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2006 FIFA World Cup

Guest The Architect

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Awww Cheaterazzi says Zizou was being very arrogant and had supposedly said "you can have it later" in response to the shirt pulling. The slick then admits to having provoked Zizou, but what he said he won't tell! What a coward. :x)


Perhaps he's afraid FIFA will ban his ass for some racist comment?

Edited by Lucius



It appears that I have not yet found a sig to replace the one about me not being banned... interesting.

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Awww Cheaterazzi says Zizou was being very arrogant and had supposedly said "you can have it later" in response to the shirt pulling. The slick then admits to having provoked Zizou, but what he said he won't tell! What a coward. :x)


Perhaps he's afraid FIFA will ban his ass for some racist comment?

Have no fear, The Sun's lip reader was there!



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Guest The Architect
So Zidane headbutted a guy because he was supposed to throw the game?


You're looking for the things after the fact.  Had you actually been able to predict it prior to the tournament, I'd be much more impressed.



Ever since Australia got eliminated, you've been looking for evidence of a conspiracy.  Look hard enough, and you'll find something.


For a start, when did I ever say that Zidane headbutted a guy because he was supposed to throw the game? Do you read any of my posts? You make it sound like I think that the whole 'Italy vs. France' match was a complete theatre play, that's not what I think, you do realise that it's not the players I'm targeting, however, the likes of Buffon and Cannavaro (who have illegally betted on matches before) shouldn't have played at the World Cup, can they ever really be trusted after that? But referees, match officials, coaches, staff and flagsman are usually the prime candidates of match fixing, players rarely come into the equation, but sometimes some players do.


Now, I know I didn't predict Italy winning the World Cup prior to the tournament, I predicted England winning it, however, I never knew that ever since 1970 Italy has made the World Cup every twelve years, I never knew that in 1970 they lost, in 1982 they won, when there was a match fixing scandal in the Italian League, in 1994 they lost, to Brazil, the same team that they lost to in 1970 (and don't tell me that Baggio's penalty kick in 1994 isn't at least questionable, my Nonno, who's followed soccer ever since he was a kid, and played the game for decades (not anymore of course) who had seen a lot in his time, even beleived that Baggio missed on purpose.


And now this year, there was a match fixing scandal in the Italian League, just like there was in 1982, when they won the World Cup, and if you look at history (Loss, Win, Loss, ???) The ??? had to be win didn't it? So look, if I had of known all this before, (I only found this out after Italy's quater-final win over Ukraine) then of course I would of said that Italy is going to win the 2006 World Cup.


While yes, I did not predict Italy winning the World Cup prior to the tournament, I did predict Italy winning the final before it started...


I've got another 'soccer conspiracy', this time, it's focused on Italy. Ever since '1970', Italy has made the World Cup Final every twelve years...


In 1970, they made the final and lost to Brazil...

In 1982, they made the final and beat West Germany...

1n 1994, they made the final and lost to Brazil again...

And now, in 2006, they've made the final against France...


If you look at this record, it has gone L,W,L and now '2006' should be 'win'. Now funny enough, in 1982, there was a match fixing scandal in the Italian League just before the World Cup and guess what? Italy won the World Cup! There has been a match fixing scandal in the Italian League this year so will history repeat itself meaning Italy will win?


Well, to me, it seems fitting. Who better for Italy than to play France? I see this World Cup Final as the revenge of Euro 2000, where France beat Italy. As most people know, Zidane is retiring from International and Club Football after the World Cup, and since Zidane is such a legendary player, well then it only seems fitting that he gets to play all the way up until the final, make Zidane go out in a memorable way, but for me, this time, I think France will lose, it is Italy's destiny to win this World Cup.


I'm predicting that the match will finish '1-1' after 90 mins, with France scoring first (Zidane will probably score if France do score) then Italy equalising (anyone's guess who will score, if Italy score).


Then I can see Italy winning '2-1' in extra time, a reversal of the score in Euro 2000, I'm betting that Italy's equaliser will be fairly late in the game too, say some time in the last 15 minutes of the match.


Lets see if I'm right, I should not have been naieve before and looked at Italy's history, I have Italian heritage, and know all too well about the corruption of the Italians, and was foolish to overlook the past and beleive that England was going to win, so my final prediction is a '2-1' win AET to Italy.


While my prediction didn't exactly pan out the way I said it would, I still predicted Italy winning, France scoring first (Zidane probably scoring) and the result after 90 mins being '1-1'.


Look here. The guy didn't touch the ball and he trips the other with his left hand. The ref made a good call.


If you look carefully, Grosso didn't have to fall over Neill like that, he had plenty of time to step around him, Neill puts his hand out yes, but it does not immediately bring him down, Grosso falls over Neill on purpose to win the penalty, he did not have to go to ground, it was not a foul.

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tl;dr, kthxbye.


on zidane: If Zidane does reveal what was said, it probably wouldn't be word to word (in the press ,anyway, maybe to FIFA) - then of course, Materazzi will deny. Accusations, counter-accusations, pulling names into the mud while a lengthy FIFA investigation draws little of import and media focus fades away.


At this point, since I realy don't see Materazzi getting punished (by the public or by FIFA) much, I'd rather that Zidane could retire in peace. If I were him, I wouldn't be too bothered anymore by the ruckus of those he has left behind.

Edited by Tigranes
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While yes, I did not predict Italy winning the World Cup prior to the tournament, I did predict Italy winning the final before it started...

Uhm.. You made a prediction with a 50% outcome. Two options, you "predicted" one of them and this time, you were right. The odds were on your side.


If you had predicted Italy from the beginning, that would have been food for thought, especially if you had come up with some sort of insane theory as "proof". Coming up with a theory after the games have been played and predicting the right team in a final game is not noteworthy.

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Have no fear, The Sun's lip reader was there!



With a bit of luck, this will spread, and people will get word of it. At least Zizou will get that. I doubt that's enough to have Materazzi punished by FIFA, and at any rate, it'll be too little, too late.

- When he is best, he is a little worse than a man, and when he is worst, he is little better than a beast.

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To be fair, lip readers have come up with a wild variety of insults, and that link IS the Sun. It would be just as unfair to condemn Materazzi without at least Zidane telling us what he said.

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The only meaningful punishment that Materazzi can receive now is to have his victory tarnished in the eyes of the public. That's unlikely to happen in Italy itself, but if public opinion and the media in the rest of the world decide that he's a cheat, and Italy's win is constantly referred to as controversial, that will hurt his pride at least. Not much, but more than anything FIFA will do. Assuming it's deserved, of course.

Edited by SteveThaiBinh

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Guest The Architect
If you had predicted Italy from the beginning, that would have been food for thought, especially if you had come up with some sort of insane theory as "proof". Coming up with a theory after the games have been played and predicting the right team in a final game is not noteworthy.


I know where your coming from but don't forget I didn't just predict Italy winning the final, but I got the '1-1' scoreline after 90 minutes right and I got the 'France scoring first' (Zidane scoring) right before the match. Except I thought Italy would score in extra-time, but they did not.


Look, I really don't want to argue about this with anyone anymore, I understand why people think 'Italy vs. France' wasn't fixed, I understand why people think the World Cup is fully legit and is free of corruption, I understand that I have no official proof that the match was fixed, all I have is the historical similarities and numerological 'coincedences' of Italy's World Cup history since 1970, I don't disrespect or disregard anyone's opinion, I just want to drop this issue once and for all, all I'm asking is for people to understand that you can never be fully certain of what goes on behind the scenes, it is 'possible' that Italy won the World Cup because it was rigged in their favour, it's been done in the Serie A, don't safely assume that the World Cup is free of corruption, because it is 'possible' that it's not, but yet again, I am not certain, but nonetheless, very, very suspicious and I have a right to be, if anyone mocks me or trashes me for speculating, well they can get stuffed, because how do they know for sure that Italy fairly and legitly won the World Cup? Do they know what happens behind the scenes, are they in touch with all officials, refs, players, coaches and staff 24/7? No they're not, but don't worry, I realise that the same can be said about me and people can say "how do you know if the World Cup is corrupt, rigged or fixed? Are you there 24/7, etc"...


All in all, I don't want to argue with anyone about this anymore, like everyone else, I have my opinion, I respect other people's opinions, but I at least expect people to respect mine and actually act maturely about this instead of giving me crap or not stating why my 'conspiracy' is lame or stupid, and no, I am not referring to you 'mkreku', but for that matter, can someone fully explain to me properly why they may think that the World Cup is totally legit and free of corruption, I'd like to hear it...

Edited by The Architect
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To be fair, lip readers have come up with a wild variety of insults, and that link IS the Sun. It would be just as unfair to condemn Materazzi without at least Zidane telling us what he said.

Given that the cheat has said himself that he doesn't want to tell what he said, kinda gives away that it's something serious.

Unless he declared his love for Zizou of course. :)

Edited by Lucius



It appears that I have not yet found a sig to replace the one about me not being banned... interesting.

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To be fair, lip readers have come up with a wild variety of insults, and that link IS the Sun.

The Sun is wrong 90% of the time by default, BUT they have been on form of late. They were right about their inside scoop of Thierry Henry staying at Arsenal, as they were also on Rosicky's transfer to the Gunners.

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Come on, all of that stuff in that video are completely believable accidents.

Edited by thepixiesrock

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Sorry Archy, but we all stopped reading your posts a while ago. Mainly since our posts back then still apply to your current ones.


Anyway, I never realised the corner flag crunch was Materazzi, congratulations to him though. At least he will now appear in youtube compilations for SOMETHING.

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Yes, I'm sure Baggio had no problems claiming the title of goat for all eternity because it was "Italy's turn to lose" and he was supposed to miss the penalty kick.



Wow, you predicted a 1-1 score in a soccer game (I thought you had predicted 2-1 though). You must be a prophet! Seriously man...give it up. Yes the Australians got boned on an absolute crap call, but give it a rest.

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Zidane lost his temper, but I would not be surprised if Materazzi said a variety of wholly inflammatory things.  He's a world-class scumbag.



Don't forget the savage elbow on Sorin!


Cheaterazzi's been red-carded more times than a Ninja Turtle eats pizza during winter. And I hate how the Itlalian media's complaining on when Totti spat on another player he was treated like a villain, but when Zizou head-butted scumbag he's lauded as a hero. There's a difference you know, you cheatin' I-Ties? Spitting on someone is the lowest and most cowardly act that only those sneaky Italian players lower to. Zidane on the other hand, didn't tatke scumbag's crap, and went out like a man!

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Okay, could you guys cut out the slurs. Dammit.


I mean, being an anglophile, I wanted England to win if the US couldn't. Still, we're getting to be pretty bad with the "scumbags" "Mafia" "I-ties" and other such non-sense.


Yes, this Materazzi looks like a damned dirty player, but let's keep the comments centered on the individuals rather than the entire nation.

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