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Graduating from college and getting a job is great, but I put on about 15 pounds in the last year and a half thanks to working a desk job.


I used to ride a stationary bike and lift weights at the college rec, and I bet I walked at least two miles a day all over our hilly campus. When I was younger, I used to get all my exercise from sports. I played American football, baseball and basketball. Even in college I played several intramural sports to counteract all the beer and pizza.


Now I've been running four or five times a week on a treadmill since December. It's tough to motivate myself to run, but having a TV by the treadmill helps a lot.


Several co-workers and I have started playing 3-on-3 basketball once a week now, though. Hopefully it will help me lose weight, although so far it's just made my calves and ankles really, really sore.

Edited by Darth Drabek

baby, take off your beret

everyone's a critic and most people are DJs

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Sport is a mandatory part of school in Australia, so I participated in Rugby Union and Cricket; my father was the yachting age champion for Victoria when he was 19, so he encouraged me to learn and compete in sailing (I am a fully qualified yachtsman and I can always just travel around the world from one yacht club to the next, as a professional crewman). As part of school I competed in swimming, cross-country running and, my personal favourite, gymnastics (I was senior champion), which was probably helped by the inground trampoline I had at home whilst I was in highschool.


Of course that was two decades ago; since then I have continued weight-training regularly and keeping aerobically fit by swimming (in appropriate countries, usually 1km in a 50m pool) or various classes (tried aerobics: I'm not a good one for choreography, so it wasn't very successful) of which I am now doing kickboxing (that's only recent: I have boxed before but I always thought my lower body flexibility was not sufficient for kicking; I have been working to improve that in the last twelve months) and various circuit classes (boxercise) and in the lat couple of months I have started yoga (more flexibility than meditation, fortunately).


Occasionally I run: running is a favourite sport; I am able to zone out (the regular breathing helps to make the activity more like meditation) and I usually run for an hour or two.




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I usually run for an hour or two.


I usually run for 20 minutes. ;)


I was never really good at any of the sports I played, but I did work really hard in the weight room - which was the reason I could even hold my own at those other sports.


I won my weight class (156-165 lbs.) at a few powerlifting meets back in high school. I'd stay with the leaders in the bench press and deadlift, and then I'd kill them in the squat. I was able to bench 100 pounds over my body weight and I could squat 400 pounds! :-


But alas, I couldn't bench press OPG (OverPoweredGodzilla). That guy was a pimp.

baby, take off your beret

everyone's a critic and most people are DJs

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Do 12-ounce curls and smoking count as sports? I kid, I kid.


I suppose the only actual sport I do is golf. I dont really consider it a physically demading activity because, well, I drive a cart around the course whist smoking and drinking heavily, only getting out of the cart long enough to hit my ball or ridicule one of my buddies for hitting it like a Sally.

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I usually run for an hour or two.

I usually run for 20 minutes. ;)


I was never really good at any of the sports I played, but I did work really hard in the weight room - which was the reason I could even hold my own at those other sports.


I won my weight class (156-165 lbs.) at a few powerlifting meets back in high school. I'd stay with the leaders in the bench press and deadlift, and then I'd kill them in the squat. I was able to bench 100 pounds over my body weight and I could squat 400 pounds! :-


But alas, I couldn't bench press OPG (OverPoweredGodzilla). That guy was a pimp.

I have a light frame (it's taken me decades to put on any weight; I'm about a stone heavier than I was in highschool) so running doesn't feel uncomfortable. I was always running, though; my father used to say I would be a long-distance runner as I was continually running for long periods as a (very young) child. It's certainly true I have more slow-twitch muscles: I don't run particularly far, I just don't stop. :)


Sounds like you might be taller / bigger framed than average. You might like water-polo as a sport (seriously).


I'm just getting back into weight-training, though: I didn't go near a dumbbell for over five years until about six months ago (though I have been pumping iron since I was fifteen). Consequently I am just back to benchpressing my own weight (for sets, not as a total maximum).




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Sounds like you might be taller / bigger framed than average. You might like water-polo as a sport (seriously).


For once, you're wrong. I'm 5'6" and a terrible swimmer. :D


I struggled like hell for that swimming merit badge in my Scouting days. My wife used to be a lifeguard and she loves poking fun at my aquatic shortcomings.


Good luck getting back into lifting. I have to say, nothing is harder than starting weightlifting again after a few years off. It's embarrassing to realize how much strength you've lost. And then the soreness sets in on that second day and you think, "good Lord, why am I doing this to myself?"

baby, take off your beret

everyone's a critic and most people are DJs

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For once, you're wrong. I'm 5'6" and a terrible swimmer.  :D


I never passed my swimming lessons when I was a kid. I had two things going against me when I was taking them. One was that I could never rotate enough to get my mouth up out of the water so I could breathe. I could only swim for as long as I could hold my breath. Second, my lungs don't like chlorine. :-

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Sounds like you might be taller / bigger framed than average. You might like water-polo as a sport (seriously).

For once, you're wrong. I'm 5'6" and a terrible swimmer. :D


I struggled like hell for that swimming merit badge in my Scouting days. My wife used to be a lifeguard and she loves poking fun at my aquatic shortcomings.


Good luck getting back into lifting. I have to say, nothing is harder than starting weightlifting again after a few years off. It's embarrassing to realize how much strength you've lost. And then the soreness sets in on that second day and you think, "good Lord, why am I doing this to myself?"

I've been back weight-training for over eight months (took most of December off due to a persistent cold that just wouldn't go away: I thought I'd beaten in in the first few days but wound up with a secondary infection), and I am very familiar with the fitness / pain threshold, don't worry. :-




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You must play in the NHL then. What team, and how many points do you have this season? Going to the ASG, btw?


Krookie is only 13 or 14, so he has a couple years before he is eligible for the draft. I fully believe he will be the first Obsidian forumite to break into the NHL.


I'm only very good at hockey, not at the ultra level. I also started ice too late in life, otherwise I'd be going to the ASG.


Oh yeah, grats go to Volourn for being the first one to respond negatively to someone's post in this thread. You're a winner Volo.

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Oh yeah, grats go to Volourn for being the first one to respond negatively to someone's post in this thread.  You're a winner Volo.





A dogs got to hunt and a trolls got to troll.



I play basketball more then any other sport, I swim pretty well only in the summer time, even though the college has an indoor pool, I just never feel like swimming in the winter. I used to go lay soccer down at the park, but got too many gashes on my arms for it to remaipn enjoyable. I jog down at the greenbelt at times, and walk around town lake. I also go to the batting cages when I get stressed.

People laugh when I say that I think a jellyfish is one of the most beautiful things in the world. What they don't understand is, I mean a jellyfish with long, blond hair.

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I was never a fan of basketball, never particually liked the rules in it and how its non contact, you may as well just give them the ball and let them score continually with it. Also having people twice your size somehow getting the ball off you and having the upper hand when scoring. I played a bit of rugby during primary school about 3 years and that was alright, still had massive guys that clean you up.


Crosscountry is alright but not so much fun in the winter as your nose is all blocked and running so that makes it difficult to breathe, and having the sharp crisp air go down your throat, I remember 1 terrible race, an 8km doesnt seem like much but it was all up hall and in bushy terrain, Australian bush so not much fun, getting cut by trees and whenever there was a downhill part it was the muddiest and your feet basically got stuck in. After pushing yourself that hard for 8kms non stop you go weird after the race, I was hullucinating and I couldnt see through 1 eye, it just went all dark and one side of my body gradually went numb starting with my fingers.


You Europeans and Americans are lucky to have snow based sports, I remember the first and only time when I went over east on some school tour and I got to see and play around in snow, not what I expected its basically like ice and we where having snow ball fights and I got a whopper, it was like being hit like a brick lol.

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"Krookie is only 13 or 14, so he has a couple years before he is eligible for the draft."


Ahh.. I did not realize that. Well. le'ts hope he makes it.



"Oh yeah, grats go to Volourn for being the first one to respond negatively to someone's post in this thread. You're a winner Volo."


Thank you for the compliment. :bat:


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I was never a fan of basketball, never particually liked the rules in it and how its non contact, you may as well just give them the ball and let them score continually with it


As someone that has played basketball for 12 years, I can safely say that basketball is not devoid of any contact.

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You must play in the NHL then. What team, and how many points do you have this season? Going to the ASG, btw?


Yeah, I'm 15. So like, no NHL for another few years.




I am on a 17U (anyone 17 and under)...And I have 24 points thus far. Season is about 1/3 the way done.

Edited by Krookie
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Seriously, I wish you luck. :)



P.S. I did not realize (or forgot) you were so young. Your posts seem rather mature (then again, I'm the last one to judge someone' maturity on the internets so LOL). :crazy:


It'll be cool to be able to watch a boardie on TV playing hockey. No pressure though. :)


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Crosscountry is alright but not so much fun in the winter as your nose is all blocked and running so that makes it difficult to breathe, and having the sharp crisp air go down your throat, I remember 1 terrible race, an 8km doesnt seem like much but it was all up hall and in bushy terrain, Australian bush so not much fun, getting cut by trees and whenever there was a downhill part it was the muddiest and your feet basically got stuck in. After pushing yourself that hard for 8kms non stop you go weird after the race, I was hullucinating and I couldnt see through 1 eye, it just went all dark and one side of my body gradually went numb starting with my fingers.

And that is why I smoked and drank during cross country.


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