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Sort of bothered that there weren't any decent games out around X-Mas for the 360. I guess I'll stick to GoW and Call of Duty 3 (which is probably for the better, considering I haven't beaten them yet) until something decnt comes out.


Can anyone tell me if Live is worth it? I've heard GoW only supports 4 people, but that seems like a really small amount to play with.

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Nearing the end of Silent Hill 2...

I honestly hate you. That game is staring at me right now asking me to play it. plaaay eeeet


But, I want to build a module!



"Show me a man who "plays fair" and I'll show you a very talented cheater."
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Still playing;


Kotor 2. Damn game doesn't let me to beat it. It crashes every few minutes. So frustrating.


Kingdom Elemental. Very small yet very hard game. So my progression is slow. It should be impossible to beat it in the highest difficulty.


Gods: LoI. I gave a break to play this and will return to it after Kotor 2.


PQ. Just watching it. Still great fun.


And my home-made secret game... It simply sucks. Worst game ever.

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I could not get into Silent Hill 3 for the life of me, and 4 Simply isn't a Silent Hill Game.


The reason 3 didn't sit well with me, is that it was combat intensive, far more akin to Resident Evil than Silent Hill which was dependant upon Freaking yourself out that there was something there when there wasn't, instead of running around blowing crap up.


You can play Silent Hill 1 & 2 killing only the "Boss" creatures, Silent Hill 3 doesn't really have this wonderful suspense filled game play which is unfortunate because SH3 seems like it has a really neat story :)


But I did read all the comics so :aiee:

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Silent Hill 3 bothered me because you're given a knife and 3 bullets early on, then a swarm of really tough monsters.

"Show me a man who "plays fair" and I'll show you a very talented cheater."
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I think the cool thing about the SIlent Hill series is that each game is different, rather than more of the same in each case.


Yes but if I bought Neverwinter Nights 3, and instead of a Fantasy RPG, its a 3D Space Sim action shooter then I'm going to be more than a little disappointed regardless of how great the plot is.


The Suspense and Mind Games was why I loved the Silent Hill series, when they turned from Suspense/Adventure to Action/Survival the Series lost a great deal of the subtlety that made it such an engaging and world shattering experience.


I mean, Silent Hill 1 & 2, the first time you encounter something in the "Other world" it is absolutely terrifying, you don't know whats going to happen next, and you were generally ill equipped so you had to run away to survive.


Silent Hill 3 Starts you out right in the middle of the action hacking and slashing and shooting your way through the game to get to the next cut scene or onslaught of enemies.


When they did that, Silent Hill went from being something unique and Breathtaking that after you were done with it, would haunt you for days or weeks afterwards...too a Resident Evil clone with a more trippy plot.


As for Silent Hill 4, Its as much apart of the Silent Hill series as the US version of Super Mario 2 is to the Mario Series.


Don't get me wrong, I absolutely adore Silent Hill. I picked up a PSP just to watch and read through "Silent Hill Experience" I have read through Silent Pyramids Theisis on the game more times than I care to remember and I hold the writers of the game in the highest regard, because they proved that a Video game could be as detailed, cinematic earth shattering as any movie or other work of art.


But I felt they cheapened themselves for Silent Hill 3, and whored out the Brand Name for Silent Hill 4.

Edited by Mortis Nai
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Hey :aiee:


I just discovered that faq not more than an hour ago. :)


So far it's been a good read. :(


I notice he keeps quoting people, are these "official" sources? (note I've only scanned it so far, rather than in depth reading)


As for the change between 1/2/3/4... well.. I'm of two minds.


On the one hand, I'm not fond of change... but as a gamer... I like RE's gameplay and SH's story... so it doesn't bother me that much. :ph34r:


As for 4... the fact it started as a non-silent hill game probably didn't help it. :ph34r:


One other question... what is the "Silent Hill Experience"?

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I mean, Silent Hill 1 & 2, the first time you encounter something in the "Other world" it is absolutely terrifying, you don't know whats going to happen next, and you were generally ill equipped so you had to run away to survive.


It's been a long time since I played it (I've been meaning to play through all 4 for a while now), but I didn't think 2 had a "other world", with everything taking place in the "misty" Silent Hill?

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For X-mas, I am playing Final Fantasy 7... on my PSP!




And Silent Hill 2 has the "Other World" and it is extremely well defined, making lots of quick transitions between the "Real world" and "other world" which you will notice more as the game goes on.


Silent Hill 2 Starts in the Fog, and the "Other world" is not so well defined, but by the time you get to the Hospital your switching back and forth rapidly, by the end of Silent Hill 2 its pretty much all in the "Other world."


The Pacing of the game is absolutely phenomenal.

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A Good game should be paced as if you are making love... slow and gentle as first, building up to fast and violent by the end and finally hitting the climax with the woman chained to the bed with razor wire... Silent Hill 2 did just that.



Edited by Mortis Nai
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I just got a bunch of PS2 games I've been wanting to finish/replay out of storage. So, I'm now playing.

Final Fantasy XII


Prince of Persia

Silent Hill 2


I've got a stack of 3x this many in my "in box." And I should get my Gamecube out of storage. Still need to beat Eternal Darkness and replay Windwaker.

"Show me a man who "plays fair" and I'll show you a very talented cheater."
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I thought they only made 1 game for the Gamecube?


And even that eventually became a moot point.

Game cube was awesome. Metroid Prime, Wind Waker, Smash Brothers, previously mentioned RE 4, RE 1 remake, Metal Gear Solid: Twin Snakes (original MGS remake), RE 0, Paper Mario 2, Eternal Darkness.

"Show me a man who "plays fair" and I'll show you a very talented cheater."
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