claiming oriental settings sell worse than fantasy. I beg to differ

Walsingham said:

I was struggling to understand ths until I noticed you are from Finland. And having been educated solely by mkreku in this respect I am convinced that Finland essentially IS the wh40k universe.

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Volo, sometimes you sound like a BioWare executive :lol: anyway, since JE is pretty much a re-skinned KOTOR (which, in it's turn, is a re-skinned NWN, well, you get the idea), and pretty much every game BioWare makes is the same thing with a different set of textures, saying that JE2 will never sell better than DA3 (that's what you did just then) is like saying, that an oriental setting will never work in a RPG. only fantasy (with sci-fi being somewhere between the two)

Edited by sorophx
Walsingham said:

I was struggling to understand ths until I noticed you are from Finland. And having been educated solely by mkreku in this respect I am convinced that Finland essentially IS the wh40k universe.

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Volo, sometimes you sound like a BioWare executive :lol: anyway, since JE is pretty much a re-skinned KOTOR (which, in it's turn, is a re-skinned NWN, well, you get the idea), and pretty much every game BioWare makes is the same thing with a different set of textures, saying that JE2 will never sell better than DA3 (that's what you did just then) is like saying, that an oriental setting will never work in a RPG. only fantasy (with sci-fi being somewhere between the two)

JE is nothing like KOTOR, let alone NWN. Have you played the game?

The ending of the words is ALMSIVI.

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Volo, sometimes you sound like a BioWare executive :lol: anyway, since JE is pretty much a re-skinned KOTOR (which, in it's turn, is a re-skinned NWN, well, you get the idea), and pretty much every game BioWare makes is the same thing with a different set of textures, saying that JE2 will never sell better than DA3 (that's what you did just then) is like saying, that an oriental setting will never work in a RPG. only fantasy (with sci-fi being somewhere between the two)

JE is nothing like KOTOR, let alone NWN. Have you played the game?


I think at this point it's established that sorophx doesn't play the games he talks about.

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actually, I have played the first 2 or so hours of JE. but it seems to me, you and I have different criteria for judging games. in my eyes Bio's games, starting with NWN, are essentially the same, in different settings.


but it's clear now, nobody here shares my vision, so no point in talking about it

Edited by sorophx
Walsingham said:

I was struggling to understand ths until I noticed you are from Finland. And having been educated solely by mkreku in this respect I am convinced that Finland essentially IS the wh40k universe.

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" saying that JE2 will never sell better than DA3 (that's what you did just then) is like saying, that an oriental setting will never work in a RPG. only fantasy (with sci-fi being somewhere between the two) "


No. No, it's not. It's saying that JE's sequel won't sell as much as DA's sequel. It's not a fantasy vs oriental war. Plenty of fantasy games bombed compared to JE. *shrug*


And, JE is nothing like NWN or KOTOR. first off, KOTOR is a joke. Plus, any simialrities that JE has with post NWN BIO games it also shares with BG. LMAO


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