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...Leading on from old thread. So you know, we have to limit thread size to make the forums run smoothly. It was ether this or the blood of countless innocents, and frankly that sounded like too much work.

"It wasn't lies. It was just... bull****"."

             -Elwood Blues


tarna's dead; processing... complete. Disappointed by Universe. RIP Hades/Sand/etc. Here's hoping your next alt has a harp.

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would the blood of The Architect suffice? :devil:


we could do with less Aussies around here... :devil:

Edited by Shryke

when your mind works against you - fight back with substance abuse!

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...Leading on from old thread. So you know, we have to limit thread size to make the forums run smoothly. It was ether this or the blood of countless innocents, and frankly that sounded like too much work.


It's a complete myth that closing long threads helps the forums run smoothly. The forum software doesn't store a thread as a whole unit; each post has a unique key and exists independently of a thread, meaning you can make a thread as arbitrarily short or long as you want and it won't speed up or slow down the forum.


The only thing that significantly slows down a forum is search, which is why you disable it for guests, impose a time-limit between searches, and don't allow searches for less than 5 characters. However, search efficiency still remains independent of thread lengths. o:)


would the blood of The Architect suffice? :devil:


we could do with less Aussies around here... :shifty:


Funny, I was thinking we needed less of you sheep rooters. :*

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I hate this accounting homework. I hate my life.

There was a time when I questioned the ability for the schizoid to ever experience genuine happiness, at the very least for a prolonged segment of time. I am no closer to finding the answer, however, it has become apparent that contentment is certainly a realizable goal. I find these results to be adequate, if not pleasing. Unfortunately, connection is another subject entirely. When one has sufficiently examined the mind and their emotional constructs, connection can be easily imitated. More data must be gleaned and further collated before a sufficient judgment can be reached.

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...Leading on from old thread. So you know, we have to limit thread size to make the forums run smoothly. It was ether this or the blood of countless innocents, and frankly that sounded like too much work.


It's a complete myth that closing long threads helps the forums run smoothly. The forum software doesn't store a thread as a whole unit; each post has a unique key and exists independently of a thread, meaning you can make a thread as arbitrarily short or long as you want and it won't speed up or slow down the forum.



Man, it would be awesome if I was smart enough to even understand this.


I just get told what to enforce. I'm like that sheriff's deputy in the '50s horror film who gets eaten.

"It wasn't lies. It was just... bull****"."

             -Elwood Blues


tarna's dead; processing... complete. Disappointed by Universe. RIP Hades/Sand/etc. Here's hoping your next alt has a harp.

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I have homework. I hate my life.


EMO ALERT :ermm:


I've been using Word2k7 for a while because there were some .docx I had to deal with, and it's an absolute pain. The new menu bars are okay once you get used to them, but my computer's pretty old and everything lags - the shiny buttons, the background, the visual previews for every damn menu - it hangs when I try to make a bloody text-box. Gah.


Trying to book a camp spot for the church camp.

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Trying to book a camp spot for the church camp.


I went to a Church summer school when I was young (right after Kindergarden) and it was hell! I hated it, and never went to summer school again. I go camping, but combine it with Church, it crosses the line :ermm:


Part of Rise of the Sith TSL Mod

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There are lots of different types - for us its half an excuse to go and have fun by ourselves (the 18-30 age group), play games and do some activities, campfire, etc: the other half, get some guests invited for good, focused seminars that you can't really get from the weekly sermons, and some in-depth bible study instead of gloss-over. Actually, it's probably 60-40 in former-latter. I guess we don't have drinking binges, but I don't really care for them anyway. We wouldn't have adults around either for most of the period, whereas if you went after kindergarten I assume you had all sorts of supervision.


Personally, I don't see the logic in having a Christian camp where all you do is listen to lectures and pray on the ground for six hours.

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Man, it would be awesome if I was smart enough to even understand this.


I just get told what to enforce. I'm like that sheriff's deputy in the '50s horror film who gets eaten.


Hmm, you just reminded me of a good Eric Clapton cover of I shot the Sheriff.


I've been using Word2k7 for a while because there were some .docx I had to deal with, and it's an absolute pain. The new menu bars are okay once you get used to them, but my computer's pretty old and everything lags - the shiny buttons, the background, the visual previews for every damn menu - it hangs when I try to make a bloody text-box. Gah.


I pity you. I pity you and anybody who has to work with Vista or Office 2007.

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My glasses are currently being held together with a paper clip. The little screw that holds the frames together around the right lens popped out again and disappeared somewhere in the van. The chances of me finding the screw again are pretty much non-existent. Tiny little screw that is less than 1mm^3 is just impossible to find. I know cause this is the third time it's happened. I'll probably head down to the optometrist tomorrow and get them to give me another screw to fix one up when I pick up my new backup pair of glasses.


On the bright side, my prescription hadn't changed since I was in 3 years ago so at least my eyes aren't getting any worse!

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I had fun critiquing some people's microbiology presentations today - bloody fools who picked malaria botched the job and provided the night's entertainment. The Yellow Fever group also did a horrendous job - didn't even bother to remember the name of A. aegypti or the ultimate sacrifice made by Jesse Lazear. :(

"Geez. It's like we lost some sort of bet and ended up saddled with a bunch of terrible new posters on this forum."




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sheep rooters?


that's for those weirdos down in Wellington, like me


Edited for accuracy. :thumbsup:


you know, i haven't even seen a sheep since moving down to wellington like 3 years ago


today i went and hung out with an ex after i finished work


she's a strange one really, but we still get on pretty well

when your mind works against you - fight back with substance abuse!

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sheep rooters?


that's for those weirdos down in Wellington, like me


Edited for accuracy. :sorcerer:


you know, i haven't even seen a sheep since moving down to wellington like 3 years ago


today i went and hung out with an ex after i finished work


she's a strange one really, but we still get on pretty well

Strange? You mean she doesn't say "Baa" when you pull on her wool a bit too hard?



Today I got home from work, made myself a lovely dry Plymouth Gin martini , and drank it far too quickly before eating any dinner. (This may account for the above joke not being particularly funny.)

Edited by Enoch
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Went on a pub round tonite. Drank 8 beers before ending up in the last place we were supposed to stay at. I'm horribly drunk right now and I'll be horribly hung over tomorrow, if I know myself right. But I had a good time so it was worth it.


Notice how few spelling errors I have despite my drunken-ness. Firefox spell checker FTW!

Swedes, go to: Spel2, for the latest game reviews in swedish!

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no strange as in she gets horribly drunk and tells me she still has feelings for me over a year after we break up and then goes off to vomit and head home to pass out

when your mind works against you - fight back with substance abuse!

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Guest The Architect

That's not strange, that's just her getting pissed and as a result of that telling her true feelings or just talking ****.

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