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New SW game ideas?

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Agreed, but there should be room for that; a lot of older Star Wars games were just that. That it's only that is what annoys me, I think; why so few SW games at any one time? The complaints, curiously enough, seem to have sprung up after the KotORs and the Dark Forceses... es stopped being made. Although Jedi Academy's plot was certainly a cause for alarm... >.>

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Phh, JA was the cherry on top of the series. It had everything the other games had except more, and you didnt have to play that weird Kyle Katarn fellow.

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"I suppose outright stupidity and complete lack of taste could also be considered points of view. "

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Phh, JA was the cherry on top of the series. It had everything the other games had except more, and you didnt have to play that weird Kyle Katarn fellow.


I have a bad feeling about this.


JA pretty much perfected the lightsaber combat with the dual sabers and saber staff. If they built upon that and made an AAA game today, it would be awesome. The JKII/JA style of saber combat would work pretty well with a controller too, it's sad that they went with crappy quicktime events for TFU.

Edited by Purkake
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The problem with lightsaber combat in JA was that it was largely random, you just went in flailing like a madman and youd usually hit something. You had the force powers and one or two special attacks that you had some precision control over but the regular lightsabering was just a question of who would accidentally walk into whos lightsaber.



TFU never had a chance, the designers seemed like complete morons in the interviews so it wasnt a great surpise that the game was subpar. They even bragged about comming up with ideas that were so ridicilous that they proved too much even for George Lucas.

DISCLAIMER: Do not take what I write seriously unless it is clearly and in no uncertain terms, declared by me to be meant in a serious and non-humoristic manner. If there is no clear indication, asume the post is written in jest. This notification is meant very seriously and its purpouse is to avoid misunderstandings and the consequences thereof. Furthermore; I can not be held accountable for anything I write on these forums since the idea of taking serious responsability for my unserious actions, is an oxymoron in itself.


Important: as the following sentence contains many naughty words I warn you not to read it under any circumstances; botty, knickers, wee, erogenous zone, psychiatrist, clitoris, stockings, bosom, poetry reading, dentist, fellatio and the department of agriculture.


"I suppose outright stupidity and complete lack of taste could also be considered points of view. "

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The problem with lightsaber combat in JA was that it was largely random, you just went in flailing like a madman and youd usually hit something. You had the force powers and one or two special attacks that you had some precision control over but the regular lightsabering was just a question of who would accidentally walk into whos lightsaber.


After a while the hits weren't that random. Just pressing the attack button did one move, pressing a direction key while attacking did a different one etc. The combat was still pretty random, though. I guess it could have used a block or parry key.


It was still a ton of fun, just force pushing the reborn masters down cliffs, getting that awesome hit only to switch to the slo-mo cam and the acrobatics were pretty sweet as well. I really liked the unscripted battles where you could finish off Desann in one lucky hit and not some unearthly 10-step quicktime event.

Edited by Purkake
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Phh, JA was the cherry on top of the series. It had everything the other games had except more, and you didnt have to play that weird Kyle Katarn fellow.


I have a bad feeling about this.


JA pretty much perfected the lightsaber combat with the dual sabers and saber staff. If they built upon that and made an AAA game today, it would be awesome. The JKII/JA style of saber combat would work pretty well with a controller too, it's sad that they went with crappy quicktime events for TFU.

Myth. JO/JA fencing was CRAP. Fun for a while perhaps, but crap. It boiled down to circling your opponent from a safe distance, bunny hopping and rolling while waving your saber stupidly, hoping he'd miscalculate and step inside your striking distance and get killed. Oh, yeah. Don't forget kick spam. Full Force servers were even worse, with combat being decided by who could better execute the dreaded pull-throw-kick combo. It was the very first online dancing game. And that's with the single saber styles. Dual/lighstaff style was even more limited in moves and options and more unbalanced.


The best/most fun SW lightsaber combat game I've played was the EP 3 game. The game itself was rather unremarkable, but the VS mode and its Tekken-like approach to duels was much, much better than JK's - with the addition of Force powers being balanced well enough to work without completely disrupting regular swordplay.


I haven't played TFU, so I can't compare.

- When he is best, he is a little worse than a man, and when he is worst, he is little better than a beast.

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To D_N: What about Age of Empires? Not following you. Speaking of which, I own the first 2 of em and Rise of Rome and The Conquerors Expansions.


The joke is that Star Wars: Galactic Battlegrounds was just Age of Empires reskinned to look like Star Wars:




I actually found the game kinda fun really. Perhaps it is because of the fact that i enjoyed Age of Empires 2 so much as well heh heh.

Though it did seem a bit odd collecting resources with Star Wars characters.


You know, I am sad. I had one computer that could play GB, but it now refuses to read any disks. I am very sad. I loved that game......

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Phh, JA was the cherry on top of the series. It had everything the other games had except more, and you didnt have to play that weird Kyle Katarn fellow.


I have a bad feeling about this.


JA pretty much perfected the lightsaber combat with the dual sabers and saber staff. If they built upon that and made an AAA game today, it would be awesome. The JKII/JA style of saber combat would work pretty well with a controller too, it's sad that they went with crappy quicktime events for TFU.

Myth. JO/JA fencing was CRAP. Fun for a while perhaps, but crap. It boiled down to circling your opponent from a safe distance, bunny hopping and rolling while waving your saber stupidly, hoping he'd miscalculate and step inside your striking distance and get killed. Oh, yeah. Don't forget kick spam. Full Force servers were even worse, with combat being decided by who could better execute the dreaded pull-throw-kick combo. It was the very first online dancing game. And that's with the single saber styles. Dual/lighstaff style was even more limited in moves and options and more unbalanced.


The best/most fun SW lightsaber combat game I've played was the EP 3 game. The game itself was rather unremarkable, but the VS mode and its Tekken-like approach to duels was much, much better than JK's - with the addition of Force powers being balanced well enough to work without completely disrupting regular swordplay.


I haven't played TFU, so I can't compare.


TFU is........meiocre. Hate the story, but Wii combat is fun. Jedi Academy is pure gold on a sandwhich of candy.

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Time to act completely undignified :(


Wheee! :aiee:

“He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice.” - Albert Einstein

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He probably just meant that there will be a Steam release. Nothing to get excited about, kidz.


Hey if LA releases an enhanced X Wing, or TIE Fighter remake on Steam that i can play on vista i would snap that up in a second.

Sure i would love a brand new X Wing game (preferably one where you are with the Empire like TIE Fighter) but being able to play the classics with a face lift and updated controls I would be very happy regardless.

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I'd only buy a new X-Wing game if it is made by Totally Games. Any attempt from LA itself to develop it will result in fail (see Republic Commando and TFU).


Well besides being really short i found nothing wrong with Republic Commando. What didn't you like about it?

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I'd only buy a new X-Wing game if it is made by Totally Games. Any attempt from LA itself to develop it will result in fail (see Republic Commando and TFU).


Well besides being really short i found nothing wrong with Republic Commando. What didn't you like about it?

The thing is, Lucas & Co. always brag around that Star Wars is all about story and mythology and strong characters. Well Republic Commando (and the "new" Star Wars anyway) refute this allegation. You just play a soulless grunt within the always same setting (space ship, desert planet, jungle planet. Funny, they always use the same), put atop the boring und underwhelming consoly-gameplay, and you have the definition of a poor, mediocre Star Wars game. This is the new LA!

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Well, RC is still fun. And TFU combat is okay. Republic Commando is 10 on my fav games list:



1:Warcraft 3: The Frozen Throne

2:Fable: The Lost Chapters

3:Defender: Saving The Human Race

4:Dirge of Cerberus: Final Fantasy VII

5:The Sims 2

6:The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind

7:Metroid Prime 3: Corruption

8:Metroid Prime 2: Echoes

9:Metroid Prime

10:Star Wars Republic Commando

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Well, RC is still fun. And TFU combat is okay. Republic Commando is 10 on my fav games list:



1:Warcraft 3: The Frozen Throne

2:Fable: The Lost Chapters

3:Defender: Saving The Human Race

4:Dirge of Cerberus: Final Fantasy VII

5:The Sims 2

6:The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind

7:Metroid Prime 3: Corruption

8:Metroid Prime 2: Echoes

9:Metroid Prime

10:Star Wars Republic Commando




If it's on your top 10 list, it MUST be good.

Edited by Purkake
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I'd only buy a new X-Wing game if it is made by Totally Games. Any attempt from LA itself to develop it will result in fail (see Republic Commando and TFU).


Well besides being really short i found nothing wrong with Republic Commando. What didn't you like about it?

The thing is, Lucas & Co. always brag around that Star Wars is all about story and mythology and strong characters. Well Republic Commando (and the "new" Star Wars anyway) refute this allegation. You just play a soulless grunt within the always same setting (space ship, desert planet, jungle planet. Funny, they always use the same), put atop the boring und underwhelming consoly-gameplay, and you have the definition of a poor, mediocre Star Wars game. This is the new LA!


Well, i found that the characters weren't souless or boring, sure they cannot be as fleshed out as an RPG character but considering it was an FPS they didn't do a bad job. I mean look at the X Wing series, there is the perfect definition of souless grunts with no depth yet they are considered to be in the better LA days. Might as well slam those games.

Also for a console FPS the controls and gameplay was quite good.

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Well, RC is still fun. And TFU combat is okay. Republic Commando is 10 on my fav games list:



1:Warcraft 3: The Frozen Throne

2:Fable: The Lost Chapters

3:Defender: Saving The Human Race

4:Dirge of Cerberus: Final Fantasy VII

5:The Sims 2

6:The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind

7:Metroid Prime 3: Corruption

8:Metroid Prime 2: Echoes

9:Metroid Prime

10:Star Wars Republic Commando




If it's on your top 10 list, it MUST be good.


What do you mean? Is that sarcasm?

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It isn't in my top 10, but I really enjoyed Republic Commando. I don't really get the soulless grunt comment, I thought given that they are clones, they had a decent amount of personality. I read one of the Republic Commando books and I thought it matched up to the game pretty well. I'd blame George Lucas more than the developer, it's not like the clones are all that well developed in the movies either.


I thought it was one of the better squad based shooters I've ever played, and your squad mates are effective, which means they created some decent AI.


I guess it would go on my top 5 list of SW games.


1. KotOR

2. Tie Fighter

3. KotOR II

4. Republic Commando

5. Yoda Stories (or Dark Forces, they are so similar)

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