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Deus Ex 3


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Weird, I'm not contributing to the hype at all, none of us posting here are.


Of course we are. Screenshots and videos work just as well posted on a forum as the do on a news site. The more people talk about it, the more people know about it and the more potential customers you have. Even negative comments can interest people, get them to take notice and decide they want to see for themselves, make up their own minds about whether it's as bad as everyone claims. What's important is that people are taking notice.


Some of "day one purchase!" cries may lead to people believing it's good because some dude online on a forum said so, though. It really is a trap though, not that cynical, just looking at it reasonably.


Thinking of an ad as something that's trying to trick you into thinking a product is good and then luring you into the trap of buying it is very cynical. The fact you think there is even a need to lead people into "believing it's good" suggests you've already pre-judged it as bad which isn't a reasonable approach. deganawida was the first to talk about the trailer. He posted a link, gave some information and his posts suggest he liked what he saw. Or did he? No, he didn't really like what he saw, he has just been fooled by the nefarious minds at Square Enix as a way of trapping him into buying their products! Thankfully a reasonable chap like myself can see that when people have a positive response to something I don't have a positive response to it's because they've been tricked.


Ads lets you know a product exists, or remind you of a product you may have forgotten about, and naturally they want to make that product look at appealing as possible. What they can't do is fool you into thinking into like something when you don't.


Nice touch adding the "whiney" though, heh. Gotta remember to check avatars for hints


You're so vain, you think everything I post is about you, don't you.


Maybe I'm not paying enough attention, but I haven't seen you post anything particularly whiny, so I don't know why you'd think that was directed at you. It wasn't directed at any one person or even this forum in particular. I do however think that people tend to be more whiny in their negativity than cynical though.

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I never said you called me whiny. Just see it as silly to label any negativity as whiny, dismissing people are just being "haters" or whatever the hell the current meme is today Someone has to have been taken, be a really good consumer or just wanted the game already to react to a CGI trailer that way. I've already seen several posts on another forum where one claims that the trailer indicates that the end product will be good as it shows it's a labour of love. Host of other reactions to the trailer which border on the ludicrous are on the official forums as well. By all means, believe that I'm already negative about this game and that the only way people could like it is if they're tricked, though.


All in all, what's wrong with being cynical where corporations and PR are concerned ? :(

Why has elegance found so little following? Elegance has the disadvantage that hard work is needed to achieve it and a good education to appreciate it. - Edsger Wybe Dijkstra

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::Pew! Pew! Pew!::

(I want at least one gun in one videogame to sound like this)

Any advertisement is naturally biased towards whatever product it is marketing(I would not say that the purpose of an ad is to trick you but to show you whatever aspects of a product are bound to entice someone to purchase it. If these aspects are so irrelevant or unrelated to whatever you are actually buying then it could be a trick. )

I do not like watching trailers/interviews ect, on something like Deus Ex which I know I am going to try out and play when it comes out no matter what anyone says.

It's not Christmas anymore but I've fallen in love with these two songs:


http://www.youtube.com/ watch?v=HXjk3P5LjxY

http://www.youtube.com/ watch?v=NJJ18aB2Ggk

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Crazy people.

Why has elegance found so little following? Elegance has the disadvantage that hard work is needed to achieve it and a good education to appreciate it. - Edsger Wybe Dijkstra

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That's right folks, advertisements are completely pointless. Reality may disagree, but cynical internet men know the Truth!



Never said they don't work as adverts. Or maybe they don't. Wan't my issue.



Just questioning the point of gamers using them as any way to judge a game.


On a side note, I'm quite sure that many gamers don't even realize that what they see in a trailer has nothing to do with the game. Could bring up the deceptive nature of non-in game trailers in that sense.


Publishers aren't dumb; they know what they are doing.

Notice how I can belittle your beliefs without calling you names. It's a useful skill to have particularly where you aren't allowed to call people names. It's a mistake to get too drawn in/worked up. I mean it's not life or death, it's just two guys posting their thoughts on a message board. If it were personal or face to face all the usual restraints would be in place, and we would never have reached this place in the first place. Try to remember that.
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Just questioning the point of gamers using them as any way to judge a game.


I get an immediate introduction to the setting and can start wondering what the ideas for the game may be, and begin to determine if what I have seen so far interests me on that point.


People like trailers and teasers.



I'm quite sure that many gamers don't even realize that what they see in a trailer has nothing to do with the game. Could bring up the deceptive nature of non-in game trailers in that sense.


I'm not sure why. Many gamers saw the difference between the FMV of Final Fantasy VII and the actual in game shots on prerenderred backgrounds. Heck, if you played the PSX, you probably can make that distinction.

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Sooo, my strong feelings about this game has somewhat abated (due to nothing other than time passing). I'll see what type of reviews it gets and then decide if I buy it or not. I think the fact that they're paying attention to the fashion style of NPCs in the game is quite surprising, and may indicate an attention to detail I thought the game would be devoid of.

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PC doesn't want to be a "monster".

XP system implies he gets used to it.


So this will either be paralleled by great storytelling or a mess.


Well, I can see how he might get more clever with/more used to using his augs (I would forget that I can rotate my fist 360 degrees every 10 minutes), buuut... I dunno..it might work.

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PC doesn't want to be a "monster".

XP system implies he gets used to it.


So this will either be paralleled by great storytelling or a mess.


Well, I can see how he might get more clever with/more used to using his augs (I would forget that I can rotate my fist 360 degrees every 10 minutes), buuut... I dunno..it might work.

I'm sure he'll whine about it all the way to the end.


Even in the trailer the "I never wanted any of this" line is repeated like three times.

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The trailer was made by the Japanese.


"They can't write." I'm guessing.

Question is, who wrote the thing.


I'm pretty sure that it was Eidos Montreal or what the hell is their name that did the writing.

And it's a trailer, seriously, with something like, 3 lines of dialogue that were trying to hammer a point.

It's not like this will be indicative of the quality of the game writing and even if it is.. it's about on par with Deus Ex. :ermm:

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Yep, Dragon Age's trailers were pretty crap.

Why has elegance found so little following? Elegance has the disadvantage that hard work is needed to achieve it and a good education to appreciate it. - Edsger Wybe Dijkstra

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