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Any good games coming out?


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It was pretty much the first Bioware rpg to really hit the mainstream console crowd.


Wrong. Bio did KOTOR and JE for consoles before ME.


I presume that people liked it for the...


And this is were you go wrong, making up silly reasons why other people would like things more than you. That the "console crowd" likes ME because they haven't played better (read: PC) RPGs. Obviously hurlshot thinks ME is awesome because he has never played anything better, right? How much one enjoys a game/movie/book/whatever isn't dependent on whether they have first experienced some other, objectively better game/movie/book/whatever. I thought Fallout 3 was great, I guess this means I've never played the original two? Does the fact I have played them, and enjoyed them, make me the exception to the rule? No, because the rule is utter rubbish.

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It was pretty much the first Bioware rpg to really hit the mainstream console crowd.


Wrong. Bio did KOTOR and JE for consoles before ME.


I am well aware of that, but neither of those games was half as successful as Mass Effect.


I presume that people liked it for the...


And this is were you go wrong, making up silly reasons why other people would like things more than you. That the "console crowd" likes ME because they haven't played better (read: PC) RPGs. Obviously hurlshot thinks ME is awesome because he has never played anything better, right? How much one enjoys a game/movie/book/whatever isn't dependent on whether they have first experienced some other, objectively better game/movie/book/whatever. I thought Fallout 3 was great, I guess this means I've never played the original two? Does the fact I have played them, and enjoyed them, make me the exception to the rule? No, because the rule is utter rubbish.


You might have misunderstood me a little. All that I'm saying is that a lot of people consider Mass Effect to be a good game, because they might never played an RPG before and find it interesting. That is of course not the only reason, I'm sure that all the marketing hype and accessibility helped as well. I am not saying that if they played Baldur's Gate, for example, they would like it more. I am not trying to imply that Mass Effect is somehow inherently inferior to PC RPGs because it is on a console as well. It is the game that it is and as it stands I find it average.


Feel free to disagree with me, but don't put words into my mouth.


EDIT: It is a fact that Mass Effect has received both critical acclaim and wider popularity. Why do think this is?

Edited by Purkake
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I personally love these "pretend the other guys are the only ones with ridiculous arguments" threads. :p


I tried to play ME again a while back and it couldn't hold my attention beyond the first Citadel visit. If anyone cares then that would make it worse than KOTOR if you count replayability as important and doesn't assume that I've simply grown up.


It'll be really exciting for me to see whether DA will be able to make me keep coming back to a Bioware game again.

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Except for KOTOR1. Man, Carth was such an interesting, well-developed character.



It's odd.


I've never found this funny before. Yet, for some reason, after you saying it several dozen times, today I read it and laughed.

"When is this out. I can't wait to play it so I can talk at length about how bad it is." - Gorgon.

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Wait, are they calling it an expansion pack to justify charging PC gamers?


No, I think it's going to be free for the PC gamers - just like the Team Fortress 2 "expansion pack" was.

"Geez. It's like we lost some sort of bet and ended up saddled with a bunch of terrible new posters on this forum."




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-Alpha Protocol

-Aliens RPG

-Aliens: Colonial Marines (I really disliked Brothers in Arms, but I'm still hoping they do a good job with CM)

-Batman: Arkham Asylum

-Chronicles of Riddick: Assault on Dark Athena (I love the idea of a combination remake of the full original game plus a sequel just as long as the original.)

-Doom 4 (Still a long ways off I'm sure)



-Prey 2


-GTA IV Expansion: Lost & the Damned

-Halo 3 ODST (Stupid name, but I'm one of those crazies who has enjoyed the series so far)

-Halo Wars

-Resident Evil 5 (The single player demo was frustrating as hell. The companion doesn't seem bright enough to escape from the hoards and losing her = restart. The coop with a competent buddy is an absolute blast though.)

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I thought Mass Effect was awesome.




But the whiners coming out of the woodworks are just part of the natural reaction any successful product has. It's the same reason people feel the need to complain about The Dark Knight.

Coincidentally, it's also a natural reaction to a crap game, funny how that works.

"Moral indignation is a standard strategy for endowing the idiot with dignity." Marshall McLuhan

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-Aliens: Colonial Marines (I really disliked Brothers in Arms, but I'm still hoping they do a good job with CM)


Hope you like quicktime events, because there will be a bunch. Just so that you know.


I don't think I've ever heard someone say they disliked BiA. Even with the completely saturated WW2 shooter market, I thought it stood on it's own quite well. Anyways, if you didn't like the gameplay, the title Colonial Marines doesn't inspire much confidence that it will be different.

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-Aliens: Colonial Marines (I really disliked Brothers in Arms, but I'm still hoping they do a good job with CM)


Hope you like quicktime events, because there will be a bunch. Just so that you know.


I don't think I've ever heard someone say they disliked BiA. Even with the completely saturated WW2 shooter market, I thought it stood on it's own quite well. Anyways, if you didn't like the gameplay, the title Colonial Marines doesn't inspire much confidence that it will be different.


Don't get me started on BiA. The characters where completely uninteresting (not to mention they start the game showing off the deaths of certain squad members spoiling any sense of attachment, not that I could become attached to that annoying soldier with the glasses), forced unskippable cutscenes so I had to listen to the main character's bitching over and over (many of the bitches were repeated over and over 'I never wanted to be squad leader'), a number of the reload animations were incorrect for the weaponry (despite being accurately modeled in more arcade like WWII shooters), the game lacked the prone position (one of 3 firing positions taught in the military and done in games years before BiA) and corner leaning, the weapons were insanely innacurate (WWII era weapons were by no means pin-point accurate, but firing a gun while aiming down the site and hitting literally 5-10 feet to the left or right of the target was insane... I've fired some of these weapons, and unless they were trying to simulate battlefield terror effects on a soldiers aim it was ridiculous), the game completely lacked pain animations (The original MoH from the late 90's on PSX had pain animations. You know, you shoot someone in the arm and they grab their arm etc. In BiA the only way you would tell if you scored a hit was if they were standing near a wall and some blood splashed on the wall), the multiplayer was completely unbalanced (While I've mentioned the ridiculous accuracy of the guns, in MP the Sniper Rifle was pinpoint accurate. Ironically, the sniper rifle would require the most training to use effectively) and to top off the stink fest the single player devolved into the same maneuver over and over. Yes, this maneuver may have been the primary tactical strategy of WWII, but when the game did almost nothing right this just turned the game into tedium.

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I thought Mass Effect was awesome.




But the whiners coming out of the woodworks are just part of the natural reaction any successful product has. It's the same reason people feel the need to complain about The Dark Knight.

Coincidentally, it's also a natural reaction to a crap game, funny how that works.

Actually it's a little bit of both. Alot of kids today will take what ever is beloved by many and indifferent to them in general and call it crap because it's cool to buck the trend. Also all of your gripes about Mass Effect can also be applied equally, if not better, to your favorite game Kotor1.

Victor of the 5 year fan fic competition!


Kevin Butler will awesome your face off.

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Crap game? I thought we were talking about Mass Effect.

Some people didn't like it because most of the content was optional, and the Uncharted Worlds were just episodes of the mundane. I loved it personally (and if you're willing to dig, you can find where me and Wrath duked it out over ME)



Also Eat Lead looks like it might be fun in a Weird Al sort of way.

Edited by Calax

Victor of the 5 year fan fic competition!


Kevin Butler will awesome your face off.

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Also all of your gripes about Mass Effect can also be applied equally, if not better, to your favorite game Kotor1.
Ah, no, none of them can be, except by contorting all taste and logic.

"Moral indignation is a standard strategy for endowing the idiot with dignity." Marshall McLuhan

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