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F3: Mothership Zeta screens & short article

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I wonder when/if we'll get some KKK like organization, maybe they could be a BoS splinter - burning giant wooden gear symbols outside ghoul settlements. Hmm.

You know, that actually sounds pretty good.




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I enjoyed Fallout 3, but it's a shame that every time I try to read up on one of these threads, they are filled with whiny posts about Bethesda. Seriously, it is time to move on TwinkieGorilla.


[intelligence] So you fight the good fight with your voice on Galaxy News Radio.

[sarcasm] Yes, every game is perfect and has no flaws.


Seriously, FO3 was too dummied down for the console crowd, and there is plenty of room for improvement, as there is in just about every game. The difference in fO3 however, and other games, is that the Fallout franchise has militant followers who spend an awful lot of time venting their rage. There are also a lot of RPG fans who just don't like sandbox games, and honestly offer their opinions. There is an obvious difference between the two, and they are easy to spot and difficult to ignore.

Edited by Kjarista
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Seriously, there is NO WAY anyone can look at Point Outlook and Mothership Zeta with a straight face and think "Wow! This is a wonderful DLC package that surely captures the feel of the Fallout Universe!".


At least with Broken Steel/Pitt/Anchorage they tried. Then it just all went into retardo land.... as they say.

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Mothership Zeta seems awesome. Stupid, but cool nevertheless. Just like some parts of Fallout.

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"I suppose outright stupidity and complete lack of taste could also be considered points of view. "

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the heck is going on here? is Obsidian paying you guys to wear these AP avatars or are you really all that into the fangirl scene? Jaeson....YOU? really? i mean...no offense, O-diddy because yr game may be good (doubt it) but some people. the shame. they have none.


I am *gasp* actually looking forward to Alpha Protocol. :down:


I just am hoping it will live up to my expectations. *shrug*

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While its true that Point Lookout doesn't have the 'nuclear wasteland' feel, it definitely has a wasteland feel. I wouldn't be surprised if Beth got the idea from Fountain of Dreams http://www.mobygames.com/game/fountain-of-dreams, the unofficial sequel to Wasteland. Likewise the cancelled sequel to Fallout Tactics was to involve lots of swamp land.


Either way, as far as the DLC goes I've had the most fun with Point Lookout.

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I like Fallout 3 but I won't be getting this. They overstepped their bounds with this alien nonsense. The crashed alien ship easter egg was questionable, but this is too much. I'll stick with the apocalyptic Earth stuff.

Same here... How is it not just a rip from Prey? (perhaps crossed with Mars Attacks ~If we're lucky)


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Fallout and Fallout 2 had aliens aswell.. and Dr Who.... and a godzilla footprint. And I just saw a screenshot with a crashed Star Trek shuttle. So dont come talking about how MZ breaks with the Fo setting.

Edited by Kaftan Barlast

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Important: as the following sentence contains many naughty words I warn you not to read it under any circumstances; botty, knickers, wee, erogenous zone, psychiatrist, clitoris, stockings, bosom, poetry reading, dentist, fellatio and the department of agriculture.


"I suppose outright stupidity and complete lack of taste could also be considered points of view. "

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It's weird that they made such a point of saying furry deathclaws and such were not canon, and then turn around and put in an alien abduction.

I think they are desperate for ideas... I would imagine that FO fitting ideas are harder than one would think, to dream up.

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Fallout and Fallout 2 had aliens aswell.. and Dr Who.... and a godzilla footprint. And I just saw a screenshot with a crashed Star Trek shuttle. So dont come talking about how MZ breaks with the Fo setting.

Personally, I'm not worried about breaking setting. I just don't want it to establish setting, either. If, as jjc says, they just want to have an empty palette for painting... wait... I guess I mean canvas. Anyhow, as long as they're leaving stuff open to use or not use as the various designers see fit, I'm fine. I just don't want to leave the post apocalyptic setting to move into alien warfare. I've been a fan of Fallout 3, and I might enjoy the alien game, but I don't really want Fallout to become centered on what was essentially a trivial element in the first two games. Now, I won't cry and lament it, but, as a gamer, I'm still going to come here and give my two cents, especially in light of what I'd like to see for Fallout: New Vegas.

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Fallout and Fallout 2 had aliens aswell.. and Dr Who.... and a godzilla footprint. And I just saw a screenshot with a crashed Star Trek shuttle. So dont come talking about how MZ breaks with the Fo setting.

Those were special encounters.

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Fallout had three types of crazy:

  • Crazy in town (normal fruitcakes and junkies)
  • Crazy Science (Ghouls that form from radiation exposure and Mutants that crawl out of the VATS)
  • Crazy out in the wild wasteland (where anything can happen and you can't know if its real or hallucination, or just plain bizarre)

The happenings in the waste are non-canon, and serve only as WTH moments and comic relief. Its not something that happens with any witnesses or with any way to find your way back to it. shrug-1.gif


That you can bring the blaster along with you is just cool :(

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Fallout and Fallout 2 had aliens aswell.. and Dr Who.... and a godzilla footprint. And I just saw a screenshot with a crashed Star Trek shuttle. So dont come talking about how MZ breaks with the Fo setting.


Those are random special encounters, thoroughly non-canon.

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But they were in the friggin game. Bethesda is just make a slight tribute to that ridicilousness with MZ

DISCLAIMER: Do not take what I write seriously unless it is clearly and in no uncertain terms, declared by me to be meant in a serious and non-humoristic manner. If there is no clear indication, asume the post is written in jest. This notification is meant very seriously and its purpouse is to avoid misunderstandings and the consequences thereof. Furthermore; I can not be held accountable for anything I write on these forums since the idea of taking serious responsability for my unserious actions, is an oxymoron in itself.


Important: as the following sentence contains many naughty words I warn you not to read it under any circumstances; botty, knickers, wee, erogenous zone, psychiatrist, clitoris, stockings, bosom, poetry reading, dentist, fellatio and the department of agriculture.


"I suppose outright stupidity and complete lack of taste could also be considered points of view. "

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But they were in the friggin game. Bethesda is just make a slight tribute to that ridicilousness with MZ


By making an *entire* add-on focused solely on what was meant to be a one-time special encounter most people don't see at all during their playthroughs?


I'd call your argument a strawman, but it's so flimsy that a more appropriate term is "voidman".

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Fallout and Fallout 2 had aliens aswell.. and Dr Who.... and a godzilla footprint. And I just saw a screenshot with a crashed Star Trek shuttle. So dont come talking about how MZ breaks with the Fo setting.


those were easter eggs, nublet.


the hidden song on a cd is not taken into account when reviewing the album proper other than possibly as an unimportant side-note. just the same, the easter eggs/special encounters in Fallout 1 & 2 were meant as little jokes or fun bonuses the devs were throwing at you as a reward for choosing a high Luck and the perks which enhance your chances of seeing such special encounters. it is possible to play the game a dozen times and still never see any special encounter involving aliens. the difference between such an event and building a DLC expansion around aliens is so wide and vast only Todd Howard would give the "ok" to it.


*throws match at strawman*

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