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Velvet Assassin comes out this week.

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Wow, it's as if Bethesda made this game!

Go look at WET!

Victor of the 5 year fan fic competition!


Kevin Butler will awesome your face off.

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"Great, let's make an action game where she goes sneaking around killing Nazi's, and let's make special killing moves like Mortal Kombat!"


Were did you get the idea it features Mortal Kombat style killing moves?

Edited by Hell Kitty
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"Great, let's make an action game where she goes sneaking around killing Nazi's, and let's make special killing moves like Mortal Kombat!"


Were did you get the idea it features Mortal Kombat style killing moves?



Funny, I thought that part was the least important part of Hurlie's post.

Notice how I can belittle your beliefs without calling you names. It's a useful skill to have particularly where you aren't allowed to call people names. It's a mistake to get too drawn in/worked up. I mean it's not life or death, it's just two guys posting their thoughts on a message board. If it were personal or face to face all the usual restraints would be in place, and we would never have reached this place in the first place. Try to remember that.
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"Great, let's make an action game where she goes sneaking around killing Nazi's, and let's make special killing moves like Mortal Kombat!"


Were did you get the idea it features Mortal Kombat style killing moves?


Funny, I thought that part was the least important part of Hurlie's post.


I think there is a big difference between a game that at least tries (and perhaps fails) at being respectful with a serious take on a story, and one that just says "**** it" and features over the top comical violence.

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Per the IGN article:


As Violette creeps up behind her intended target the screen slowly turns red, giving you an indication of when the best time is to strike. If you manage to pull off the move without anyone seeing you, a killing blow animation will play in response, so you'll see her slitting a throat, slicing tendons or repeatedly plunging her blade into enemies, amongst other brutal strikes.


That sounds over the top to me, especially since it is probably repeated ad nauseum throughout the game.

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Per the IGN article:


As Violette creeps up behind her intended target the screen slowly turns red, giving you an indication of when the best time is to strike. If you manage to pull off the move without anyone seeing you, a killing blow animation will play in response, so you'll see her slitting a throat, slicing tendons or repeatedly plunging her blade into enemies, amongst other brutal strikes.


That sounds over the top to me, especially since it is probably repeated ad nauseum throughout the game.


From the videos I've seen she just seems to do a lot of stabbing, nothing that wouldn't be out of place in a war movie, and it's hardly surprising given the character is an assassin. She'd have to start ripping nazi spines out to even begin to approach anything resembling Mortal Kombat.

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Per the IGN article:


As Violette creeps up behind her intended target the screen slowly turns red, giving you an indication of when the best time is to strike. If you manage to pull off the move without anyone seeing you, a killing blow animation will play in response, so you'll see her slitting a throat, slicing tendons or repeatedly plunging her blade into enemies, amongst other brutal strikes.


That sounds over the top to me, especially since it is probably repeated ad nauseum throughout the game.


Actually, what I've seen in trailers looked like pretty typical Fairbairn, Applegate, & Sykes stuff. As that's the sort of thing that was actually taught to commandos during WW2, I don't see how trying to be historically accurate is "over the top."

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Making fun of IGN is always a hoot, but when they give a game a negative review(below 6-7) you can pretty much bet that the game will suck.


Try to look at it this way: even IGN gave it a low-(ish) score.

Edited by Purkake
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Making fun of IGN is always a hoot, but when they give a game a negative review(below 6-7) you can pretty much bet that the game will suck.


Try to look at it this way: even IGN gave it a low-(ish) score.


IGN gave God Hand a 3. I think that pretty well establishes that they can be a bit unnecessarily harsh.

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but by the time he reached India, Hiroshima and Nagasaki had been bombed, and the war abruptly ended. Churchill was said to be unhappy with the abrupt end of the war, saying it could have lasted ten more years if the Americans hadn't intervened[



Na na  na na  na na  ...

greg358 from Darksouls 3 PVP is a CHEATER.

That is all.


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A sudden impuls let me buy that game after I read the Gamestar's review which was overall positive and gave it a decent 73% score. So, just finished it downloading, finished the fisrt mission and so far it seems to be better than the IGN review indicated. Graphics are just superb, almost surreal, and most importantly, the game rewards patience. Patience is key for succeeding, plus limited bullets (7 shots for a mission) is a good thing, it prevents the game to become a rambo-fest. It also doesn't fall into the silly Hollywood trap of being typically mainstream and patriotic. And I don't get what people mean with having issues with the controls. They're slick and easy.

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On a side note I still cant believe that Man, Jack Malcolm Thorpe Fleming Churchill is real. I mean I even checked the net for the Oslo 1939 and... He is real??

Ok this is too weird. I have just checked a lot of different articles and books and he is real it seems... You might say I am suprised as hell.

Edited by cronicler

IG. We kick ass and not even take names.

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The IGN reviewer must've had a really bad day when he wrote that review... I purchased the game yesterday and I'm liking it a lot. The atmosphere in this game is simply brilliant... it perfectly captures the grimness of WWII. I daresay it's the most atmospheric game I've played since Call of Cthulhu.


I can't recall any 'small' foreign developers receiving a review rating over 7.5 on the 'big' gaming sites... The Witcher doesn't really count considering their affiliation with BioWare.

The ending of the words is ALMSIVI.

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The IGN reviewer must've had a really bad day when he wrote that review... I purchased the game yesterday and I'm liking it a lot. The atmosphere in this game is simply brilliant... it perfectly captures the grimness of WWII. I daresay it's the most atmospheric game I've played since Call of Cthulhu.


I can't recall any 'small' foreign developers receiving a review rating over 7.5 on the 'big' gaming sites... The Witcher doesn't really count considering their affiliation with BioWare.


What about Bioshock, Stalker or Mafia in terms of atmosphere? Call of Cthulhu fell apart less than half way through and then it had you kill an elder god with a goddamn cannon.


Also, enough with the hate on 'big' gaming sites. Yes, they have biased and bad reviews, but don't turn this into some kind cry fest for "poor foreign developers". It's great that you like the game, but there are a lot of people out there that genuinely dislike it, some of who write reviews.

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Joystiq refuses to complete, review game. Fanboys cry.

What a douche. Penalizing a game because it doesn't hold your hands? Wow, so much for the "professionals" out there.


Seriously, VA is a lot fun. It's the only fun sneaking game since...uhm Thief 2? It's hard, yes, it's unforgiving, yes, you die a lot, yes, and it requires a lot patience, yes, but that's exactly what makes it better than Splinter Cell & Co. No babysitting there. Planning, thinking, and if you fail, do it again. -_-

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Joystiq refuses to complete, review game. Fanboys cry.

What a douche. Penalizing a game because it doesn't hold your hands? Wow, so much for the "professionals" out there.


They are just a blog and they don't really seriously review games. I was just trying to point out the severe negativity towards the game from multiple sources, the other being podcasts. The Giant Bombcast said that it was frustrating and unfinished.


Gee, if only they had a demo...

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A game should be made based on this person


Indeed.. I wonder if Rambo might've been based on that guy..

That would be one badass game.

"Alright, I've been thinking. When life gives you lemons, don't make lemonade - make life take the lemons back! Get mad! I don't want your damn lemons, what am I supposed to do with these? Demand to see life's manager. Make life rue the day it thought it could give Cave Johnson lemons. Do you know who I am? I'm the man who's gonna burn your house down! With the lemons. I'm going to to get my engineers to invent a combustible lemon that burns your house down!"

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