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Will we ever get Jefferson?


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Even a pruned version might be good. :(


I bet you a TON of ideas make it in nwn2 from bg3


Wasn't the ability to burn down a church full of monks from BG3?

You may be right. Going through the Van Buren design docs, I found some remarkable similarities to KOTOR2 :ph34r: nothing overt, but a lot of the same ideas (for example, the restoration effort on Telos is not unlike the Nursery in VB)

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Unfortunately, owning the assets doesn't necessaily equal the rights to "use" them if it infringes on other trademarks, like names, settings etc.

If Obsidian has no problem with me working on it as a unsupported personal project (basically like anyone's personal NWN/NWN2 project), I don't think anyone's rights are violated.

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That would be cool, J.E. :)

Murphy's Law of Computer Gaming: The listed minimum specifications written on the box by the publisher are not the minimum specifications of the game set by the developer.


@\NightandtheShape/@ - "Because you're a bizzare strange deranged human?"

Walsingham- "Sand - always rushing around, stirring up apathy."

Joseph Bulock - "Another headache, courtesy of Sand"

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Unfortunately, owning the assets doesn't necessaily equal the rights to "use" them if it infringes on other trademarks, like names, settings etc.

If Obsidian has no problem with me working on it as a unsupported personal project (basically like anyone's personal NWN/NWN2 project), I don't think anyone's rights are violated.

all the people create modules, noone is hurt by some nice ideas/stories


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Unfortunately, owning the assets doesn't necessaily equal the rights to "use" them if it infringes on other trademarks, like names, settings etc.

If Obsidian has no problem with me working on it as a unsupported personal project (basically like anyone's personal NWN/NWN2 project), I don't think anyone's rights are violated.


I think he means Obsidian doesn't have the rights to the BG license

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1. Wouldn't Obsidian prefer you to spend your NWN2 on official stuff (like possible expansion *hint hint*) than on such a indeavour?


2. Since Obsidian is basically working with Atari/WOTC on NWN2 couldn't the Obsidian bosses just pitch the Jefferson idea to the publisher for possible approval (barring a surprising financial flop I don't see Atari syaing no to expansions) and go that route?


3. No matter what occurs, it would be ncie to play Jefferson!


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Hey, if he can, and what he does in his off hours is his business, I say go for it. I know a lot of gamers would love to play Jefferson and the most important thing we would finally get Ramza to stop bringing it up. :)

Murphy's Law of Computer Gaming: The listed minimum specifications written on the box by the publisher are not the minimum specifications of the game set by the developer.


@\NightandtheShape/@ - "Because you're a bizzare strange deranged human?"

Walsingham- "Sand - always rushing around, stirring up apathy."

Joseph Bulock - "Another headache, courtesy of Sand"

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I think he means Obsidian doesn't have the rights to the BG license


Does that really matter though? The Black Hound never had anything to do with the BG saga and would have been BG3 in name only. It could just as well have been released as a stand alone.


Edit: Added the quote since there were several posts between mine and the one I was replying to.

Edited by Spider
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1. Wouldn't Obsidian prefer you to spend your NWN2 on official stuff (like possible expansion *hint hint*) than on such a indeavour?


2. Since Obsidian is basically working with Atari/WOTC on NWN2 couldn't the Obsidian bosses just pitch the Jefferson idea to the publisher for possible approval (barring a surprising financial flop I don't see Atari syaing no to expansions) and go that route?



1. Possible expansion?? :)


2. Well, they wouldn't be working with the MYSTERY engine anymore then. Too old. I think the point is for all the work on Jefferson to see the light of day.

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Unfortunately, owning the assets doesn't necessaily equal the rights to "use" them if it infringes on other trademarks, like names, settings etc.

If Obsidian has no problem with me working on it as a unsupported personal project (basically like anyone's personal NWN/NWN2 project), I don't think anyone's rights are violated.

Somebody is bound to misquote that, or deliberately misinterpret it :)


But otherwise, just to show a bit of enthusiasm (w00t)


I don't think you would hear a lot of complaint about doing it. Although you would probably get a lot of whining from people who expected all their unfilled desires to come true when/if finally getting their hands on it :)


Edit: Implicit, that expectations for some reason keep growing ower time until they reach impossible proportions

Edited by Gorth

“He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice.” - Albert Einstein

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I think he means Obsidian doesn't have the rights to the BG license


Does that really matter though? The Black Hound never had anything to do with the BG saga and would have been BG3 in name only. It could just as well have been released as a stand alone.


If it was that easy, why did they scrap it when they lost the BG PC rights? :)

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People aren't happy unless they can complain about something.

Murphy's Law of Computer Gaming: The listed minimum specifications written on the box by the publisher are not the minimum specifications of the game set by the developer.


@\NightandtheShape/@ - "Because you're a bizzare strange deranged human?"

Walsingham- "Sand - always rushing around, stirring up apathy."

Joseph Bulock - "Another headache, courtesy of Sand"

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I think he means Obsidian doesn't have the rights to the BG license


Does that really matter though? The Black Hound never had anything to do with the BG saga and would have been BG3 in name only. It could just as well have been released as a stand alone.


If it was that easy, why did they scrap it when they lost the BG PC rights? :)


Because it was probably too late to change the game and the big wigs thought it wouldn't sell without the BG name. Also I think they also lost the DnD rights as well.

Edited by Sand

Murphy's Law of Computer Gaming: The listed minimum specifications written on the box by the publisher are not the minimum specifications of the game set by the developer.


@\NightandtheShape/@ - "Because you're a bizzare strange deranged human?"

Walsingham- "Sand - always rushing around, stirring up apathy."

Joseph Bulock - "Another headache, courtesy of Sand"

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If it was that easy, why did they scrap it when they lost the BG PC rights?  :)


Because it was probably too late to change the game and the big wigs thought it wouldn't sell without the BG name. Also I think they also lost the DnD rights as well.


Dunno, I hope I'm wrong and there is something to JE's posts other than "what if", but ....well....lets see what he says.



EDIT: The Jefferson Restoration Project :)

Edited by kumquatq3
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If it was that easy, why did they scrap it when they lost the BG PC rights?  :rolleyes:


Because it was heavily tied to the Forgotten Realms and in order to make it a FR game they would have to deal with Atari. I guess Atari wasn't interested in dealing with Interplay since they owed them money on the D&D license. Or maybe Interplay had an exclusive distribution deal with Vivendi prohibiting them from even talking to Atari. There are many possible reasons why it wouldn't have worked then but could work now, but if you know more than me, please enlighten me.



Edit: In reply to Sand, Interplay didn't have carte blanche D&D rights, at least not when Jefferson was being worked on. They had the right to three franchises, IWD, BG and BG:DA. That's it.

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Unfortunately, owning the assets doesn't necessaily equal the rights to "use" them if it infringes on other trademarks, like names, settings etc.

If Obsidian has no problem with me working on it as a unsupported personal project (basically like anyone's personal NWN/NWN2 project), I don't think anyone's rights are violated.

Just don't tell anyone that you are working on it: can you imagine the endless ramza-like threads of "Well, what's the status?" ? :rolleyes:




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*cough cough* I will just ignore that... Anyway, I wouldn't have been asking that question if I didn't know that Obsidian had bought all the assets for Jefferson. I DO believe that there is some hope left...


Maybe Sawyer should bring this up to Feargus, so that the project may become reality. I don't really care about the Mystary engine anymore. All I am interested in is the project's storyline. The setting, the characters, the plot... everything sounded so cool.



"Ooo, squirrels, Boo! I know I saw them! Quick, throw nuts!" -Minsc

"I am a well-known racist in the Realms! Elves? Dwarves? Ha! Kill'em all! Humans rule! -Me


Volourn will never grow up, he's like the Black Peter Pan, here to tell you that it might be great to always be a child, but everybody around is gonna hate it. :p
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Actually, I still have my folder with all the Jefferson pics, artwork, and interviews I could collect before Interplay's downfall (I just copy-pasted everything... lol).


I dont know how to share this however...

"Ooo, squirrels, Boo! I know I saw them! Quick, throw nuts!" -Minsc

"I am a well-known racist in the Realms! Elves? Dwarves? Ha! Kill'em all! Humans rule! -Me


Volourn will never grow up, he's like the Black Peter Pan, here to tell you that it might be great to always be a child, but everybody around is gonna hate it. :p
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What information do we really have about Jefferson? It's been so long I've forgotten.


Unfortunately, Sammael's huge Jefferson FAQ has been offline for quite a while now (though it may return in the near future) but you can see a short summary of the game along with some interesting developer quotes and interviews here.



I have the full FAQ in a CD somewhere, I can put those things online if Sammael wants them back.

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