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Overall the Wii is more powerful than an Xbox, even if the Xbox can do some stuff that the Wii can't. But remember the Wii is more focused on its unique gameplay using the Wii controller and not on power. We can expect a game as beautiful as what we used to see on Xbox.




I imagine he is talking about shaders/lighting and such. Xbox/Wii shots definitely do not look the same...

Edited by Haitoku
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The Wii is just a Gamecube with really cool controls.

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Important: as the following sentence contains many naughty words I warn you not to read it under any circumstances; botty, knickers, wee, erogenous zone, psychiatrist, clitoris, stockings, bosom, poetry reading, dentist, fellatio and the department of agriculture.


"I suppose outright stupidity and complete lack of taste could also be considered points of view. "

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Eck, the guys arm looks like it's made of wood. 


No way would I be paying 550$ for a Wii... but if that's how much the Wii costs in Turkey -- what's the price of the Xbox 360 and PS3?


PS3's price has not yet been announced officially in Turkey. $1000 - $1200 would be a good estimation though. Well, may be even more.


When it comes to X360, situation is even more complicated. Microsoft refuses to bring their consoles to Turkey. So, it is impossible to buy one legally.

Edited by karka
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A thousand bucks for a console is ridiculous. I mean, I'm sure a lot of people spend $1000 in total, after games, controllers, memory cards, online fees, and everything else is added in, but paying that much for just the system and a controller seems a little stupid.

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IIRC, Wii's specs are slightly more powerful than Xbox'. Far Cry's shots look more like the result of a shoddy port. The Gamecube is capable of prettier stuff than that.


To me it looks like someone updated the Goldeye engine :D


It's not represenative of most of the games tho. As for graphics, hey, "Darwin" is one of the best games I've played in recent memory. Devs for Wii games seem to be focusing on game play over visuals.


Anyone see the trailer for the new Wii game from the guy who made Killer 7. The new game is called "Heroes".


The trailer is a mix of "Cool!" and "WTF!" sprinkled with terrible voice acting that one has to hope are just place holders.




BTW, Darque, a mix trailer from Nintendos NY show had a quick glimpse of the new RE for the Wii. Looked like the RE4 engine and it had some guy holding a flashlight going over a rope bridge.

Edited by kumquatq3
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PS3's price has not yet been  announced  officially in Turkey. $1000 - $1200 would be a good estimation though. Well, may be even more.


When it comes to X360, situation is even more complicated. Microsoft refuses to bring their consoles to Turkey. So, it is impossible to buy one legally.


Are there major tariffs on the consoles that cause them to be so expensive? It seems odd that they'd be so much more than they are in the US/Europe/Japan.

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A thousand bucks for a console is ridiculous. I mean, I'm sure a lot of people spend $1000 in total, after games, controllers, memory cards, online fees, and everything else is added in, but paying that much for just the system and a controller seems a little stupid.


Market forces should take over soon enough. If they don't sell at that price, then the price will go down.

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IIRC, Wii's specs are slightly more powerful than Xbox'. Far Cry's shots look more like the result of a shoddy port. The Gamecube is capable of prettier stuff than that.


To me it looks like someone updated the Goldeye engine :D


It's not represenative of most of the games tho. As for graphics, hey, "Darwin" is one of the best games I've played in recent memory. Devs for Wii games seem to be focusing on game play over visuals.


Anyone see the trailer for the new Wii game from the guy who made Killer 7. The new game is called "Heroes".


The trailer is a mix of "Cool!" and "WTF!" sprinkled with terrible voice acting that one has to hope are just place holders.




BTW, Darque, a mix trailer from Nintendos NY show had a quick glimpse of the new RE for the Wii. Looked like the RE4 engine and it had some guy holding a flashlight going over a rope bridge.

Yeah, many of the Wii titles aren't looking very good, but I think it's mostly the devs that need to shoulder most of the blame rather than the hardware itself. RE4 looks better than most of those.


Here's stuff on REWii


Resident Evil Wii is finally confirmed. It
Edited by Llyranor


(Approved by Fio, so feel free to use it)

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Yeah, many of the Wii titles aren't looking very good, but I think it's mostly the devs that need to shoulder most of the blame rather than the hardware itself.


Can't say I blame them for adopting a 'wait and see' attitude.


It costs a lot of $ to develop a game. Since 2 of the 3 major systems have yet to appear on the shelves, it's hard to project how many games might be sold to recoup the investment. At the 'suggested retail' prices shown for the consoles so far, it's a fair bet that not too many ordinary folks are going to have more than one, at least initially.

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PS3's price has not yet been  announced  officially in Turkey. $1000 - $1200 would be a good estimation though. Well, may be even more.


When it comes to X360, situation is even more complicated. Microsoft refuses to bring their consoles to Turkey. So, it is impossible to buy one legally.


Are there major tariffs on the consoles that cause them to be so expensive? It seems odd that they'd be so much more than they are in the US/Europe/Japan.


I'm just guessing right now, though the reason has to be that there's a ridicilously high "luxury tax" on entertainment-related (?!) items in general (I remember paying TRIPLE the US-price for a Fender Stratocaster). Here's the catch: Since the government, by their own admission, are unable to get so many 'respectable' businesses to pay any tax, they gouge instead the unsuspecting public in ways such as this.

Edited by Raymond Luxury-Yacht

pronounced: Throatwobbler Mangrove

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Tells you how many bones you'll have to drop to play with your wii.


$700 total for 2 games, the console and 3 wii-motes/nunchuks. :'(


I think you calculated wrong. I'm coming up with $529.91 for the console, 3 wii-motes/nunchuks and 2 games.

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Tells you how many bones you'll have to drop to play with your wii.


$700 total for 2 games, the console and 3 wii-motes/nunchuks. :'(


I think you calculated wrong. I'm coming up with $529.91 for the console, 3 wii-motes/nunchuks and 2 games.


*cough*Canadian*cough* :-"

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That's it, I'm buying a wii.


*resident evil slobbering fanboy mode*




What on earth does that have to do with my post?


I was trying, somewhat, to convince you to buy a PS3 instead. :">


But in reality I thought the vid looked awesome and wanted to post it somewhere and here, it seems, was the most relevant.


I was wrong. Again. :">

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