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I'm obviously missing something here...

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Edited by Tale
"Show me a man who "plays fair" and I'll show you a very talented cheater."
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Failed to secure two big jobs. Grud danggit.

"It wasn't lies. It was just... bull****"."

             -Elwood Blues


tarna's dead; processing... complete. Disappointed by Universe. RIP Hades/Sand/etc. Here's hoping your next alt has a harp.

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Sound like an excellent excuse to get liquered up.


Waaaaay head of you... :)

"It wasn't lies. It was just... bull****"."

             -Elwood Blues


tarna's dead; processing... complete. Disappointed by Universe. RIP Hades/Sand/etc. Here's hoping your next alt has a harp.

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Sound like an excellent excuse to get liquered up.


Waaaaay head of you... :)



EDIT: I forgot to mention that I had the diagnosis confirmed that the cartilage in my right knee has not healed and is still torn. For some reason it now seems to hurt MORE.

"It wasn't lies. It was just... bull****"."

             -Elwood Blues


tarna's dead; processing... complete. Disappointed by Universe. RIP Hades/Sand/etc. Here's hoping your next alt has a harp.

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Gah, Ive had the same problem. Back in the day I tore the meniscus cartilage in my right knee. Two (Navy) operations later its still not right and if I flex my knee too much (such as squatting) my knee will lock in the bent position untill I twist it a certain way to get it back.


You've never had it treated?

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Sadly, my knee is the only part of me the NHS has let down. They always seem far too keen on either telling me its totally incurable or that it's nothing to worry about. I'm considering filming them so I can make a montage.

"It wasn't lies. It was just... bull****"."

             -Elwood Blues


tarna's dead; processing... complete. Disappointed by Universe. RIP Hades/Sand/etc. Here's hoping your next alt has a harp.

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The morning went by incredibly quickly. This afternoon isn't going by quite so fast. Typing in all these bloody credit card reciepts is taking a toll on my wrists and arms. SPEND LESS, YOU WANKERS!

"Show me a man who "plays fair" and I'll show you a very talented cheater."
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The morning went by incredibly quickly. This afternoon isn't going by quite so fast. Typing in all these bloody credit card reciepts is taking a toll on my wrists and arms. SPEND LESS, YOU WANKERS!

Spend less wankers? :)


I didn't think that was a form of currency. :blink:

Murphy's Law of Computer Gaming: The listed minimum specifications written on the box by the publisher are not the minimum specifications of the game set by the developer.


@\NightandtheShape/@ - "Because you're a bizzare strange deranged human?"

Walsingham- "Sand - always rushing around, stirring up apathy."

Joseph Bulock - "Another headache, courtesy of Sand"

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The morning went by incredibly quickly. This afternoon isn't going by quite so fast. Typing in all these bloody credit card reciepts is taking a toll on my wrists and arms. SPEND LESS, YOU WANKERS!

Spend less wankers? :)


I didn't think that was a form of currency. :blink:


I can see missing the comma, but missing the "you" as well? Your (attempted) joke = fail. :down:

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I am waiting out an extremely slow Friday afternoon at work. Nothing is going on here at all. :)

same here. i had a flurry of activity this morning, and i got a test report out at noon. since then, i'm simply running an analysis program that takes a gawd-awful long time to run, waiting for the "results." i'm thinking CTRL-C will end the agony shortly since i'm past the interesting part of the data anyway. then it's off to the pool hall for some drinking (joining ya in spirit walsh) and billiards.



comrade taks... just because.

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It's wierd. This is the only forum where I can make fun of people and them not flip out.



"It wasn't lies. It was just... bull****"."

             -Elwood Blues


tarna's dead; processing... complete. Disappointed by Universe. RIP Hades/Sand/etc. Here's hoping your next alt has a harp.

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I cannot put into words how incredibly angry I am that you consider the Beastie Boys a bigger name than the motherf***ing Chili Peppers. Especially as good as I've heard their live show is.


And Bjork?!! Friggin' drug addled Europeans.


just because they are bold doesn't mean they're more important. It's just easier to read that way. I'm looking much more forward to seeing RHCP than BB - espcially because I heard they are freakin' awesome live! :thumbsup:


But 'Bj

Fortune favors the bald.

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I would rank that list:


Red Hot Chili Peppers

The Who


Queens of the Stoneage

Beastie Boys


In order of awesomeness. Queens of the Stoneage are hard to place because while I really like their music, I have no idea at all what they're like live.


Also I'm not really sure if The Who would be good live anymore, aging rockstars and all that.


Red Hot Chili Peppers are in my top five favorite bands though.



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I would rank that list:


Red Hot Chili Peppers

The Who


Queens of the Stoneage

Beastie Boys


yeah my list would look something like that - except Beatie Boys over Queens of the Stonage.

Fortune favors the bald.

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Buddy Wakefield, Alias, Buck 65 and Sage Francis at the Gothic.


Went for Buck. We got there a little early, Buck and Alias were manning the merch booth. I didn't know who Alias was, so I looked at his CDs and mainly remarked on the featured collaborators (some dudes from the Notwist / 13 & God) and Alias said that Neon Golden was one of his favorite albums. I also met Buck for the first time, bought every bootleg he had (and Square on vinyl) and had them sign them, along with a t-shirt.


Buddy Wakefield was the first act. Picture a huskier, younger, tweaked-out present-day Bruce Willis. We were up in the balcony, but we could see him giving everyone the crazy eye. Turns out he's a spoken word dude, and his set, while short, was impressive. Lots of pent-up energy and stream-of-consciousness weirdness.


Next up was Alias, and I felt kinda embarrassed when I realized the guy I had just talked to at the booth was an act. He's one of Sage Francis' producers, and he had a pretty good flow, I dug his set. He had a funny little story about an unnamed rapper who apparently hated Anticon for being a "white label" and how fake said rapper was for making songs about "punching you in your ****" and not actually doing it when given the opportunity.


Next up was the main attraction for our little group, Buck 65. I can't seem to remember the setlist all that well but Buck was a very charismatic performer, playing with a laptop and a turntable and dancing. It's not exactly flattering to think about, but picture that from Knocked Up who wore the NIN shirt, 15 years older, same hair, with a scruff beard, and you've got Buck. First he did a little Mick Jagger impersonation that was definitely winning, and he went into a disappointingly short (45 minute) setlist. Highlights were "Out of Focus", "Fish Heads" "The Centaur" and "463". He also played a song from his new record (an American release, thank God) that sounded pretty amazing. Since he apparently went on for too long, he had the crowd "choose" the last song, between "Pants on Fire" and "Wicked and Weird", and much to my disappointment the crowd chose "Pants on Fire", which Buck started, then stopped, then restarted with an added turntable backing, but failed to spice up the really dull live mix.


After that, my friend Rai had to get a cigarette outside the venue, and the smoking area was packed, so we hung around. When Sage Francis' set started everybody but us and a few other Buck fans stayed in the smoking section and we talked through about 80% of it, and perhaps made a new friend in the process (we'll see if we hear from him). For the last 20 or so minutes of the night we went in and met Buck again and chatted him up, and had him sign some more stuff. We talked about the differences between the music business in America as opposed to the rest of the world, how success was relatively easy to achieve elsewhere (Buck says he's doing very well in Australia) and how he's been largely shut out of the American market until now, as his new album's gotten Sage's backing. He's a great guy, but I was aware that I was just another fan and the small talk didn't really amount to much.


Great fun, great show, I didn't really care much for Sage Francis anyhow. I got what I came to see.


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