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FO: NV (Tech Support)

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I have a laptop with higher specs running Windows7 and thought I should give it a go. I have F:NV on that machine with no issues so far, but I kind of want to keep my old save without starting all over again.


The only mod made to the system is the DX9 replacement .dll to enhance framerate.


This tells me 2 things;


1. You issue is MACHINE specific not game specific as if it was your laptop would be having the same issue

2. You should remove ALL mods from the box having the issue and get a base line standard to start with and see if that resolves some/all of the CTD.


The more you write the more I am inclined to say this either is a box issue or corrupt install. As you stated yourself your laptop isn't having these issues.

World of Darkness News




"I cannot profess to be a theologian; but it seems to me that Christians who believe in a super human Satan have got themselves into a logical impasse with regard to their own religion. For either God can not prevent the mischief of Satan, in which case he is not omnipotent; or else He could do so if he wished, but will not, in which case He is not benevolent. Fortunately, being a pagan witch, I am not called upon to solve this problem."

- Doreen Valiente

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Have you tried taking your save from your desktop to your laptop and tried running them in that installation?


If a game loaded from that save crashes on your laptop, you know it's a corrupt save file. If not, maybe you can save it on your laptop and move it back to your desktop to solve your issue (perhaps).

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Installed ATI 10.10 drivers and haven't had any problems since then. I didn't say that. I resisted upgrading drivers because I had a hell of a time to get them installed when I got this video card for my Windows 7 PC.

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Recent Nvidia drivers have that too, and then you don't even need to use Steam. -_-




I agree that that is such a stupid idiotic pathetic garbage hateful retarded scumbag evil satanic nazi like term ever created. At least top 5.


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:) Ah yes nice recent patch.


Did the House Always Wins II. Get ready to leave the bunker and the Caesar guard stops me and tells me to hand over my weapons. I agree to it and then go and click the door and he asks me the same question again about handing over all of my weapons. This keeps going on like its stuck in a loop. So I said the hell with it and shot him and his pals and I was able to finally exit the bunker. Except now after killing the guard and his friends the entire Caesar community is hostile towards me. I see this House Always Wins II quest was not part of the recent patch but I never had a problem with it until the recent patch installed.

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It's already a thread in the Beth forums (no I didn't create that thread :) ) but I'll double up and post my findings here:



For some reason ticking most of the unchecked "Enable Fallout Behavior" options for the AI Packages FollowersBooneFollowPlayerDEFAULT and FollowersBooneFollowPlayerLONG makes him head-track, but doing the same thing for FollowersBooneFollowPlayerWAIT does not. So he'll head-track while in follow mode but not in Wait mode. At the moment, by default there's only two of the Fallout Behavior options checked and the only thing I did was check more of them. I tried to figure out if there was a specific one that triggered his suddenly head-tracking, but failed...so far it only seems to work when most of them (all but 2) are checked.


The other companions (arcade, raul, etc.) do NOT have anything other than the default 2 options checked and they head-track, so...*shakes head* ... just don't know enough about it to guess why doing this works on Boone when the other's don't need it. All I can say is it must be some kind of strange conflict going on with his AI packages.

“Things are as they are. Looking out into the universe at night, we make no comparisons between right and wrong stars, nor between well and badly arranged constellations.” – Alan Watts
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It's already a thread in the Beth forums (no I didn't create that thread :) ) but I'll double up and post my findings here:



For some reason ticking most of the unchecked "Enable Fallout Behavior" options for the AI Packages FollowersBooneFollowPlayerDEFAULT and FollowersBooneFollowPlayerLONG makes him head-track, but doing the same thing for FollowersBooneFollowPlayerWAIT does not. So he'll head-track while in follow mode but not in Wait mode. At the moment, by default there's only two of the Fallout Behavior options checked and the only thing I did was check more of them. I tried to figure out if there was a specific one that triggered his suddenly head-tracking, but failed...so far it only seems to work when most of them (all but 2) are checked.


The other companions (arcade, raul, etc.) do NOT have anything other than the default 2 options checked and they head-track, so...*shakes head* ... just don't know enough about it to guess why doing this works on Boone when the other's don't need it. All I can say is it must be some kind of strange conflict going on with his AI packages.


You played too much with Boone and thus broke him.

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So.. what you're saying is that your enjoyment of the game is dependent on if a heap of polygons you lovingly refer to as Boone is looking at you or not..? I'm sorry, that is ****ing creepy no matter how you phrase it.

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So.. what you're saying is that your enjoyment of the game is dependent on if a heap of polygons you lovingly refer to as Boone is looking at you or not..? I'm sorry, that is ****ing creepy no matter how you phrase it.

All right, if you insist on making what I enjoy an issue for yourself:


Well, yes, some of my enjoyment comes from that. But some of my enjoyment also comes from the colors in the game. So? In terms of this seeming bug, it's not specifically only about Boone, tho it happens to BE Boone that's affected. Some of my enjoyment comes from the fact npc's look around at the gameworld. It happens that Boone is the only one that appears to have this bug, but if it were reversed and all the other companions were statues and Boone wasn't, I'd find that annoying to my sense of immersion in the game as well, because they started out head-tracking and it's what I expect/am used to. I find the difference noticeable and distracting. It's not just about whether he looks at my character, it's about not looking at anything. They should turn to look at passing npc's as well...it gives them a sense of having personality/interaction w/the world, rather than being inanimate robots I'm dragging behind me on a string. It's why they give them "breathing" animations or make their lips move when they "talk", or make them shuffle their feet now and then, too.


Other than that, it's:


1--an interesting technical problem, now that I've noticed it. Can I mod-fix this? I think I've mentioned I can be rather OCD? I've also noticed another quirky behavior issue (holsters/unholster weapon constantly mid-battle) that I'm currently trying to figure out if my "fix" created or if it was there to begin with. Also curious, now, if I can figure out how to put dialogue lines in/back in/take some out.

2--I was trying to help someone else by finding/creating a 'fix' because they didn't back up and can't go back to an older version like I could, if I/they wanted.

3--I find it no weirder than those who refuse to play/mostly stopped playing the game because permanent ash piles have not been "fixed" or because sniper rifles were too powerful or because energy weapons weren't powerful enough. We all have certain things we prefer/enjoy/notice and want, that we'd really like to be (or not be) in the game. Just because one of my (and some other folks) "things" is of a somewhat more intangible nature than a weapon or broken quest issue doesn't make it any more or less sophomoric.


If you find what I'm interested in to be creeping you out, I'm sorry it seems to be bothering you so much, but y'know, I also don't care. I'm an honest person and I'm going to talk about what I enjoy/find interesting rather than hide it. You don't have to read it.

Edited by LadyCrimson
“Things are as they are. Looking out into the universe at night, we make no comparisons between right and wrong stars, nor between well and badly arranged constellations.” – Alan Watts
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If you find what I'm interested in to be creeping you out, I'm sorry it seems to be bothering you so much, but y'know, I also don't care. I'm an honest person and I'm going to talk about what I enjoy/find interesting rather than hide it. You don't have to read it.


Please don't use that flawed argument again. It gives me an headache. Kthxbai.

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Not my problem, take an aspirin, kthxbai.


The headache maybe but the use of extremely flawed logic is a problem of yours in my book.


I find it no weirder than those who refuse to play/mostly stopped playing the game because permanent ash piles have not been "fixed" or because sniper rifles were too powerful or because energy weapons weren't powerful enough.


I don't know, personally I wouldn't mix balance issues that heavily favor some character builds over others (which is a very valid complaint in an RPG that is designed on the idea that everyone should be able to solve every situation with their very personal character) with aesthetic reasons. If it's a bug it should be fixed, but obviously developers have priority, and most people will agree that it's a little weirder to stop playing until the "ashes piles don't disappear" bug is fixed than it is if you stop playing until the promised patch containing tweaks to balance comes out.

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Where did I ever say I was making "logical arguments"? It's a personal enjoyment thing, which imo is not about logic.


And of course I agree no head-tracking is not a priority issue. Which is why I'm trying to figure out how to fix it myself. Now if there's another patch and they had the time/discovered it was simply a matter of tweaking a 1 vs. a 0 and felt like fixing it, great. But if not, well, that's why I'm digging around in the Geck. Which has been interesting of itself for many other non-bug reasons.

“Things are as they are. Looking out into the universe at night, we make no comparisons between right and wrong stars, nor between well and badly arranged constellations.” – Alan Watts
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I'm not arguing that LadyCrimson is creepy or anything. Personally I couldn't care less about the preferences of other people regarding the game (though I get a chuckle once in a while browsing the Nexus) but I'm bothered by the fact that balance issues and flimsy issues of aesthetics are put as being exactly the same. They are not.


Where did I ever say I was making "logical arguments"? It's a personal enjoyment thing, which imo is not about logic.


That's.. kind of what I expect from most people but eh, point taken.

Edited by WorstUsernameEver
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but I'm bothered by the fact that balance issues and flimsy issues of aesthetics are put as being exactly the same. They are not

I didn't say they were exactly the same. I said I didn't find it any weirder.



Maybe Crimson needs to take a break from the game, I'm not really in a position to know,

Heh. I haven't actually truly played the game in close to a week, unless you count recording video for the Thriller thingie and semi-frequent quick-testing some patch/bug/GECK differences playing. :o

Edited by LadyCrimson
“Things are as they are. Looking out into the universe at night, we make no comparisons between right and wrong stars, nor between well and badly arranged constellations.” – Alan Watts
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I'm not arguing that LadyCrimson is creepy or anything. Personally I couldn't care less about the preferences of other people regarding the game (though I get a chuckle once in a while browsing the Nexus) but I'm bothered by the fact that balance issues and flimsy issues of aesthetics are put as being exactly the same. They are not.


Unless Boone not looking around is a sign that the computer Boone isn't capable of recognizing things around him in a way that effects how quickly he notices/targets opponents, in which case its not an aesthetic issue. Don't know if its the case cause...console and no internet connection = no patch.


But also just because something is an aesthetic issue doesn't mean it couldn't impact a users experience in the game (for example how I'd get frustrated in Oblivion and quit because I couldn't create a face that looked remotely like something you'd see in real life (exploded face syndrome)). Totally a cosmetic issue - I could have ran around in first person with a clown face and it wouldn't have effected the game, but it really did bug me.

I cannot - yet I must. How do you calculate that? At what point on the graph do "must" and "cannot" meet? Yet I must - but I cannot! ~ Ro-Man

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But also just because something is an aesthetic issue doesn't mean it couldn't impact a users experience in the game (for example how I'd get frustrated in Oblivion and quit because I couldn't create a face that looked remotely like something you'd see in real life (exploded face syndrome)). Totally a cosmetic issue - I could have ran around in first person with a clown face and it wouldn't have effected the game, but it really did bug me.


Of course aesthetic issues are still issues but they're far from being as important as balance issues.

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Of course aesthetic issues are still issues but they're far from being as important as balance issues.

In terms of development teams spending energy on working to fix them, sure, I would largely agree. In terms of what people might individually think of as being important, I'm not sure I'd agree quite as strongly. Especially in a single-player game. But...eh...the personal = subjective so nvm.


Btw, Worst, my discussion calling card, if you will, tends to be in trying to be fair/equitable...I'm the first to admit that true logical process is not exactly my...ahem...strong suit, and hence why you rarely see me participate in any debate threads, unless I've been up all night and my judgment about leaping in becomes wildly impaired. :*

“Things are as they are. Looking out into the universe at night, we make no comparisons between right and wrong stars, nor between well and badly arranged constellations.” – Alan Watts
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If you find what I'm interested in to be creeping you out, I'm sorry it seems to be bothering you so much, but y'know, I also don't care. I'm an honest person and I'm going to talk about what I enjoy/find interesting rather than hide it. You don't have to read it.


Please don't use that flawed argument again. It gives me an headache. Kthxbai.



The flawed logic about her posting what she is enjoying about a game?


I don't follow.

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