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NWN2 Preorder toolset

Kaftan Barlast

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Perhaps it is a farm cooperative?  :mellow:


A castle might just be a tad too big and imposing for such an idyllic landscape.


Maybe a house, bigger and more extravagant for the local mayor/lord/magistrate/whatever?

An anarchist commune? With a democratically elected leader, who occupies the castle for a fixed term and ratifies legislation voted in with a two-thirds majority?




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Perhaps it is a farm cooperative?  :)


A castle might just be a tad too big and imposing for such an idyllic landscape.


Maybe a house, bigger and more extravagant for the local mayor/lord/magistrate/whatever?


I tried making the mayor's house/town hall a more modern/imposing house, but it just looked out of place.

The area between the balls and the butt is a hotbed of terrorist activity.


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An anarchist commune? With a democratically elected leader, who occupies the castle for a fixed term and ratifies legislation voted in with a two-thirds majority?

Forget the townhall Oerwinde.


You need a two chamber senate. One chamber for the peasantry to give them the perception of influence and one for the nobility, just to keep them out of your hair. Your bandit leader can always play them out against each other.


Also, you would need water mills, lumber mills etc. to increase your income for your village, not to mention a harbour for improved trade with other bandits.


oh, and also, you might want to consider an arena where dissidents and malcontents can participate in unarmed combat against ravenous monsters. It improves morale tremendously (w00t)


All for the benefit of the people of Oerwindia of course :thumbsup:

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Salutations! I come before you today to talk a bit of random nonsense, and possibly drop some info as well about the weapons and armor within the upcoming excellent game Neverwinter Nights 2. Having used our toolset to put together the majority of our weapons and armors, I feel I can say with a high degree of confidence that things are super-awesome. Which is to say: Obsidian has crafted a system wherein one can quickly learn how to make a really impressive weapon or armor in a very short amount of time




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Yah! for Annie! (w00t)


All I could find in the toolset for weapon graphics were the crazy spikey fancy ones. I wanted just a simple longsword, but no, they don't have simple longsword graphics.

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Since I can't edit my post anymore, here's an addendum.


I just went through all the weapons in the toolset... and the only bladed weapons that don't look retarded, are the Rapiers. Which look awesome. I hope when the full game is released that some standard looking weapons will be included. You know, like Scimitars that look like Scimitars, Falchions that look like Falchions, Longswords that don't look like death evil spike magic custom longswords, etc.


I want a longsword that looks like this:



or a scimitar that looks like this:



But theres nothing even close to these generic designs in the toolset, so I'm hoping its just an oversight and some standard weapon graphics are added with the final game.


Otherwise I'm going to have to make all my characters use rapiers so they don't look like they glued a bunch of nails to their weapons.

The area between the balls and the butt is a hotbed of terrorist activity.


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OR you could craft your own weapons and stick them in a hakpak. :)


if they make an export plugin for XSI I just might do that.

The area between the balls and the butt is a hotbed of terrorist activity.


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This is really weird. Why wouldn't they include regular looking weapon models in NWN2? It should be easy to do it.

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Still, it seems like a pretty genuine and legitimate complaint for the toolset that comes with the game.


Optimally people shouldn't have to rely on other modders for weapons, especially if they are common weapons like long swords and scimitars.

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Still, it seems like a pretty genuine and legitimate complaint for the toolset that comes with the game.


Optimally people shouldn't have to rely on other modders for weapons, especially if they are common weapons like long swords and scimitars.

That's true. But does the toolset only allow for making magic weapons, or is it a cosmetic NWN thing?

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The toolset definitely allows you to create your own weapons. And it is (in my opinion) quite possible to create a longsword that looks like a longsword.


But then again, I also think that there are several of the pre-made models that look fairly standard. The "Longsword" and "Cold Iron Longsword" models for example.


When making a sword (at least a longsword) of your own you get to chose the blade, the hilt and the cross-guard separately. There are seven models of each to chose from and while most lean towards the extravagant, there are at least a couple in each that aren't very fanciful.


It's a bit worse for the scimitars, there are only two versions of each model And the one most commonly used for the blade (and that is used in the basic model) definitely looks a bit weird. The other one is better though so modders can still do decent scimitars if they want. A more plain crossguard would help a bit though, but it's not a huge issue.


edit: flails are even worse off with only one version of each model. So all that can be played with there is the color tint.

Edited by Spider
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Yeah, the main problem is crossguards. There are some decently simple blades and hilts, but all the crossguards are weird looking.


Once there are some 3rd party mods of some normal looking longswords and scimitars, I hope someone finds out how to change the base game blueprints so I can get rid of those stupid looking scimitars and longswords.


And its not even just the longswords and scimitars. Falchions look dumb, as do Bastard Swords and Greatswords. Though there are some better looking options for those two than there are for Longswords and Scimitars.


Positive note though, the Rapiers look awesome.

Edited by Oerwinde
The area between the balls and the butt is a hotbed of terrorist activity.


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Actually, the frame-rate for me is a bit on the low side in the toolkit. At least when having two preview-windows open. This with only having a sword open in each window (although there is some background there as well). Not quite as low as all that, but noticeable.


This on a P4 3.0 with a Radeon X1600XT and 1 GB of ram.

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