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the lyons/outcast thing could have been really interesting had the outcasts actually done anything.


I spend so long trying to find their base and then when I get there "Bring us all your scrap metal and we will give you stimpacks" UGH.


I've got about 20 standing orders already for random scrap metal already, buddy.

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the outcasts and evergreen mills were my two most disappointing groups in the game, both seemed like they would be areas thick with quests and things to do... one was just a dungeon and the other a lousy fetch quest. Paradise Falls had two quests, a fetch quest, and at least one little side quest thing - why no love for Evergreen Mills?


more real quests please!


less dungeons!

Killing is kind of like playin' a basketball game. I am there. and the other player is there. and it's just the two of us. and I put the other player's body in my van. and I am the winner. - Nice Pete.

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the outcasts and evergreen mills were my two most disappointing groups in the game, both seemed like they would be areas thick with quests and things to do... one was just a dungeon and the other a lousy fetch quest. Paradise Falls had two quests, a fetch quest, and at least one little side quest thing - why no love for Evergreen Mills?


more real quests please!


less dungeons!


am thinking that a main goal o' fo3 were simply to create mass. sure, quality were nice, but am thinking that the developers, much as they did with morrowind and oblivion, wanted a Big World. would fo3 world have been nearly so large if you reduced total encounters by 3/4 and genuine developed the remaining 1/4? probably not.


personally, Gromnir is a big fan o' depth over breadth, but that weren't really bethesda's MO. even so, am agreeing with you that it would be enjoyable to sees better developed locations and quest as 'posed to simply getting a large number o' encounters. 'course that necessary means that game will seem smaller to many folks.


HA! Good Fun!

"If there be time to expose through discussion the falsehood and fallacies, to avert the evil by the processes of education, the remedy to be applied is more speech, not enforced silence."Justice Louis Brandeis, Concurring, Whitney v. California, 274 U.S. 357 (1927)

"Im indifferent to almost any murder as long as it doesn't affect me or mine."--Gfted1 (September 30, 2019)

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Paradise Falls was a blast for me. I didn't feel like losing karma with the slavery quest so I had to sneak my way in. Using the stealth boys I had stacked up I went in and pick pocketed everyones weapons from them. Then when I finally revealed myself I had about 17 guys running after me trying to punch me to death so I just tossed grenades into the mob.


It was the only time through the whole thing that I felt like I was playing a fallout game.

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It looks like the discussion is getting a bit off topic - this thread is for setting and canon, while another one is for the story and plot.


look at start o' thread. we began off-topic.


HA! Good Fun!

"If there be time to expose through discussion the falsehood and fallacies, to avert the evil by the processes of education, the remedy to be applied is more speech, not enforced silence."Justice Louis Brandeis, Concurring, Whitney v. California, 274 U.S. 357 (1927)

"Im indifferent to almost any murder as long as it doesn't affect me or mine."--Gfted1 (September 30, 2019)

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Thread Pruned: @ Gromnir & TwinkieGorilla -> Rather than get into the 'he said, she said' paradigm, consider this a Big Green in-thread reminder to not bait one another. If your mutual energy leads to unconstructive posting, than mutuality shall also be the response you both get to experience. Play nice and then I do not have to do anything ... which is something I much prefer! If you have concerns a/o challenges, do feel free to use the PM system, rather than clog the thread ...

The universe is change;
your life is what our thoughts make it
- Marcus Aurelius (161)


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I found it weird that most major corporations from previous Fallout games were at least mentioned in Fallout 3, but Poseidon Oil/Poseidon Energy wasn't, especially given their connection to the Enclave, which was the main adversary. Not even a Poseidon logo on the power stations.


I hope they'll at least get a mention in FO:NV.

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Here's hoping that NV does well enough to let OBS have a go at Van Buren again. I know its not likely but looking at the stuff from the design docs on the Vault, I really would like to see the game Josh, MCA, and the rest of the crew were crafting. The Reservation sounded super awesome.

The area between the balls and the butt is a hotbed of terrorist activity.


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  • 2 weeks later...
Here's hoping that NV does well enough to let OBS have a go at Van Buren again. I know its not likely but looking at the stuff from the design docs on the Vault, I really would like to see the game Josh, MCA, and the rest of the crew were crafting. The Reservation sounded super awesome.

It would be nice if they could bring in some stuff from Van Buren. It would be a waste not seeing some of those ideas come into play.

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  • 10 months later...

I didn't know where to ask this one, but are you going to be bringing back the mature themes from the earlier games?


Fallout 1 and 2 contained a number of mature sexual themes. You could save a prostitute's life in F1, and in F2 you could get married, become a porn star, and hire prostitutes. I liked the way this was handled in the past (cutting away to a black screen to insinuate something occured) so I'm not really expecting porn here.

What worries me is that I was surprised by a lack of anything along these lines in Fallout 3. Sex in any form was just missing from the savage struggle for human survival. There weren't even any hints at romantic subplots. The closest we got to that was Bittercup in Bigtown, who'd hint that she liked your chacter and that's it. It seems like they decided to just dump any sexual/romantic content & themes and pretended it didn't exist. There's a lone prostitute in Megaton who will go lie in a bed for money, that's it. Even Fable was a bit more risque then that!


It's not an odd request though. Sex has always been a part of the post-apoc genre. Saving gals, finding love, finding sex (a boy and his dog?), and etc... But it helps lend some more humanity to the game and it's something I always came to expect from Fallout.


So, is there any chance that Obsidian's going to bring back those mature themes, or will we be stuck with the same, bland, violence focus that we saw in Fallout 3?

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Here's hoping that NV does well enough to let OBS have a go at Van Buren again. I know its not likely but looking at the stuff from the design docs on the Vault, I really would like to see the game Josh, MCA, and the rest of the crew were crafting. The Reservation sounded super awesome.

It would be nice if they could bring in some stuff from Van Buren. It would be a waste not seeing some of those ideas come into play.

Some elements of Van Buren made it into F3 & DLC add ons, so I wouldn't be surprised to see elements in New Vegas.

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I didn't know where to ask this one, but are you going to be bringing back the mature themes from the earlier games?


Fallout 1 and 2 contained a number of mature sexual themes. You could save a prostitute's life in F1, and in F2 you could get married, become a porn star, and hire prostitutes. I liked the way this was handled in the past (cutting away to a black screen to insinuate something occured) so I'm not really expecting porn here.

What worries me is that I was surprised by a lack of anything along these lines in Fallout 3. Sex in any form was just missing from the savage struggle for human survival. There weren't even any hints at romantic subplots. The closest we got to that was Bittercup in Bigtown, who'd hint that she liked your chacter and that's it. It seems like they decided to just dump any sexual/romantic content & themes and pretended it didn't exist. There's a lone prostitute in Megaton who will go lie in a bed for money, that's it. Even Fable was a bit more risque then that!


It's not an odd request though. Sex has always been a part of the post-apoc genre. Saving gals, finding love, finding sex (a boy and his dog?), and etc... But it helps lend some more humanity to the game and it's something I always came to expect from Fallout.


So, is there any chance that Obsidian's going to bring back those mature themes, or will we be stuck with the same, bland, violence focus that we saw in Fallout 3?


As long as it's handled more like FO1 than FO2.

I mean, I liked the parody aspect, but I'm not sure if I can stomach it for more than one game...

Still, we're talking about New Vegas here, Sin City, I'd be surprised if there's not at least a hint of prostitution/drug market.

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Some elements of Van Buren made it into F3 & DLC add ons, so I wouldn't be surprised to see elements in New Vegas.


Actually, just from the previews and knowledge we already have...there is a good deal of Van Buren already incorporated into New Vegas. Areas, factions, similar story-lines (somewhat changed, but definitely coming from Van Buren ((i.e. the Nightkin having gone insane from stealth boys is lifted from a BoS storyinlin in VB)) and I'm sure there will be much more that we haven't seen yet too. I'm really hoping for a Dr. Sebastian appearance.

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I didn't know where to ask this one, but are you going to be bringing back the mature themes from the earlier games?


Fallout 1 and 2 contained a number of mature sexual themes. You could save a prostitute's life in F1, and in F2 you could get married, become a porn star, and hire prostitutes. I liked the way this was handled in the past (cutting away to a black screen to insinuate something occured) so I'm not really expecting porn here.

What worries me is that I was surprised by a lack of anything along these lines in Fallout 3. Sex in any form was just missing from the savage struggle for human survival. There weren't even any hints at romantic subplots. The closest we got to that was Bittercup in Bigtown, who'd hint that she liked your chacter and that's it. It seems like they decided to just dump any sexual/romantic content & themes and pretended it didn't exist. There's a lone prostitute in Megaton who will go lie in a bed for money, that's it. Even Fable was a bit more risque then that!


It's not an odd request though. Sex has always been a part of the post-apoc genre. Saving gals, finding love, finding sex (a boy and his dog?), and etc... But it helps lend some more humanity to the game and it's something I always came to expect from Fallout.


So, is there any chance that Obsidian's going to bring back those mature themes, or will we be stuck with the same, bland, violence focus that we saw in Fallout 3?


As long as it's handled more like FO1 than FO2.

I mean, I liked the parody aspect, but I'm not sure if I can stomach it for more than one game...

Still, we're talking about New Vegas here, Sin City, I'd be surprised if there's not at least a hint of prostitution/drug market.


You know, I have to admit you hit the nail on the head there. What I really want is for them to bring back the level of mature themes they had in the first 2 games.

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  • 8 months later...
I didn't know where to ask this one, but are you going to be bringing back the mature themes from the earlier games?


Fallout 1 and 2 contained a number of mature sexual themes. You could save a prostitute's life in F1, and in F2 you could get married, become a porn star, and hire prostitutes. I liked the way this was handled in the past (cutting away to a black screen to insinuate something occured) so I'm not really expecting porn here.

What worries me is that I was surprised by a lack of anything along these lines in Fallout 3. Sex in any form was just missing from the savage struggle for human survival. There weren't even any hints at romantic subplots. The closest we got to that was Bittercup in Bigtown, who'd hint that she liked your chacter and that's it. It seems like they decided to just dump any sexual/romantic content & themes and pretended it didn't exist. There's a lone prostitute in Megaton who will go lie in a bed for money, that's it. Even Fable was a bit more risque then that!


It's not an odd request though. Sex has always been a part of the post-apoc genre. Saving gals, finding love, finding sex (a boy and his dog?), and etc... But it helps lend some more humanity to the game and it's something I always came to expect from Fallout.


So, is there any chance that Obsidian's going to bring back those mature themes, or will we be stuck with the same, bland, violence focus that we saw in Fallout 3?


As long as it's handled more like FO1 than FO2.

I mean, I liked the parody aspect, but I'm not sure if I can stomach it for more than one game...

Still, we're talking about New Vegas here, Sin City, I'd be surprised if there's not at least a hint of prostitution/drug market.


You know, I have to admit you hit the nail on the head there. What I really want is for them to bring back the level of mature themes they had in the first 2 games.



well, mature themes were in Fallout New Vegas afterall


personlly Fallout New Vegas should have won GOTY (even befor ME2, even if ME2 looks better, but ME 2 lost some of its RPG feeling compared to ME)


just one thing in FNW is a pitty, the Background Music is sometimes hard to hear or very low (maby a patch could fix it? on the 360, do the PS3 and PC Versions have similar problemes?)

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