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Some new information came out of the new essential guide to droids. Well not new, but ti made some things offical.


I'm sure to all present the biggest and most pleasant piece of news for most will be that the cutscene involving Hk-47 and Goto on Malachor is now apart of the EU continuity. HK's article says what pretty much we know of the cutscene. That HK and the 50's betrayed and destroyed Goto.


On the other hand, according to the parts of the book involving T3 and HK, it mentions that the offical gender for the Exile is indeed female.



and as a personal, final victory for me. The basilisk War Droid is apart of the book, and as always in continuity it's in it's proper form as a beast. Making it the offical version. Sorry to the haters. Please when replying call the beast, ad lobster thing, or say how stupid it looks, so that I might soak it up with the smell of Victory.

KOTOR 2 must be completed

offical gender for the Exile is indeed female.

That's actually a little surprising to me.

Is there a link for this book somewhere? I tried a Google on your thread title but only came up with the other Guides, none of which seem to be about Kotor in any way. Although the Chronology one might have some history stuff that relates.

“Things are as they are. Looking out into the universe at night, we make no comparisons between right and wrong stars, nor between well and badly arranged constellations.” – Alan Watts

That would be good, a strong female playing a big role in Star Wars. They need more of them. Female Exile ftw.

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Merged two topics of the same nature.

War is Peace, Freedom is Slavery, Ignorance is Strength

Baldur's Gate modding
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Well, that seems to confirm that LA decided to assign gender based solely on a basis of equality - Revan was male, Exile must be female, no matter what ;)


Consequences: Brianna is a non-entity now. She barely exists. And there is no betrayal for Atris anymore. Disciple gets to be in there with his musings instead. A shame for K2, I think, since I thought the male version was a far stronger story.


Yes, you may now flame me for having the nerve to like the male Exile's story better than the female's - see if I care...


Previously, they made both Revan and Jaden Korr male. If they were caring about equality, they would make Jaden female because Revan was male.


well, I think it probably does have to do with equality. The KOTORs were such good RPGs that they brought in a lot of non-SW fans. They really can't have both of the protagonists in these popular games hardcoded as caucasian males. Well, they could but they don't want to and it is better for business if they don't.


my own take on this is that the long term solution is to not really have a half-baked character but, instead, have a fixed surname. that way, your mentor would take all (most) of the credit in continuity and you wouldn't have to worry about which build is continuity, etc.


<_< Call me ignorant or a fool but who wrote the article and what is their agenda?Why is revan canonically a male anyway because of Bastilla?

So what reason other than gender equality should Exile be female?What about Brianna,is there going to be no historian?

Is this for some strange speculation on the plot of the third game,or an attempt to make true the councils false prophecy on the Exile being the cause of the loss of knowledge of the Jedi. <_<



all the ds female characters (including the PC female) are more good looking when they are ds cause some of them look like their wearin black make up/eyeliner ect. and NO i am not atracted to them, i dont chew SPICE :)


Wait, Brianna exists regardless of Exile's identity. There is even a possibility that they will pull an Ultima IV and establish that both she and Mical followed Exile.

And Mical isn't "silly".

Posted (edited)
  Purgatorio said:
<_< Call me ignorant or a fool but who wrote the article and what is their agenda?Why is revan canonically a male anyway because of Bastilla?


Dunno why they made it so, I am just happy with it. As for me, Revan is always LSM, NOT because of Bastila, because Kotor 1 is typical SW story, and typical sw main protagonist is LSM (Luke, Kyle Katarn etc.). To my view of Revan LSM fits perfectly, I roleplay him as LSM, who isn't paladin type however. Propably half way to LS in my case.


Meh, what am I mumbling about. To me Revan can only be LSM for some weird reason that I cannot explain. Luckily to me, he is canonically that too :)


Gah! But this is just bad, I agree totally with Jediphile's post. Now we lose Handmaiden to background and get that lame sh*thead Mical wank*r instead. Duh, duh, duh, duh, duh... <_<


I feel that this happened only because Revan was LSM. *sigh* This is just stupid... <_<


Sikon: Mical is not only silly, he is annoying, stupid brat. With terrible voice, I hate that too...


Geez, it must've been months since I've been pissed as now.


edit: Oh, and if equality required taking weaker one of the two plots, I don't give a **** about equality anymore.


edit2: Yeah, Brianna exists, but as totally useless, unimportant character to SW contiunity. Grargh!

Edited by Xard

How can it be a no ob build. It has PROVEN effective. I dare you to show your builds and I will tear you apart in an arugment about how these builds will won them.

- OverPowered Godzilla (OPG)



Sikon: Mical is not only silly, he is annoying, stupid brat.
No, Mical is one the best video games party members ever. (Opponent's argumentation preserved.)
Posted (edited)

Best ever? :blink: I've played many RPG's, and Dis. ranks pretty low compared against all others.

Edited by Xard

How can it be a no ob build. It has PROVEN effective. I dare you to show your builds and I will tear you apart in an arugment about how these builds will won them.

- OverPowered Godzilla (OPG)




I think/hope he was kidding...cause Mical is one of the most annoying NPC's ever. His voice and huge teeth just made me want to force-lightning him to a crisp. Anyhoo, I think it's good they made the exile a female. The only thing about the female exile I don't like are her romance options. She deserves better than Atton and Mical...ugh. :blink:


They should have made Revan DSF and Exile LSM.

Mical is at least the weakest Party Member you can have in both KotORs, perhaps even with Zaalbar.


And - of course does Brianna exist, but only as one of the handmaidens (the last one), nothing more. You don't even know what happens to her.


Unless they make published stories on Revan and the Exile, there genders are whatever we choose them to be. Essential guide my ass? Let them make a story that's says otherwise, as for me Revan and the Exile are undefined.


The only published story on these characters has them undefined.

  Darth Blivion said:
Unless they make published stories on Revan and the Exile, there genders are whatever we choose them to be. Essential guide my ass? Let them make a story that's says otherwise, as for me Revan and the Exile are undefined.


The only published story on these characters has them undefined.


Yes, we can set them both to be whatever we want them to be, BUT canonical character is who really lived in SW world, other characters are just "what (s)he might have been if he would've fallen to darkside or if (s)he would've been different gender" when it comes to contiunity.


For example, Kyle Katarn may fall to DS in Jedi knight, but canon says that he stayed as LS, and both Jedi Outcast and Jedi Academy treat him like that, so does all other EU.


If there is going to be reference to Revan or Exile in some other EU book or comic, they are going to be LSM and LSF.

How can it be a no ob build. It has PROVEN effective. I dare you to show your builds and I will tear you apart in an arugment about how these builds will won them.

- OverPowered Godzilla (OPG)



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