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Canada compensates man U.S. deported to Syria

Jorian Drake

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Canada and U.S will never be enemies. If anything we should merge into one entity so we can compete with China and Russia and murder them.

There was a time when I questioned the ability for the schizoid to ever experience genuine happiness, at the very least for a prolonged segment of time. I am no closer to finding the answer, however, it has become apparent that contentment is certainly a realizable goal. I find these results to be adequate, if not pleasing. Unfortunately, connection is another subject entirely. When one has sufficiently examined the mind and their emotional constructs, connection can be easily imitated. More data must be gleaned and further collated before a sufficient judgment can be reached.

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Did this affect the relations between Canada - USA - UK - Syria in some way?


Not really. It's been a relatively major news story here in Canada for awhile, but I seriously doubt anything will come of it. He's been given some money and an official apology by the Canadian Government and I have a feeling that's all he will get out of it, except maybe a possible future book deal or something. The US and Canadian ambassadors will snipe at each other for a little while before something new comes up.

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Did this affect the relations between Canada - USA - UK - Syria in some way?


Not really. It's been a relatively major news story here in Canada for awhile, but I seriously doubt anything will come of it. He's been given some money and an official apology by the Canadian Government and I have a feeling that's all he will get out of it, except maybe a possible future book deal or something. The US and Canadian ambassadors will snipe at each other for a little while before something new comes up.

Do you think the US will change their opinion in the matter and apologize too?


And what about him on that list? There is a list of 'suspected terrorists'? Who did they put on it? All the muslims? :thumbsup:


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Canada and U.S will never be enemies.  If anything we should merge into one entity so we can compete with China and Russia and murder them.




I bet you're canadian. The canadians have always been too clingy

People laugh when I say that I think a jellyfish is one of the most beautiful things in the world. What they don't understand is, I mean a jellyfish with long, blond hair.

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Canada and U.S will never be enemies.  If anything we should merge into one entity so we can compete with China and Russia and murder them.




I bet you're canadian. The canadians have always been too clingy



Most Canadians that claim to want to join the US are often ridiculed by their peers. Canadians are quite patriotic(I hate that term, it was coined to describe a group of people who hated their country), but outside of international hockey we're not as gung ho about it.


Anyway, the deal with the Arar thing is, he was I believe a Syrian born Canadian citizen, he went to the US on vacation, and the US deported him to Syria where he was tortured before finally being released back to Canadian custody. The US deported him to Syria based on info from the Canadian government that pointed at him having terrorist ties. This turned out to be totally false so he blames Canada for the US being morons and deporting him to the wrong country.

The area between the balls and the butt is a hotbed of terrorist activity.


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I'm patriotic!


and American :thumbsup:

There was a time when I questioned the ability for the schizoid to ever experience genuine happiness, at the very least for a prolonged segment of time. I am no closer to finding the answer, however, it has become apparent that contentment is certainly a realizable goal. I find these results to be adequate, if not pleasing. Unfortunately, connection is another subject entirely. When one has sufficiently examined the mind and their emotional constructs, connection can be easily imitated. More data must be gleaned and further collated before a sufficient judgment can be reached.

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"Most Canadians that claim to want to join the US are often ridiculed by their peers."


Not true. In fcat, most Kanadians seem to have a conspiracy notion that it's only a matter of time. R00fles!



"Canadians are quite patriotic"


Kanadians are quite bigoted. And, hypocritical.




ON TOPIC: Kanada lied to the US about SArar leaidng them to deport him to Syria where he claims he was tortured. Kananda then relaized the error then tried to blame the US for their stupidity. The US now has him on the 'banned list' because of info they have and now Kanada is whining that the US is being mean. Kananda also have wasted $10 million of Kanadian taxpayers' money because the government was retarded.


Game over, DUDE, game over.

Edited by Volourn


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"Most Canadians that claim to want to join the US are often ridiculed by their peers."


Not true. In fcat, most Kanadians seem to have a conspiracy notion that it's only a matter of time. R00fles!


Joining the US and becoming part of the US are not necessarily the same thing Volo.


"Canadians are quite patriotic"


Kanadians are quite bigoted. And, hypocritical.


Just like many other countries. What's your point? We are hardly unique in that aspect.

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My plans are working perfectly...... :aiee:

There was a time when I questioned the ability for the schizoid to ever experience genuine happiness, at the very least for a prolonged segment of time. I am no closer to finding the answer, however, it has become apparent that contentment is certainly a realizable goal. I find these results to be adequate, if not pleasing. Unfortunately, connection is another subject entirely. When one has sufficiently examined the mind and their emotional constructs, connection can be easily imitated. More data must be gleaned and further collated before a sufficient judgment can be reached.

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There is going to be no animosity between Canada and the USA because of it.


I really think the USA should step up to the plate here and admit they were wrong but thats going to cost them ALOT of money if they do that in the lawsuit so I dont expect that to ever happen.


Kinda sad though because the guy has been PROVEN innocent beyond ANY reasonable (or really unreasonable) doubt. He should be taken off the no fly list immediately and should NEVER have been sent to Syria like he was to be tortured!


Canada just settled with him and gave him 11.5 million dollars (that includes legal fees) and our prime minister just publicly appoligized to him on TV and in writing.


But you know what REALLY REALLY REALLY bugs me about this topic. Not what the states did (its bush and over reacting his middle name), not the settlement (id want compensation as well if it happened to me).


What really pisses me off to no end is Canada bias F'ing news reporters.




Seriously, can you imagine the uproar if Canada deported a american with out any evidence and then shipped that american off to a 3rd world country to be tortured until he confessed? It simply would never happen! EVER.


If the USA tried that today Harper would be all over them sticking up for the Canadian.


But because Canada's news is so freaking slanted to the left, not a single reporter is asking the question.


I for one want to know why this happened and why the government that was in power at the time didnt act to protect a canadian citizen from false prosecution.


What makes this even scarier is that same liberal party right now looks like they will win the next election all because the canadian media refuses to hold them up to a minimum standard that should be expected of ANY AND ALL political figures!


That to me is the biggest travesty of this whole circus routine. The fact that average Canadians didnt learn diddly squat from this exercise in ignoring basic fundamental rights.


You americans think you have it bad with Bush, just wait till next election when Canada puts into power a Liberal that cant speak english and hates the USA, then you going to see abuse of power and mind boggleing stupidity from a federal leader!


PS: Canada and the States will never merge into one country because there is fundemental differences between the two countries that could never be addressed.


HOWEVER, its not a stretch to think Alberta and the West might willingly join the states if the east continues to use its unfair and outdated electorial power to force liberal governments into power. Western Canada hates the liberals and has been raped by them and ignored by them for the last 100 years. The seperatist movement out there is growing fast everytime Ontario and Quebec hold the country hostage and force in Liberals to power.


Canada desperately needs electorial reform or its not going to last anouther 50 years im afraid to say.


Its sad to say but the Harper government has done more for the west (western canada) in one year then the liberals did in ten years, yet because of how electorial seats counted, Ontario and Quebec basically decide who the Leader is each election. Ignoring the fact that the West is the fastest growing and richest (pays most taxes and revenue transfers) portion of Canada.


You cant expect them to stand still for ever but Liberals will never change the rules because if everything was even the Liberals would have less seats then the NDP would. Liberals are wel;comed in two Canadian provinces only and those two provinces currently hold all the power because of outdated and idiotic election rules.

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Canadians can NEVER join the US until their football teams get rid of that 55 yard line! WTF is THAT?

"While it is true you learn with age, the down side is what you often learn is what a damn fool you were before"

Thomas Sowell

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HOWEVER, its not a stretch to think Alberta and the West might willingly join the states if the east continues to use its unfair and outdated electorial power to force liberal governments into power. Western Canada hates the liberals and has been raped by them and ignored by them for the last 100 years. The seperatist movement out there is growing fast everytime Ontario and Quebec hold the country hostage and force in Liberals to power.


Canada desperately needs electorial reform or its not going to last anouther 50 years im afraid to say.


Its sad to say but the Harper government has done more for the west (western canada) in one year then the liberals did in ten years, yet because of how electorial seats counted, Ontario and Quebec basically decide who the Leader is each election. Ignoring the fact that the West is the fastest growing and richest (pays most taxes and revenue transfers) portion of Canada.


You cant expect them to stand still for ever but Liberals will never change the rules because if everything was even the Liberals would have less seats then the NDP would. Liberals are wel;comed in two Canadian provinces only and those two provinces currently hold all the power because of outdated and idiotic election rules.


Is that what is referred to as "Western Alienation"? I've heard that term used in Canadian news before. This time of year South Florida has more Canadians living in it than Ottawa does so we get a fair bit of Canadian news on the radio.

Edited by Guard Dog

"While it is true you learn with age, the down side is what you often learn is what a damn fool you were before"

Thomas Sowell

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aye thats what it means.


I currently live in the east now (but grew up in the west) and can say people out here are totally oblivious to the problems caused by the liberals in the west. They really have no clue or just dont care. Either way, arrogence or ignorance not valid reasoning for the way easterners think.


The alienation started many many decades ago and has continued to this day in the east vrs west battle in canada. Everyone always points to quebec as worrying about them seperating, IMO they should spend more time worrying about the west.


With out the west canada has no oil, no real natural gas, very limited forestry, almost no food production (agriculteral or beef).


You lose Quebec you lose a province that receives the highest amount of handouts every year from the government. You lose the west you lose the people PAYING the hand outs. You tell me which should be a higher priority?


And if Alberta and other western provinces decided to leave, they not going to make some political party to rape the federal government with demands and threats (like the Bloq), they simply going to pack up their boarders and leave. Turning Canada from one of the top ten richest countries into one of the top ten poorest countries over night. Thats how much the West impacts Canada yet to this date they still have no say or imput on electing the countries leader.


As I said though, if current polls mean anything at all, expect the liberals (lead by Stephen Dion, a man that cant speak english properly, a man that was apart of the most corrupt politic body in canadian history, a man that named his dog KYOTO after a poorly thought out enviromental plan, and a man thats on many occations announced his total and complete disdain for the USA *our largest trading partner*) to win next election and Canada to plummet into the abyss.


I honestly wouldnt be surprised if after the next election all Albertains (and possibly more) switched their vote to the seperatist party of that province. Its not that they poor sports either, but you have to be invited to the game to actual play and current electorial laws dont allow participation from anyone but Ontario and Quebec. And thats a true shame!

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As someone that lives in the West, and votes Conservative with no love for the Liberal Party, I feel that the separatist movement is still quite grassroots. As much as the Liberal Party had done things in recent years to piss me off, I still consider myself a Canadian, and the general consensus still seems to be that way.


I'd be very surprised if next election Albertans all decided to vote for a separatist party.

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I'd just love to see the NDP get a minority government. The Conservatives are just as corrupt as the Liberals except that they also have outdated social policies.


I also think our electoral system is in desperate need of reform. 65% of canadians voted for a left leaning party in the last election, and our government was formed by the right. I'd like to see a proportional representative system.

The area between the balls and the butt is a hotbed of terrorist activity.


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I think the NDP gaining power would probably be the worst thing possible for Canada.


I don't hold much faith in a political party who's response to questions about where they plan to get the money for their plan of increasing spending for Health Care and Education is "Don't worry about it." And I support public spending for both Health Care and Education.


And the Liberal Party is not a left leaning party, they're a pragmatic party. If you were to classify them, they'd be Centrist, with the exception of Chretien/Martin's Liberals, who (especially financially) would be more on the right than on the left. The recent Liberal Party has only been to the left when it comes to social concerns, but this is more of a reflection of their pragmatism than anything else.

Edited by alanschu
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Kalfears WvE problem makes me wonder what the heck would happen to america if Cali, Oregon,Washington, Nevada, Airzona, and Idaho Made their own sessession.

Victor of the 5 year fan fic competition!


Kevin Butler will awesome your face off.

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I'd just love to see the NDP get a minority government. The Conservatives are just as corrupt as the Liberals except that they also have outdated social policies.


I also think our electoral system is in desperate need of reform. 65% of canadians voted for a left leaning party in the last election, and our government was formed by the right. I'd like to see a proportional representative system.


ummm Oer?


What election were you watching?


Here is how messed up the canadian eletorial is.


The Conservatives got sweaping votes across the country (from atlantic Canada to BC)


The Liberals got ALL their votes from, Montreal, Toronto, and Vancouver (thats no exageration either, the only votes the liberal got were from those 3 cities)


And yet the liberals came within 20 seats of defeating the conservatives for power over the country.


To give a example for our american neighbors, imagine if a political party only got votes in New York (the city not the state), Los Angles, and Denver and then almost formed the presidential party in power. You would call that messed up right? I sure would but thats EXACTLY what happened in our last election.


Conservatives swept all the Rural votes accross the country and swept Calgary, Edmonton and a number of other cities. In fact the Liberals did not recieve ONE SEAT in the entire province of Alberta. Yet they came with in 20 seats of taking power!


Im sorry but thats just screwed up!


Also as for the NDP getting a minority Party, do you hate Canada that much? Im being serious here. EVERYTIME the NDP have ever held power (provincial levels as thats the only places they ever won at) they have created record breaking debts for those provinces. Why on earth would you want them to run our country? We are finally getting outta debt from the Trudeau era of over spending, why plummet our country back into massive debt? Seriously.


Read the NDP social platforms, it all sounds nice and great but NO WHERE do they ever explain how they going to pay for all this. The reason for this is because they CANT with out building up huge debt!


And lastly, (Im sick of hearing this flat out lie) please show me where the conservatives have stolen from us? You make the claim they are corrupt, so please supply proff to your statement as im sick to death of blanket leftist lies.


For the record, I do not support any one party and approach each election on a who is best for the country. I have voted in the past for Liberals and Conservatives and even once for the Green (you cant pay me to vote NDP as im not a fan of communism). Right now Harper and the conservatives are the BEST choice for the Country bar none. What they do need however is a majority because of the liberal senate bogging down all their bills in endless paper work.


We need to get Harper a majority so he can force through ELECTED senates to stop the left from holding our country hostage because of partisan, lifelong term appointments as is currently happening.


We need to get Harper a Majority so he can force throw Electorial reform (a bill that the liberals will NOT EVER SUPPORT).


We need to get Harper a Majority so Canadian citizens are protected by their country and government rather then just handed over with out any evidence as the liberals did to Arar.


We need to get Harper a majority so he can fullfill his enviromental promises (again liberals and ndp attack him on enviroment yet block all his bills).


Why are you not mad that the liberals had 10 million stashed away to BUY clear air credits from other countries. THATS WHY they didnt reduce any polution when in office, there plan was to spend our taxes buying green house gas credits from other countries to meet the Kyoto targets! Harper cancelled Kyoto and used OUR TAXES to build "made in canada" solutions. Thus far his 4 enviromental announcements (in 1 year) are 4 more then the liberals delivered in 10 years of office.


And please dont talk to me about the NDP, again read their platform, their enviromental solution would cause mass lay offs and economical decline! Harper is trying to help the enviroment with out impacting jobs. NDP doesnt care about jobs or people!


Sorry if im pationate about this topic but I follow politics very closely and right now Canada is in the BEST SHAPE its been in, in the last 11 years. And the polls say Ontario and Quebec are just going to throw that all away and the rest of Canada be damned! That pisses me off to no end!


PS: Please supply a link to your 65% quote. actual numbers are reversed, Harper won the popular vote with 65% of the votes but because of electorial seats being so outta whack only got a minority government! Thats the problem with the left, truth and factual statements rarely come into play here!


PPS: Umm volo, if im making incorrect staements please show me what ones? My info comes from polling data and actual history. Dont just say im wrong, correct me if you can!


PPPS: TO the other poster that said he veiws himself as Canadian. In the most recent polling data done, ALL of Alberta veiw themselves as canadian and WANT to stay in Canada as the first choice. BUT they followed that statement up with "I would vote to leave if electorial reform doesnt become a reality in the near future".


Alberta (unlike Quebec) WANTS to stay in Canada, they want to be apart of canada, but they HAVE to have a say in Canada. Right now (with how electorial seats set up) they simply have no say what so ever.


In the last election, the seperatist vote rose 200% in Alberta. Now thats not enough for them to get even one seat there but such a drastic increase does send a pretty clear message to the rest of Canada. That message is include us or we are going to leave!


Edmonton and Calgary are the FASTEST growing cities in Canada, Alberta has the LOWEST unemployement in Canada, Pays the MOST federal transfer charges in Canada, has the BEST health care in Canada (paid for by province, not federal government) yet has less number of seats as Toronto (the city) has for electorial purposes.


pppps: sorry for long post all, was alot to cover

Edited by Kalfear
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Kalfears WvE problem makes me wonder what the heck would happen to america if Cali, Oregon,Washington, Nevada, Airzona, and Idaho Made their own sessession.

Remember what happened last time a few states tried to seceed? The US is like a mafia family. As Tony Soprano would say "once you come into the family, there is no gettin' out".


"While it is true you learn with age, the down side is what you often learn is what a damn fool you were before"

Thomas Sowell

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