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Microsoft lied regarding published game titles

10k fists

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Doesn't sound like a lie to me; but more like a change in plans. Seriously, the accusations of lies on the internet occurs so quickly.


Tsk, tsk.


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I don't know how much of an edge they really have. Technology wise Sony is superior and so far the games out on the X Box 360 have been lackluster or the ones that would be good are also for the PC. Only advantage they have is that their console will be cheaper but in the long run it is the games and versitility that sells a console system.

Edited by Judge Hades
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I should have expected some of the responses here....


Oh well, consider this my last post on this forum.  Tired of trying to bring anything to this place in the hopes of intelligent discussion.



Yeah, you show 'em!

"Of course the people don't want war. But after all, it's the leaders of the country who determine the policy, and it's always a simple matter to drag the people along whether it's a democracy, a fascist dictatorship, or a parliament, or a communist dictatorship. Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism, and exposing the country to greater danger."


- Herman Goering at the Nuremberg trials


"I have also been slowly coming to the realisation that knowledge and happiness are not necessarily coincident, and quite often mutually exclusive" - meta

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Gee, I don't know how much intelligence is needed to realize that over a course of a year plans can change. It must take really low intelligence to realize that if you aren't adaptable to market demands your business loses money. I guess only stupid people expect businesses to be in it in order to make money off the services they bring.

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I guess only stupid people expect businesses to be in it in order to make money off the services they bring.

I own a buisness and I am in it to make money off the services I bring.

Edited by Blank
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I don't know how much of an edge they really have.  Technology wise Sony is superior and so far the games out on the X Box 360 have been lackluster or the ones that would be good are also for the PC.  Only advantage they have is that their console will be cheaper but in the long run it is the games and versitility that sells a console system.

Other than MGS4, I haven't really seen anything that seems like it's a jump ahead of the 360, tech-wise. 360 also has a few games coming out soon that will probably be well-reviewed and/or big sellers. I and several other Obsidian folks are considering buying a 360 for Dead Rising alone.

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I should have expected some of the responses here....


Oh well, consider this my last post on this forum.  Tired of trying to bring anything to this place in the hopes of intelligent discussion.


This IS a discussion, it just happens that most people disagree with you. You aren't presenting an impartial piece of information, you are stating an opinion (Microsoft lied) and people are offering rebuttals (business is business).

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Tired of trying to bring anything to this place in the hopes of intelligent discussion.


So far it is a largely intelligent discussion. Explain to me how a "plan" is the same thing as a "promise".


The actual issue is the price rise but your post positioned some promise as the issue. As far as the price rise itself, I'm surprised it didn't happen sooner. Gamers can voice their opinion on the value of any title they perceive as overpriced by not buying it or waiting for the inevitable price drop down the track.

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Sounds like Dudeface just wanted some cronies to agree with him :( You haters, you.


In any case, as unlikely as I am to ever get a 360, I have to admit its library is improving quite a bit. There's a fair list of games (most not yet released, I guess) that I wouldn't mind trying out if I had the console. That's more than I can say about the PS3 so far, though it's too early to tell either way, anyway. I'm not seeing any system sellers yet, though we haven't seen any Obs titles yet, either D:


(Approved by Fio, so feel free to use it)

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I should have expected some of the responses here....


Oh well, consider this my last post on this forum.  Tired of trying to bring anything to this place in the hopes of intelligent discussion.

Therein lies your problem. On one hand you expect intelligence, whilst on the other your "ZOMG, we're teh victimz0r!1" is anything but.


Since it seems your stay with us is about to expire, may I be the first to suggest this forum and that fourm, as you'll obviously be surrounding yourself with posters who meet your intelligence requirements.

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I should have expected some of the responses here....


Oh well, consider this my last post on this forum.  Tired of trying to bring anything to this place in the hopes of intelligent discussion.

Since it seems your stay with us is about to expire, may I be the first to suggest this forum and that fourm, as you'll obviously be surrounding yourself with posters who meet your intelligence requirements.






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I want one of these for christmas :)


Anywho. :-"


One thing, I think people need to quit picking on 10k :shifty:

I mean people accused him of being a MSfanboi, but when he makes posts that put MS in a bad light, he still gets railed by some people. :wacko:


Sheesh :wacko: Give it a rest :wacko:


I need a smiley with a "thwack'em stick" <_<

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Microsoft made the classic politician's statement - we don't currently have plans to increase prices. It leaves the door nicely open for change in the future, and I think most people understand that. For it to be a lie, you would need to prove that they had secretly-agreed plans to raise prices at the time when the initial statement was made, and that seems unlikely.


I'm glad I didn't buy an XBox-360 just for Oblivion, though. It'd be gathering dust in the corner by now.

Edited by SteveThaiBinh

"An electric puddle is not what I need right now." (Nina Kalenkov)

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So far the game roster for 360 seems worth the price you need to dish out for the console, but there are no real killer apps for it. Now, don't get me wrong, I don't care much for killer apps, it's just that the Xbox ones usually have co-op. And on the scale from 10 to 100 that alone gives around 70.


Co-op gameplay mode, especially single player campaign co-op(compare for example Tenchu's lackluster co-op to Brute Force) around triples the age for a game. It's the sole feature that I base any console game purchases on, ones that I plan to play at least.

kirottu said:
I was raised by polar bears. I had to fight against blood thirsty wolves and rabid penguins to get my food. Those who were too weak to survive were sent to Sweden.


It has made me the man I am today. A man who craves furry hentai.

So let us go and embrace the rustling smells of unseen worlds

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Coop campaign is fun.


Second best is (depending on the game title) MP campaign. I'd love to be able to play a game like Call of Duty or Rome: Total War in the campaign mode with a friend.


Heck, it's why I even picked up a game like Europa Universalis.

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Heh, me and my friend buy all co-op games(meaning around 80% or all game purchases we make) half and half and pretty much share the xbox 360, since both of our money is on the games.

Edited by Musopticon?
kirottu said:
I was raised by polar bears. I had to fight against blood thirsty wolves and rabid penguins to get my food. Those who were too weak to survive were sent to Sweden.


It has made me the man I am today. A man who craves furry hentai.

So let us go and embrace the rustling smells of unseen worlds

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