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Movies You Have Seen Lately


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The Sound of Thunder: Could have been much better.  And, longer. Peculiar fun movie; but ultimately a dissapointment.


This movie disappointed me so much.


I haven't seen a good dinosaur movie since The Lost World, and I seem to be the only one who liked that. :(

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I can't wait for it to come out in Portugal. Anyway, it's directed by Richard Linklater, so just go see it.

Yeah, what the deviant gajo said.


So, I watched a bunch of flicks (on my short "vacation"), namely Django, Mean Machine, Gangster No. 1 and Night on Earth. Observations,

  • I saw Django with my Grandparents, they absolutely loved it, I fell asleep. They're in their 70s (and borderline senile).
  • Vinnie Jones is the man. Danny Dyer makes for a good retard.
  • Malcolm McDowell is the man. The difference in height between him and Bettany is hilarious. Then again, they sorta look alike, so it's okay. I'm watching If... on the telly.
  • Roberto Begnini can be funny. Jarmusch should stop doing portmanteaus.

Orfeu Negro (Black Orpheus)

Plot Outline: In Rio, Orfeo is a trolley conductor and musician, engaged to Mira. During Carnival week, he sees Eurydice, who's fled her village in fear of a stalker; it's love at first sight. Her cousin Sarafina, with whom she stays in Rio, is a friend of Orfeo and Mira, so the star-crossed lovers meet again. Later, during the revels, wearing Sarafina's costume, Eurydice dances a provocative samba with Orfeo. Not only is Mira enraged when her rival is unmasked, but the stalker, dressed as Death, appears: Eurydice is in danger, pursued through noisy crowds and a morgue. Can Orfeo conduct her to safety? Don't look back.

Yeah, okay, the music's good, the first 10 minutes dull, the cinematography okay and (some of) the actors pretty bad. It's still very enjoyable. Breno Mello's one charismatic bastard.


Taking Sides

Plot Outline: A tale based on the life of Wilhelm Furtwangler, the controversial conductor of the Berlin Philharmonic whose tenure coincided with the controversial Nazi era. One of the most spectacular and renowned conductors of the 30s, Furtwangler's reputation rivaled that of Toscanini's. After the war, he was investigated as part of the Allies' de-Nazification programme. In the bombed-out Berlin of the immediate post-war period, the Allies slowly bring law and order--and justice--to bear on an occupied Germany. An American major is given the Furtwangler file, and is told to find everything he can and to prosecute the man ruthlessly. Tough and hard-nosed, Major Steve Arnold sets out to investigate a world of which he knows nothing. Orchestra members vouch for Furtwangler's morality--he did what he could to protect Jewish players from his orchestra. To the Germans, deeply respectful of their musical heritage, Furtwangler was a demigod; to Major Arnold, he is just a lying, weak-willed Nazi.

Honestly, I'm not, in any way, ready to discuss this movie. I'll say this though, the acting|direction|writing are all great, it's incredibly watchable and I'd recommend it to just about anyone.



Oh and 1 episode of Oranges Are Not The Only Fruit (really, really good thus far) and 2 of Farscape (bite me, it's the best SF show ever produced and my one true nerd love).

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I love all the Jurrasic Park movies. people just bash the sequels simply because it does what intended... gives us more dinosuars. LOL


And, by the time they came out, the dinosaur craze had died down...


I look forward to part 4. :blink:"


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I was not a fan of the second Jurassic Park movie. I liked the book, but the film and the book were two different stories. If I remember correctly, there were MAJOR plot changes and they even combined the personality traits of two kids in the book into one kid in the movie.


Anyway, I'm watching Natalie Imbruglia music videos on YouTube.


She'll always be my favorite pop star. :)

baby, take off your beret

everyone's a critic and most people are DJs

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I was not a fan of the second Jurassic Park movie. I liked the book, but the film and the book were two different stories. If I remember correctly, there were MAJOR plot changes and they even combined the personality traits of two kids in the book into one kid in the movie.


Yeah, I hadn't read the book when the movie came out, and besides, it gave me more dinosaurs, but I didn't mind much.


I didn't really like the second book. Some of it was kinda stupid. Like the whole villain plot to TAKE THREE GUYS, WALK AROUND THE ISLAND WITH NO EQUIPMENT AND STEAL EGGS.


I mean, maaaaan...


The major problem with The Lost World was the King Kong sequence.

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Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't Crichton a horrible writer?

"My hovercraft is full of eels!" - Hungarian tourist
I am Dan Quayle of the Romans.
I want to tattoo a map of the Netherlands on my nether lands.
Heja Sverige!!
Everyone should cuffawkle more.
The wrench is your friend. :bat:

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Isn't he a writer of the same sort as say, Tom Clancy, John Grisham or Dan Brown?

"My hovercraft is full of eels!" - Hungarian tourist
I am Dan Quayle of the Romans.
I want to tattoo a map of the Netherlands on my nether lands.
Heja Sverige!!
Everyone should cuffawkle more.
The wrench is your friend. :bat:

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Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't Crichton a horrible writer?

Well, I won't know the answer to that until I start his State of Fear (as I haven't read any of his stuff previously).




I will say one thing for him, though, from the time he wrote The Andromeda Strain he has had a knack for topical prose.




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I've only read Jurrasic Park by him, so maybe...But I thought Jurrasic Park and the Lost World were both pretty good.

Correct me If I'm wrong, but wasn't Jurassic Park released before you were born?


Ninja Scroll

Plot Outline: A ninja-for-hire is forced into fighting an old nemesis who is bent on overthrowing the Japanese government. His nemesis is also the leader of a group of demons each with superhuman powers

Unfortunately, I watched the original undubbed version, and thus, wasn't entertained by the usually hilarious (in its awfulness) dialogue. The action was okay, pretty standard plot, some nice breasts and a doggystyle scene, though, honestly, I can't imagine anyone getting turned on by crap like this. Okay, okay, maybe the gratuitous, unforgiving, never-ending stream of violence, guts and beef-curtains might've made my wee-wee come to life, resurrected, unearthed, if I were, you know, 13. And did the chick have to be borderline rapped? Is this Nippon tradition or something? Do monsters made of stone and green fleshy things usually copulate (by force) with human females? Oh well, let's move on to (even) greener pastures made of, uh, beer and stuff. It was fun to watch though, I'ma have to give it that.

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Krookie has stated previously that he doesn't read books released before he was born. Which of course means he has never read anything worth reading.



And by the way, You had to read Jurassic Park for school? Talk about low standards of teaching.

Edited by Pidesco

"My hovercraft is full of eels!" - Hungarian tourist
I am Dan Quayle of the Romans.
I want to tattoo a map of the Netherlands on my nether lands.
Heja Sverige!!
Everyone should cuffawkle more.
The wrench is your friend. :bat:

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