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Dismayed at NWN2


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Ok, for all you defenders of the faith. Put someone who has played no rpg before. Let them play oblivion (released before nwn2), then let them play NWN2. Then let them judge the game. More than likely they will preferr the former as a way better game. Dont even bring up the fact that oblivion is not miltiplayer, if it was it would beat nwn2 hands down. There are lots of hard core fans/modders of NWN out there that are very dissapointed at this effort. Maybe it is time to take heed?


I am so dissapointed at this effort. Kinda reminds me how the beancounters at EA destroyed the reputation of the BF series with BF2. Idiocy at EA made them loose 40% of their fan base.

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It's not even worth it to respond to this, but here I am, putting off an essay, so I'll indulge.


It makes not a goddamn difference in the world what an RPG n00b thinks when comparing Oblivion and NWN2. The merits of NWN2 and the deep flaws of Oblivion reach much farther than "accessibility". That's not how you judge the quality of a game.

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Be cool guys.

Why oh why...why don't you give us some specific examples of why you're unhappy with this game.



When a man has no Future, the Present passes too quickly to be assimilated and only the static Past has value.

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Ok, for all you defenders of the faith. Put someone who has played no rpg before. Let them play oblivion (released before nwn2), then let them play NWN2. Then let them judge the game. More than likely they will preferr the former as a way better game. Dont even bring up the fact that oblivion is not miltiplayer, if it was it would beat nwn2 hands down. There are lots of hard core fans/modders of NWN out there that are very dissapointed at this effort. Maybe it is time to take heed?


I am so dissapointed at this effort. Kinda reminds me how the beancounters at EA destroyed the reputation of the BF series with BF2. Idiocy at EA made them loose 40% of  their fan base.


Oblivion sucked. NWN2 was good. Thats the main difference between the two.

Edited by Oerwinde
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I have to disagree with this hypothetical. The majority of adults I know that don't play RPGs do so because they either are uninterested in computer games or do play computer games but are uninterested in cRPGs.


If I were to place them infront of a computer with Oblivion or Neverwinter Nights 2, they would be uninterested and/or frustrated. They would enjoy neither.

"When is this out. I can't wait to play it so I can talk at length about how bad it is." - Gorgon.

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Read these constructive critisisms. Please be objective about it.











Might want to keep an eye on this next link, the trend is falling popularity of the game.



Also, if your flaming me or insulting me, then it just shows that youre biased in favour of the game. Please don't get me wrong. I loved NWN and anxiously awaited the sequel with baited breath. But now I have been playing it, I am a little dismayed at the effort produced. Your opinions of me are worthless in this discussion, and will be ignored. Can any one on this forum get a view out without getting insulted?


On forums around the net I'm seeing a lot more votes against than for.

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Look people, I'm not trying to cast disparity on the devs(or who ever), I just want to illustrate the fact that there is a growing disenchanment with it. I would hate to see a good game being uncared for by modders ect leading to a lack of good extra content being made for it. NWN1 had and still has a popular base, but please beware that there is alot of negativity occuring out there that is getting bigger by the day.


*edit, oh and some really nice replies there, remind me to insult your immaturity if you insult my wisdom young uns. I would rather help make it better than ridicule the deveolpers of this title(understand?).

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Look people, I'm not trying to cast disparity on the devs(or who ever), I just want to illustrate the fact that there is a growing disenchanment with it. I would hate to see a good game being uncared for by modders ect leading to a  lack of good extra content being made for it. NWN1 had and still has a popular base, but please beware that there is alot of negativity occuring out there that is getting bigger by the day.


*edit, oh and some really nice replies there, remind me to insult your immaturity if you insult my wisdom young uns. I would rather help make it better than ridicule the deveolpers of this title(understand?).


The games were produced for different audiences... not something too hard to understand. Maybe there are more fans for action RPG style games with weak stories (ouch, bias)?


And even though you may consider my oppinion to be worthless (it's strange why you're trolling in a forum if you didn't want any oppinions) I'm glad NWN2 was not made to be like Oblivion.

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I'm just wondering exactly what you're hoping to accomplish with your posts. This is not a flame, but a genuine question. You say NWN2 is a worse game for the uninitiated than Oblivion, but you don't say why. You say NWN is popular and that NWN2 sucks in comparison (at least that's what I'm getting between the lines) but again you don't say why. You come with no suggestions on how to improve the game to make it better, although admittedly depending on the suggestions those can be kinda futile. There is a certain limit to how much can be fixed in patches after all.


But making suggestions and being constructive helps a lot to avoid getting bashed by other forum goers.


As for NWN2s growing impopularity, I don't know about that. Most people I talk to who play the game like it. There is truth that there are a lot of people bashing it as well, but that happens to any game. I've seen so much Oblivion bashing that you wouldn't believe it. People are more vocal when they're upset, this is a known fact.


I personally like the game and think it is much better than Oblivion. This is not to say Oblivion was a bad game, far from it. I liked Oblivion, but I'm liking NWN2 a lot more. But if you prefer Oblivion, then that is an option that is clearly open to you (again, not a flame).

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Look people, I'm not trying to cast disparity on the devs(or who ever), I just want to illustrate the fact that there is a growing disenchanment with it. I would hate to see a good game being uncared for by modders ect leading to a  lack of good extra content being made for it. NWN1 had and still has a popular base, but please beware that there is alot of negativity occuring out there that is getting bigger by the day.


*edit, oh and some really nice replies there, remind me to insult your immaturity if you insult my wisdom young uns. I would rather help make it better than ridicule the deveolpers of this title(understand?).


If I could cast the spell of disparity on the devs I probably would.


btw: 50 Reasons Why NWN1 is better than NWN2


Just in case you don't feel like typing out a 500 page memorandum to the question "what is it you don;t like about NWN2?".


Or the 101 list by Mortis Nai is fairly comprehensive. But feel free to add to the list :)

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I think his point is that modders should skip NWN 2 and either go back to NWN 1 or mod Oblivion, instead.


Problem is... NWN 1 is dated, the Oblivion engine is largely incapable of storytelling and party mechanics (the most important aspects of the NWN franchise), and NWN 2 is not nearly as bad a game as he makes it sound.

There are doors

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Thanks for the voice of reason spider, nice to see some thought going into a reply.


The camara is atrocious, like lotsa reviews state. AI of groupmembers is not very good either(but I understand they are trying to remedy that). The UI has been questioned as well. Game reviewers will explain it better than me, hence the links.


One example, why does a party member run over traps to attack a distant enemy? Should they not be more willing to avoid activating traps?

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