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Swine Flu


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hmm apparently the number of confirmed deaths has been adjusted down to just 7 in Mexico.


This makes testing quite problematic. 3 doctors have died at the hospital directly responsible for most testing. This could make people cautious about showing up to be tested and instead staying home and infecting others.

Na na  na na  na na  ...

greg358 from Darksouls 3 PVP is a CHEATER.

That is all.


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Crud...I might have a kid out with the Swine flu...will update later.


Hey, take care of yourself, man!


False alarm, some parent just kept their kids out of school because they were worried, and the attendance person jotted it down as "swine" instead of "alarmism"

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All the infections still seem to be coming from Mexico, except for the New York outbreak. Seems it was a big mistake not to close the border right away.


Indeed. Both Mexico and America reacted far too sluggishly to this threat. The WHO moved it to Phase 4, which is effectively an admission that border control is now useless and impossible.


The WHO just moved the threat to Phase 5 (significant outbreaks in multiple countries), which is one level below full-blown pandemic.



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Are you guys serious? Do you even know what goes on at the border, how big it is, how many millions of dollars in trade that would cost?


The US has already admitted it acted too slowly to the outbreak, and the WHO has voiced similar concerns.


Really? Do you have a link for that, please? I ask because it seems now as if the swine flue had been in Mexico for weeks, even months before its existance was publicly acknowledged, yet USA cases were announced within days, even hours, of confirmation. What's more, every single USA case (as of yesterday evening) has been traced to American citizens who were visiting Mexico within the past two weeks, even the NY outbreak which was traced to a group of high school kids who went to Cancun on spring break.


For those who scream "close the borders" (which I'm in favor of, but not because of this), if we could have done that we wouldn't have nearly 20 million illegals in country right now. And it still wouldn't have prevented a single case, since that would have required refusing re-entry of American citizens to their own country... 'cause that's how it got here. That's also how it got to every other country that has cases thus far, their own citizens returning from Mexico.


I'm not really too concerned overall, since the USA cases have been extremely mild with no deaths and few hospitalizations. Unless the virus spreads a heck of a lot faster than we've seen here and mutants into the more virulent form that seems to be affecting Mexico, I doubt it will be much of a threat. Don't forget, the USA loses 34,000 people to flu-related death even in an average year. Swine flu would have to go some to even put a dent in that. We should all be cautious, but a bit calmer, methinks!

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I think that overall this is being pumped for all it's worth by the media. It's not as if theer are thousands falling sick in multiple countries. I'm getting worried that if this carries on, it's going to be crying 'wolf' for the next time.

"It wasn't lies. It was just... bull****"."

             -Elwood Blues


tarna's dead; processing... complete. Disappointed by Universe. RIP Hades/Sand/etc. Here's hoping your next alt has a harp.

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I think that overall this is being pumped for all it's worth by the media. It's not as if theer are thousands falling sick in multiple countries. I'm getting worried that if this carries on, it's going to be crying 'wolf' for the next time.


Good point, but people have pretty short memories when it comes to the media.

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Saw a couple articles saying that in Mexico, most of those 1300+ were "probable" cases, not actually confirmed yet, and that the now confirmed cases of death, once thought to be 20, was in fact only 7. I could not figure out if this supposed death toll was for only 1 city in Mexico or some kind of grand total number. As usual, pick what you want to believe. :* But my thought is...can we at least wait until cases are confirmed via tests before making headlines of 'boy has sniffles and probable cases rises in (insert city name) to (insert number)? Probable does not equal confirmed/hard news.


One of hubby's co-workers has asthma+allergies and apparently lately all she has to do is cough/sneeze/wheeze in public places and she gets scared/dirty looks. It's hilarious.


The cry wolf is a valid point, but I agree people have short attention spans, as long as more than a few years passes between. But there's also the backlash aspect where people might get tired of all the "hoola" and scare-media and stop paying attention - then if it really is "bad" they won't know about it in time etc. In fact, that would be me, starting now. I'll check back on this in a couple weeks, maybe we'll have better info by then.


Like Gorgon, I'm a bit more concerned about the possible economic impact, for the moment.

“Things are as they are. Looking out into the universe at night, we make no comparisons between right and wrong stars, nor between well and badly arranged constellations.” – Alan Watts
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Saw a couple articles saying that in Mexico, most of those 1300+ were "probable" cases, not actually confirmed yet, and that the now confirmed cases of death, once thought to be 20, was in fact only 7.


Sort of. There has been over 150 flu deaths in Mexico, most of them presumed to be Swine flu, but of those tested so far (which isn't many, since testing is slow), only 7 have been confirmed to be swine flu deaths.

Edited by Krezack
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Are you guys serious? Do you even know what goes on at the border, how big it is, how many millions of dollars in trade that would cost?


The US has already admitted it acted too slowly to the outbreak, and the WHO has voiced similar concerns.


Really? Do you have a link for that, please?


don't need a link or proof. it is a Given that the vast majority o' the world's tragedies in the post WWII era is the result o' American incompetence or greed. some folks start with the assumption that the US flubbed the swine flu thing and then work backwards... look for proof after the fact. why you gotta rock the boat?


Gromnir is old fashioned-- we blame the Pope for all the world's ills. not any more valid than American hate, but at least our stoopidity gots pedigree and tradition. n00bs.


HA! Good Fun!

"If there be time to expose through discussion the falsehood and fallacies, to avert the evil by the processes of education, the remedy to be applied is more speech, not enforced silence."Justice Louis Brandeis, Concurring, Whitney v. California, 274 U.S. 357 (1927)

"Im indifferent to almost any murder as long as it doesn't affect me or mine."--Gfted1 (September 30, 2019)

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Are you guys serious? Do you even know what goes on at the border, how big it is, how many millions of dollars in trade that would cost?


The US has already admitted it acted too slowly to the outbreak, and the WHO has voiced similar concerns.


Really? Do you have a link for that, please?


don't need a link or proof. it is a Given that the vast majority o' the world's tragedies in the post WWII era is the result o' American incompetence or greed. some folks start with the assumption that the US flubbed the swine flu thing and then work backwards... look for proof after the fact. why you gotta rock the boat?


Gromnir is old fashioned-- we blame the Pope for all the world's ills. not any more valid than American hate, but at least our stoopidity gots pedigree and tradition. n00bs.


HA! Good Fun!


Way to completely misinterpret my post and have a bit of a paranoid rant while you're at it.

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Are you guys serious? Do you even know what goes on at the border, how big it is, how many millions of dollars in trade that would cost?


The US has already admitted it acted too slowly to the outbreak, and the WHO has voiced similar concerns.


Really? Do you have a link for that, please?


don't need a link or proof. it is a Given that the vast majority o' the world's tragedies in the post WWII era is the result o' American incompetence or greed. some folks start with the assumption that the US flubbed the swine flu thing and then work backwards... look for proof after the fact. why you gotta rock the boat?


Gromnir is old fashioned-- we blame the Pope for all the world's ills. not any more valid than American hate, but at least our stoopidity gots pedigree and tradition. n00bs.


HA! Good Fun!


Way to completely misinterpret my post and have a bit of a paranoid rant while you're at it.


I'd still like to see a link to your allegation that "the USA has admitted that it acted too slowly"... I find it hard to believe that the USA has made such an admission, verified by the WHO, when incidents of USA confirmed/suspected has been released within hours. I personally think the entire swine flue panic has been media driven... but you've made a specific allegation. Please support it or admit that it was speculation. Thanks.

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Are you guys serious? Do you even know what goes on at the border, how big it is, how many millions of dollars in trade that would cost?


The US has already admitted it acted too slowly to the outbreak, and the WHO has voiced similar concerns.


Really? Do you have a link for that, please?


don't need a link or proof. it is a Given that the vast majority o' the world's tragedies in the post WWII era is the result o' American incompetence or greed. some folks start with the assumption that the US flubbed the swine flu thing and then work backwards... look for proof after the fact. why you gotta rock the boat?


Gromnir is old fashioned-- we blame the Pope for all the world's ills. not any more valid than American hate, but at least our stoopidity gots pedigree and tradition. n00bs.


HA! Good Fun!


Way to completely misinterpret my post and have a bit of a paranoid rant while you're at it.


are you going for irony?


HA! Good Fun!

"If there be time to expose through discussion the falsehood and fallacies, to avert the evil by the processes of education, the remedy to be applied is more speech, not enforced silence."Justice Louis Brandeis, Concurring, Whitney v. California, 274 U.S. 357 (1927)

"Im indifferent to almost any murder as long as it doesn't affect me or mine."--Gfted1 (September 30, 2019)

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Wals' advice a few pages back is really all anyone can say at this point. This flu seems to have a higher transmission rate than most influenza strains, but it also seems to be less deadly. Now, further mutations can always change that 'deadliness' factor, but for the moment, everyone should be going about their normal life, perhaps with a little more attention to hygiene concerns.


(Note: I spend about an hour every day on a crowded subway, so if this does get bad, I'm screwed.)


(Note2: The fact that all the news about this has happened to correspond with a dramatic uptick in tree pollen levels in my area has not been good for the general level of alarmism.)

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(Note2: The fact that all the news about this has happened to correspond with a dramatic uptick in tree pollen levels in my area has not been good for the general level of alarmism.)



Maybe its.....The Happening! Also, I didnt know Shyamalan produced The Last Airbender. I loved that cartoon and watched the entire series.

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as vegetation were mentioned, am observing that doomsayers and purveyors o' fear sprout likes weeds whenever a crisis dujour emerges. is understandable if regrettable. however, is somewhat contemptible for the peddlers o' panic to use the swine flu to promote some alternative agenda...


am not a particular devout Catholic, but Gromnir is a friend o' Fr. Liam, the pastor at St. Mel's church in Fair Oaks, CA... so we gets suckered into volunteering our time at the church and school. school is shut down 'cause o' the swine flu cases. got friends who teach at St. Mel's. is people we know who is being genuine affected by current flu concerns.




is cause for concern, but not alarm.


HA! Good Fun!

Edited by Gromnir

"If there be time to expose through discussion the falsehood and fallacies, to avert the evil by the processes of education, the remedy to be applied is more speech, not enforced silence."Justice Louis Brandeis, Concurring, Whitney v. California, 274 U.S. 357 (1927)

"Im indifferent to almost any murder as long as it doesn't affect me or mine."--Gfted1 (September 30, 2019)

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CDC: New virus lacks genes of 1918 killer flu


May 1, 2:09 PM (ET)




ATLANTA (AP) - The new swine flu virus lacks genes that made the 1918 pandemic strain so deadly, a U.S. health official said Friday.


The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said the new virus is "a very unusual" four-way combination of human genes and genes from swine viruses found in North America, Asia and Europe.


CDC flu chief Dr. Nancy Cox said the good news is "we do not see the markers for virulence that were seen in the 1918 virus."


The global flu epidemic early last century was possibly the deadliest outbreak of all time. The virus was an H1N1 strain - different from the H1N1 strain involved in the current outbreak - and struck mostly healthy young adults. Experts estimate it killed about 40 to 50 million people worldwide.

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I don't think they really know what all the markers for virulence are. All they're saying here is this virus isn't the same as the other one, which of course is true considering how fast flu viruses mutate. On the other hand I heard a convincing argument on the radio that since all these tourists got infected, the infection must be very widespread in Mexico, 100s of thousands or millions of people. The fact that there aren't thousands and thousands dead means the virus can't be that dangerous.

"Moral indignation is a standard strategy for endowing the idiot with dignity." Marshall McLuhan

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