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Real Breaking News: Neverwinter Nights 2: Mask of the Betrayer


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It's not related to expansion, but I found this mod while I was browsing the NWN2 blog. Looks incredible.



MotB looks nice visual-wise, much nicer than the original did on my computer. Hopefully it'll be that smooth on my machine.

Edited by Pop
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That link's just a jpg, FOR GOD'S SAKE LINKE ME I'M DYING HERE.

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Calm down, Tigger. That does look like a very nice mod.

Murphy's Law of Computer Gaming: The listed minimum specifications written on the box by the publisher are not the minimum specifications of the game set by the developer.


@\NightandtheShape/@ - "Because you're a bizzare strange deranged human?"

Walsingham- "Sand - always rushing around, stirring up apathy."

Joseph Bulock - "Another headache, courtesy of Sand"

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The newest developer-video really sealed the deal for me, instant buy in this case as well.

"Some men see things as they are and say why?"
"I dream things that never were and say why not?"
- George Bernard Shaw

"Hope in reality is the worst of all evils because it prolongs the torments of man."
- Friedrich Nietzsche


"The amount of energy necessary to refute bull**** is an order of magnitude bigger than to produce it."

- Some guy 

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The newest developer-video really sealed the deal for me, instant buy in this case as well.

You sure, Mes? I don't hear you fangasming like our friend Tigranes there.


I am at work. I have to write, and look cool :sorcerer:


But seriously, what is it not to like? Long game-length, no forced companions, more races, more classes, fixed engine, more effects, better camera in combat and epic levels. Pretty good story and dialog as almost a given with Obsidian. Linearity and too little RPG-options, that i can live by.

Edited by Meshugger

"Some men see things as they are and say why?"
"I dream things that never were and say why not?"
- George Bernard Shaw

"Hope in reality is the worst of all evils because it prolongs the torments of man."
- Friedrich Nietzsche


"The amount of energy necessary to refute bull**** is an order of magnitude bigger than to produce it."

- Some guy 

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Ahh, great video.


But my romantic interest's hair SUCKS :sorcerer:

How can it be a no ob build. It has PROVEN effective. I dare you to show your builds and I will tear you apart in an arugment about how these builds will won them.

- OverPowered Godzilla (OPG)



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  • 2 weeks later...

Official Fact Sheet


Platform: Windows

Release Date: Autumn 2007

Developer: Obsidian Entertainment, Inc.

Publisher: Atari

Category: Role Playing Game

PEGI Rating: 12+




Following the climactic battle against the King of Shadows, you awaken alone and stranded deep beneath the earth. A dark hunger grows within you, threatening to devour your very soul. Will you fight against the hunger within or will you embrace it, revelling in your newfound power?


Set in harsh, spirit-rich Rashemen, near the powerful nation of Thay, Neverwinter Nights 2: Mask of the Betrayer presents players with an exciting new 20-30+ hour campaign filled with meaningful choices, rich characters, and surprising outcomes. Continue the adventure of your Neverwinter Nights 2 character or create a completely new epic hero

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Wow, that looks great. Ill probably wind up buying this even though I never got more then a couple hours into Act I of NWN2. Im hoping against hope (even though there are still more problems with NWN2 then you can shake a stick at) that this expansion will be something I enjoy.


Sometimes I think the Bioware forums are my worst enemy. They drag every single problem into the light and it totally turns me off to the game even if I personally would have never noticed.

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Damn, no visit to the plane of Limbo? That would've been an awesome experience.

"Some men see things as they are and say why?"
"I dream things that never were and say why not?"
- George Bernard Shaw

"Hope in reality is the worst of all evils because it prolongs the torments of man."
- Friedrich Nietzsche


"The amount of energy necessary to refute bull**** is an order of magnitude bigger than to produce it."

- Some guy 

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Sometimes I think the Bioware forums are my worst enemy. They drag every single problem into the light and it totally turns me off to the game even if I personally would have never noticed.

i don't ever go there unless i need help with something not found elsewhere. i'd suggest you simply ignore the fanbois whines and concentrate on the goodness within the games... i love NWN2, though i'm waiting for MotB to play through again... yeah, it is true, i have another round of BG going. i think this makes 20 or so for BG1, probably twice as many for BG2. i've lost count.



comrade taks... just because.

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• Epic storyline provides the most riveting RPG experience since Planescape: Torment, with the compelling characters and plotlines for which Obsidian Entertainment is renowned. Play the official campaign either alone or online with your friends.


Now that's BOLD claim :)

Edited by Xard

How can it be a no ob build. It has PROVEN effective. I dare you to show your builds and I will tear you apart in an arugment about how these builds will won them.

- OverPowered Godzilla (OPG)



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Soon I shall have my Intel 6600 Core 2 Duo. Soooon!



You can get a Core 2 Quad for the same price now with Intels big pricecut :(






..and yes, even normal people can use quad-core. Fiddling around in a program, starting another while watching a film at the same time youre unpacking a*.rar files is one good example where it comes in handy.

DISCLAIMER: Do not take what I write seriously unless it is clearly and in no uncertain terms, declared by me to be meant in a serious and non-humoristic manner. If there is no clear indication, asume the post is written in jest. This notification is meant very seriously and its purpouse is to avoid misunderstandings and the consequences thereof. Furthermore; I can not be held accountable for anything I write on these forums since the idea of taking serious responsability for my unserious actions, is an oxymoron in itself.


Important: as the following sentence contains many naughty words I warn you not to read it under any circumstances; botty, knickers, wee, erogenous zone, psychiatrist, clitoris, stockings, bosom, poetry reading, dentist, fellatio and the department of agriculture.


"I suppose outright stupidity and complete lack of taste could also be considered points of view. "

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dual core or more is a necessity for me. i kick off a simulation on one, and play some BG on the other! :(



now thats multi tasking

"While it is true you learn with age, the down side is what you often learn is what a damn fool you were before"

Thomas Sowell

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I was even thinking or getting a dual-CPU system with 8 cores in all. I seem to be doing more and heavier rendering, so I really feel the need for some serious processing power. Mostly because I want to be able to work or read forums while Im waiting for a rendering to finish.

DISCLAIMER: Do not take what I write seriously unless it is clearly and in no uncertain terms, declared by me to be meant in a serious and non-humoristic manner. If there is no clear indication, asume the post is written in jest. This notification is meant very seriously and its purpouse is to avoid misunderstandings and the consequences thereof. Furthermore; I can not be held accountable for anything I write on these forums since the idea of taking serious responsability for my unserious actions, is an oxymoron in itself.


Important: as the following sentence contains many naughty words I warn you not to read it under any circumstances; botty, knickers, wee, erogenous zone, psychiatrist, clitoris, stockings, bosom, poetry reading, dentist, fellatio and the department of agriculture.


"I suppose outright stupidity and complete lack of taste could also be considered points of view. "

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