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Posted (edited)

I'm sold :p

Edited by Orogun01
I'd say the answer to that question is kind of like the answer to "who's the sucker in this poker game?"*


*If you can't tell, it's you. ;)



Been following this on the IronTower forums. They usually post design updates every now and then, definitely worth reading. And obviously, I'm looking forward to this. :mellow:

"We do not quit playing because we grow old, we grow old because we quit playing." - Oliver Wendell Holmes


As I said elsewhere,


I'm surprised by how good the game looks. It's a bit too clean in that low-budget 3D kind of way, but there are interesting things going on with a large number of placeables and some lighting, and if they can get some grit in there it's going to look really really good, certainly good enough to carry thea tmosphere.


I'm really excited because I think they're on the right track to creating very interesting and difficult moral/pragmatic decisions for players, a game where you don't ride the troubles and save the day but a game where you have to do the ugly and the terrible, but you'll choose what ugly and terrible. Also, its Mitsoda.


It's also the kind of 'post-Fallout' setting that I'm very interested in seeing, that we haven't seen much of outside FPS's and the FO franchise itself. I love the posters, even though right now they look way too out of place.


Turn-based? In this day and age?


Someone's gonna be in trouble when THE INDUSTRY finds out about this.


*quietly marks this one down on his Games-To-Watch list*


Game looks like it has potential though the graphics are subpar at best but graphics should be irrelevant considering the budget they're on. Also, way too bright as everything seems to be in pristine conditions. Turn based copmabt,m and the characetr system is good thing. Still, unless the game is put on a disc no sell. If it's on a disc, 90% chance I'd check it out.



They explained that everything looks clean because the zombie apocalypse has just begun.

"Moral indignation is a standard strategy for endowing the idiot with dignity." Marshall McLuhan

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