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Fallout: New Vegas


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JE doesn't say very much anymore. Whether because of his Alien crpg experience or because Bethesda has everyone on the short leash or whatever, who knows.



But these days were lucky to get a "boo!" from him. Or anyone else.

I haven't checked lately, but a while ago it seemed the developers were spending all their board updates on the Bethesda board, answering questions like "what is your favourite pokemon".


Much more interesting than actually having to answer real questions, apparently.

Swedes, go to: Spel2, for the latest game reviews in swedish!

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If you mean trouser snakes, then yes. ;)

Personally I refer to it as getting my side pipe adjusted, but I've heard others speak of it your way. :thumbsup:

But for all of us, there will come a point where it does matter, and it's gonna be like having a miniature suit-head shoving sticks up your butt all the time. - Tigranes

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Much more interesting than actually having to answer real questions, apparently.

They're easy to answer and don't divulge any information that we are trying to keep under wraps.


You guys should start a similar thread on your own boards as well.


Edit: or well, don't think anything is stopping us fans either :p

Edited by Flouride

Hate the living, love the dead.

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I'LL START! :lol:


J.E., what's your favorite GO-BOT!




Also, who do you think is a better match for Tenchi?


Ryoko or or Ayeka?



Edited by Killian Kalthorne

"Your Job is not to die for your country, but set a man on fire, and take great comfort in the general hostility and unfairness of the universe."

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Josh, can you at least comment on the living Wasteland part how the villages and gangs evolve while you ain't watching. Is it scripted like in case you don't take out some gang they will get more powerful or is it quite random how they evolve? :p

Hate the living, love the dead.

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I miss the old Kotor2 days when the devs were more communicative. Even MCA posted back then.


Well, times have changed. Games is all business and seriousness these days now...

And I missed all that. Feel my pain.
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- Death animations vary depending which weapon you are using.


I hope it means something more unique than just: "I have lost my head/arm/leg."

U mean like this ? ->




I want to kick Super Mutants in the jimmy and I want them to feel it!

How awesome would it be to put that shots like this!? ->

or this ->

JE doesn't say very much anymore. Whether because of his Alien crpg experience or because Bethesda has everyone on the short leash or whatever, who knows.



But these days were lucky to get a "boo!" from him. Or anyone else.

I haven't checked lately, but a while ago it seemed the developers were spending all their board updates on the Bethesda board, answering questions like "what is your favourite pokemon".


Much more interesting than actually having to answer real questions, apparently.

That wouldn't bother me if they add some sick place that PC can interract with them, alas an option for other PC's to stomp on them to squeeze their jelly out with a bare foot! how sick would that be?

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Flou kindly posted this at NMA. For those who are lazy, the below is the translation result of the Finnish text with an online translator.

The intention is that the world will live, even when a player does not see. In addition to main factions in the country is desert villages and gangs which the relative strengths of different background story progresses. Negligible impressive gang of robbers might find an abandoned armory and become wasteland despot.

I suspect the last sentence about negligible gangs may be just about the combat balance issue, conveniently fitted in the plot-development, though.


There was an interesting post by Atreides while back. When I came across it, I doubted this was really possible but, three factions with their international conflicts might be not that impossible. At least, I strongly agree that this kind of sandbox game-play with dynamic NPC reactions are very true to FO series (Even Van Buren had the rival party roughly based on game theory...) and, if it were realizable in a decent and convincing manner, I'd like to play such a game. Of course, too much expectations are destined to end up with huge disappointments and, to be honest, I have a bad feeling that Obsidian and the players would end up with facing annoyances such as numerous bug-fixing/bugs, rushed/cut content, and/or tedious game-play experiences. However, if you ask me, I'd rather be interested in this kind of attempt rather than "polished" products based on risk management textbooks. I guess I never learn... :banghead:

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"The intent is that the world lives even when the player is not around to witness it. In addition to the main factions, there are villages and gangs in the desert that will grow and diminish in power as the story progresses. A bandit group that seems insignificant might find an abandoned armory and become the rulers of the wasteland."


That's probably at least a bit closer to what's written.


And the part about different death animations for different weapons doesn't say much either. Just that an enemy (specifically a Gecko in the article) won't explode into chunks of gore from a BB gun shot and that a hit from the grenade machine gun won't make the target fall over holding a bruised shoulder.

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Well, even though I think it unlikely, if NV has a really dynamic world that changes a lot when you are not around, then it becomes a must buy for me. Adding that kind of dynamism to an already interesting, though static, FO3 world would be fabulous.

Notice how I can belittle your beliefs without calling you names. It's a useful skill to have particularly where you aren't allowed to call people names. It's a mistake to get too drawn in/worked up. I mean it's not life or death, it's just two guys posting their thoughts on a message board. If it were personal or face to face all the usual restraints would be in place, and we would never have reached this place in the first place. Try to remember that.
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That was one of the aspects of fo2 that I really liked (the community interplay), and really missed in fo3.

But for all of us, there will come a point where it does matter, and it's gonna be like having a miniature suit-head shoving sticks up your butt all the time. - Tigranes

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That was one of the aspects of fo2 that I really liked (the community interplay), and really missed in fo3.

There was community interplay in FO2? Other than Vault City-Gecko (which is probably better described as one divided community), and a few interdependencies in the 'conclusions' slideshow, I can't seem to recall any.

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vault city had ties to gecko and new reno and ncr

Killing is kind of like playin' a basketball game. I am there. and the other player is there. and it's just the two of us. and I put the other player's body in my van. and I am the winner. - Nice Pete.

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"The intent is that the world lives even when the player is not around to witness it. In addition to the main factions, there are villages and gangs in the desert that will grow and diminish in power as the story progresses. A bandit group that seems insignificant might find an abandoned armory and become the rulers of the wasteland."


I like the sound of this, it kind of harks back to the Van Buren idea of other adventurers out in the world doing their own thing, my fingers are crossed that it turns out to be accurate.

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its all about making the world feel like its really lived in. fo3 utterly failed at this.



whats the word, verisimilitude?


fo: nv needs that!


its something ive been talking about for a while actually, things like explanation of food and water sources were in fo1 and 2 but totally absent from 3. where were the farms? where did the food come from? scavenged cans of 200 year old porknbeans? feeding hundreds of people? yeah f'n right.


remember the size of the farm in fo2 needed to feed modoc? that kinda **** is important for world building


EDIT: sawyer i see you there! answer one question please: will there be at least some attempt at explaining food sources in your game?

Edited by entrerix

Killing is kind of like playin' a basketball game. I am there. and the other player is there. and it's just the two of us. and I put the other player's body in my van. and I am the winner. - Nice Pete.

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Who gives a **** if you know where the virtual food comes from in your virtual game world? Does that in any way affect your enjoyment of the game?

Swedes, go to: Spel2, for the latest game reviews in swedish!

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its all about making the world feel like its really lived in. fo3 utterly failed at this.



whats the word, verisimilitude?


fo: nv needs that!


its something ive been talking about for a while actually, things like explanation of food and water sources were in fo1 and 2 but totally absent from 3. where were the farms? where did the food come from? scavenged cans of 200 year old porknbeans? feeding hundreds of people? yeah f'n right.


remember the size of the farm in fo2 needed to feed modoc? that kinda **** is important for world building


EDIT: sawyer i see you there! answer one question please: will there be at least some attempt at explaining food sources in your game?

I agree to an extent. All the little details in GTA IV really make the city feel alive, but I never really worried about that stuff in the Fallout series though. We're talking about giant scorpions and jolly green giant super mutants.

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