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As long as their machine gun fire doesn't slowly wear down the tank...


Depends on the soldier. I can't recall ever being able to kill a tank with just regular soldiers. Heavy snipers can take out tanks. The heavy duty machine gun troops don't do much in anti-infantry mode, but do pretty well in anti tank mode... :(

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I'm ignorant on the issue, but is that in any way grounded in reality?


I know they can be used as anti-vehicle weapons, but I was under the impress that we're talking Humvees and whatnot.


Could you actually take out an M1A2 Abrams with a bunch of .50 cal machine guns?

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I'm ignorant on the issue, but is that in any way grounded in reality?


I know they can be used as anti-vehicle weapons, but I was under the impress that we're talking Humvees and whatnot.


Could you actually take out an M1A2 Abrams with a bunch of .50 cal machine guns?


My mistake. They are actually using something like this. It just reminded me of a .50 machine gun and kinda sounds like it in the game. Slightly different. :(

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probably the best thing about AOW is that it's building cover system actually has a pretty good thing going. IE: your troopies take cover and aren't killed that easily by tanks (the tanks blow out windows and floors but usually only get one of ten guys shooting back). you can also use helicopters to land on the roof and perform a roof entry into the building.



One of the funnest things to watch is a tank duel going badly then have a squad of six a-10's appear and wipe the floor with everything.


and personally I could NEVER play as TFT because they were too...soft. At least the consortium had MBT's to fight with the army, TFT has power armor? wtf?



a tidbit. Dale brown wrote the origional story for the game. He used to live about 30 miles from me. (just read the Tin Man. Nobody could get all those roads down right without living around here.)

Victor of the 5 year fan fic competition!


Kevin Butler will awesome your face off.

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Played a little Silent Storm last night. Mostly messed with the random encounters to see what they were all about and tried to get my character up a level or two (ended up getting 5 levels in the process).


My initial plan was to solo the entire game, by building a shadowy sniper that can heal himself, mostly because I think it's too slow to manage an entire squad in turn-based combat. I think it was the second mission that started by me being in a cramped room, surrounded by five enemy soldiers. Or was it six? So much for my solo plans, huh? :)


I solved that by running out the door and into a small park outside, filled with hedges, where I laid down in a bush and hid. Fortunately I can get off two shots with my sniper rifle every round and that almost always kills whoever I shoot at. So basically I laid in a bush and at the beginning of every round I stood up, took two quick shots at anyone close and laid back down. 15 rounds later the park was brimful with Sten MkIII's and bodies. At one point there were so many enemies in the park that whenever I missed a shot, I'd see a small cloud of blood on the other end of the screen, where the missed shot hit some soldier that wasn't even visible to me yet! It was cool.


Only mistake I made was when I was hiding in some woods (same level) and tried to get around to the back of the main building. When I crossed a small grass covered area, this named officer saw me and started shooting at me with his pistol. Since he was quite far away he never hit me, so I just stopped out in the open and shot back at him. Strangely enough he survived two shots, but since he only had his peashooter on him (pistols are so far extremely underpowered), I didn't bother to run for cover. He wouldn't hit me anyhow, right? The very next round the guy magically summons a huuuge machinegun from under his clothes (where the HELL did he have it before so that I couldn't see it?!) and empties a full clip into my surprised character. Reload time.


It seems like a good game so far, even though the voice overs are somewhat cheesy.

Swedes, go to: Spel2, for the latest game reviews in swedish!

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It seems like a good game so far, even though the voice overs are somewhat cheesy.

Wait till you get Olli. :">

kirottu said:
I was raised by polar bears. I had to fight against blood thirsty wolves and rabid penguins to get my food. Those who were too weak to survive were sent to Sweden.


It has made me the man I am today. A man who craves furry hentai.

So let us go and embrace the rustling smells of unseen worlds

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I finally broke down and bought Oblivion. And guess what? it feels just like Morrowind *shakes head* As with Morrowind it

Life is like a clam. Years of filtering crap then some bastard cracks you open and scrapes you into its damned mouth, end of story.

- Steven Erikson

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I just played the free FEAR multiplayer. The game looks nice first of all, and the gameplay is pretty decent, but it isn't as good as Counter-Strike. I don't know if I am just used to CS and liked it better because of that, but there were strange things, like the bullet trails (which just shouldn't happen), and the overall movement was a little slow, fluid, but still slow: like molasses.


The single-player is probably fun due to graphics and the assortment of weapons, but for multiplayer there are better games. Free is free though...

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Germania is dead, and I'm about to secure most of Macedonia. My armies in Carthage are being counter attacked. But I have like 9+ turns to bring in reinforcements. Plus my armies are typically legionaries, so if Carthage thinks they can take the towns, they may be in for a surprise.


It's certainly not going anywhere without a fight!

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I'm playing as the Visigoths in Barbarian Invasion. Initially I was contemplating on going through Pannonia and Dalmatia to Rome and then burn Ravenna, Mediolanium and Roma itself down, but there was this nasty little people called Vandals next door to what's nowadays Makedonia. Well, going for the Pontus Euxine(Black Sea) instead, I send my spy there and noticed that the coast was swarming with Ostrogoths and Sarmatians and Huns. No going over there with my meager army.


So I metagamed my second town to rebel and that allowed me to form my people(hehheh) into a horde. Approximately four armies then started a long march to Greece and Athens, where I thought about setting down for a while and then loading my barbarians to ships and sailing either to Egypt or Asia Minor. Going to Istanbul wasn't really and option, since all the other people's were there. So, all armies started raiding the Byzantine countryside and suddenly Greece was a swarming nest of rebels and Romans, since local cities started to form their own faction(Eastern Roman Rebels). I just went around and took up tasty morsels of cities and ambushed Roman armies composed of plumbatarii and comitatenses in mountain passes. Sirmium down and Thessalonika down, Salona(Western Rebel Capital) being sieged and two stack moving for Athens. I'm doing just fine.


Gothic spearmen are so cheap and numerous with excellent morale that they can easily take down legionnaires with cheap ambush and terrain tactics. Especially in winter.


Best thing in this expansion has got to be the slowly corroding Roman Empire with it's fragmenting factions and rebeling generals and the fact that there is a real hurry to get out of the way of the barbarian hordes coming from north and east. You just have to move or you'll perish. Eventually I'll settle in Asia Minor or maybe Africa(I want to fight the Sassanid Persians with their cataphract immortals(60 horse per unit ffs!) and elephants. In the expansion there's also six city levels open for barbarians too, so they feel much more fleshed out than the crappy gauls and britons in vanilla RTW.

Edited by Musopticon?
kirottu said:
I was raised by polar bears. I had to fight against blood thirsty wolves and rabid penguins to get my food. Those who were too weak to survive were sent to Sweden.


It has made me the man I am today. A man who craves furry hentai.

So let us go and embrace the rustling smells of unseen worlds

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Hehheh, "Gothic Assassin". :D

kirottu said:
I was raised by polar bears. I had to fight against blood thirsty wolves and rabid penguins to get my food. Those who were too weak to survive were sent to Sweden.


It has made me the man I am today. A man who craves furry hentai.

So let us go and embrace the rustling smells of unseen worlds

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i've been playing all sorts of stuff lately


baldurs gate 2

civ 4: warlords (hehe i was stalin)

jedi academy


vampire the masquerade (i actually only installed this last night)

red faction 1

rome total war (not that big a fan of barbarian invasion)

when your mind works against you - fight back with substance abuse!

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Been playing a bit of a lot of things recently, i have. Such as:


Half Life 2

Half Life 2: Episode 1

Half Life (original one, can see why it got so many game of the year awards, etc, pretty awesrome game)


And wow of course. :p)

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5 took itself too seriously and was confusing as well.

You think so? It had some great moments, like the belly-dancing, bribing your way into Hades with chocolate, and the top 10 paladin powers. ;)


I really liked QfG4 as well, of course, especially for the music, but it was incredibly buggy in the beginning, and then again because of runtime errors until Dosbox came out. Still, there's nothing quite as terrifying as an approaching Vorpal Bunny. :ph34r:

"An electric puddle is not what I need right now." (Nina Kalenkov)

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