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Something for you to think about

Lare Kikkeli

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Dear mother of god, they must have been yearning for a child, or just very twisted.

Edited by Musopticon?
kirottu said:
I was raised by polar bears. I had to fight against blood thirsty wolves and rabid penguins to get my food. Those who were too weak to survive were sent to Sweden.


It has made me the man I am today. A man who craves furry hentai.

So let us go and embrace the rustling smells of unseen worlds

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This is sad and yet good. If she can lead a "normal" life that is.


There is not much difference between her and people getting shot in the face, saved, plasticsurgerized and burn victims yet we don't hesitate in doing everything we can to save those.

Why then would she deserve abortion? Wouldn't death also be preferable for the cripple and mutilation survivors?

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This is sad and yet good. If she can lead a "normal" life that is.


There is not much difference between her and people getting shot in the face, saved, plasticsurgerized and burn victims yet we don't hesitate in doing everything we can to save those.

Why then would she deserve abortion? Wouldn't death also be preferable for the cripple and mutilation survivors?



She can't breathe without a tube, nor eat. She can't speak because she doesnt have the bones to begin with. She cant hear. It's much worse than just the way she looks (which is pretty bad).

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Always been for legal abortion (even for "normal" children) and legalised euthanasia myself.


What would be the crime in controlling your own life... and since (in abortions case) the child has not yet been fully developed it is no "killing" anyways; and it only saves it from being treated as thrash by parents (if they wanted the kid they wouldn't do abortion; if they wanted to do abortion; the kid has a small chance of actually getting raised well)?




I agree that that is such a stupid idiotic pathetic garbage hateful retarded scumbag evil satanic nazi like term ever created. At least top 5.


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This reminds me of the Boy David documentaries. It was about a little Peruvian boy with a disease that ate most of his face away, and the countless operations he underwent as they slowly constructed a face for him. He was adopted by the plastic surgeon, as a son and as a project, I suppose. I imagine there's a lot they can do for this little girl if the funding is there.

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I don't think it's possible to replace half of your facial bone structure.


Not to mention "installing" new bone there.

kirottu said:
I was raised by polar bears. I had to fight against blood thirsty wolves and rabid penguins to get my food. Those who were too weak to survive were sent to Sweden.


It has made me the man I am today. A man who craves furry hentai.

So let us go and embrace the rustling smells of unseen worlds

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I certainly believe in the principle that abortion can be the kindest thing in some cases. But in a case where the principle problems are with the exterior, rather than the interior, and there's no chronic pain... I'd have to say that abortion seems wrong. I mean, aren't most of her problems due to how she is treated?


I've worked with cerebral palsy kids and they don't have a much worse deal. Brain is fine, but they can't control their bodies. Eyes don't point, limbs flail around, lungs fill up with fluid if leaning at the wrong angle. But they were good guys inside, and no different in how they were epxeriencing life than you or I would be if inside the same body. I won't say they had GOOD lives, but they had 'em.

"It wasn't lies. It was just... bull****"."

             -Elwood Blues


tarna's dead; processing... complete. Disappointed by Universe. RIP Hades/Sand/etc. Here's hoping your next alt has a harp.

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First of all, did they know their daughter would be faceless before birth? If not, then I fail to see how this is an argument for abortion.


One of my fellow mods decided it's not legitimate to cite the stupidity of an argument, so I'll simply say it was faulty.


Second of all, when you look at this little kid, or any other child, and say she'd be better off dead, you're not advocating freedom for your self. You're passing judgement on the worth of a life. Moreover, the life on which you pass judgement isn't even your own.


Have you talked to this girl? Do you know what she feels or thinks?


We could have discussed any number of issues, but you chose abortion. It's a safe bet, calling for legalized abortion. Since it's already legal, and apparently our Supreme Court decided that the crafters of our Constitution meant to protect it on a federal level, I don't know why it's a point of contention.


Hey, you want to throw red meat to the members of WoT, fair enough. ...But using the fate of this poor kid is simply in poor taste.


"When Tammy was pregnant, she knew something was wrong. At worst, they thought maybe their baby had a cleft lip."


Would you want to abort your child because of a cleft lip?

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First of all, did they know their daughter would be faceless before birth?  If not, then I fail to see how this is an argument for abortion.


One of my fellow mods decided it's not legitimate to cite the stupidity of an argument, so I'll simply say it was faulty.


Second of all, when you look at this little kid, or any other child, and say she'd be better off dead, you're not advocating freedom for your self.  You're passing judgement on the worth of a life.  Moreover, the life on which you pass judgement isn't even your own.


Have you talked to this girl?  Do you know what she feels or thinks?


We could have discussed any number of issues, but you chose abortion.  It's a safe bet, calling for legalized abortion.  Since it's already legal, and apparently our Supreme Court decided that the crafters of our Constitution meant to protect it on a federal level, I don't know why it's a point of contention.


Hey, you want to throw red meat to the members of WoT, fair enough.  ...But using the fate of this poor kid is simply in poor taste.


"When Tammy was pregnant, she knew something was wrong. At worst, they thought maybe their baby had a cleft lip."


Would you want to abort your child because of a cleft lip?




it's easy for you to be all high and mighty, but imagine yourself in that situation. would you abort your child if you knew he/she had that syndrome?


this is of course just my opinion, and i'm not sure what i'd do if i had to make a choice.



ps. this is real life, and i find her parents putting her on every tv show they can to get money pretty damn tasteless, so me posting it on a message board can't be so bad.

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This is unfortunate for a child to have these deformities but always a possibility. If such deformities and mutations are dedected prior to the second trimester then I think that an abortion would probably be for the best but that is for the woman to decide.


Banning abortion is only a tool of the government trying to control a woman's reproductive system and nothing else. Anyone who says they are seeking a ban to protect life and/or children are lying to you or fooling themselves. Abortion is a woman's issue and it is the woman's body. Let her decide if an abortion is necessary or not.

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Banning abortion is only a tool of the government trying to control a woman's reproductive system and nothing else.  Anyone who says they are seeking a ban to protect life and/or children are lying to you or fooling themselves.


Just want to make sure everyone saw that.

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^pixies - We did. People say all kind of things when they are drunk.


Also, I agree with Eldar that we are entitled to our own opinion that whether a person is better off living or dying, but neither we nor the parents have the right to force that opinion on the individuals in question.

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Oh, I was definitely on a high horse, Lare, but I hold no animosity for you over it. Mostly, I just think it's a bad choice for abortion because the parents didn't know she had this condition before birth.


Abortion is a tricky subject. It entails a lot of things, but it boils down to one thing for me. I hate abortion and think it's unhealthy in the vast majority of cases. However, I cannot bring myself to hate the person who has an abortion. I can't even bring myself to judge them because all the people I've known who've had an abortion have felt compelled to have it and been devastated by it. It's tough enough that you feel the need to have an abortion. It's even worse if your friends abandon you over it. I won't be that friend.


Finally, the publicity seems odd, but I was focusing on the abortion argment.

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Remembering tarna, Phosphor, Metadigital, and Visceris.  Drink mead heartily in the halls of Valhalla, my friends!

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I personally think abortion is fine... after all it's a couple of grand vs a lifetime of debt and hairloss.


<<< probably never will have kids happily.

Victor of the 5 year fan fic competition!


Kevin Butler will awesome your face off.

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