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2006 FIFA World Cup

Guest The Architect

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That Italian scumbag probably deserved to be knocked down. If only Zidane could have waited until after they'd won. :angry:

Dirty scum Cannavaro's been injuring players all tournie. At any rate we must give Zidane 10/10 for the technique though. Both power and accuracy. Oh, and the cheeky pen was nice too. :D

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why on earth would you head-butt a guy in the chest? damn dirty french pansy can't even does that right.


HA! Good Fun!

"If there be time to expose through discussion the falsehood and fallacies, to avert the evil by the processes of education, the remedy to be applied is more speech, not enforced silence."Justice Louis Brandeis, Concurring, Whitney v. California, 274 U.S. 357 (1927)

"Im indifferent to almost any murder as long as it doesn't affect me or mine."--Gfted1 (September 30, 2019)

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Poor Zidane. What a way to go out. :( Normally I wouldn't cheer for anything French except for fries and kissing but against the Italians it wasn't much choice.


Jaguars4ever is still alive.  No word of a lie.

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why on earth would you head-butt a guy in the chest?

Because he's being allegorical. Zizou's a philosophical guy, you know? Scumerazzi was clearing attempting to aggravate his injured shoulder and likely spat a few nasty comments afterwards so Zidane turns on him like a charging bull on his matador!


And he would have gotten away with it too if it weren't for the I-Ties and those meddling yids! (As in Tottenham Hotspur scum - no racist connotations intended)

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Lol. I think it's fitting that Grosso won the tournament with the final kick of the World Cup. The guy's a legend, nice guy too working his way up from Serie B and he'll be playing with Inter next season.


As for Zidane, that was crazy. I think the picture of him walking away towards the dressing rooms with his back to the World Cup said it all.

Spreading beauty with my katana.

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Michael Essien of Ghana played an excellent game! Too bad his team lost, but that was only because Italy was an even better team! That was the best game I've seen so far in these championships. Italy looks deadly strong.

Damn, I was right :thumbsup:


Congratulations, Italy, the bearers of the flag of pussyfication.

Swedes, go to: Spel2, for the latest game reviews in swedish!

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Guest The Architect

It's no surprise that Italy won the World Cup. I predicted the '1-1' scoreline after 90 minutes, but my initial prediction was that Italy would score in extra time and win '2-1'. It's ironic how Trezeguet, the man who scored the golden goal for France against Italy in the Euro 2000 Final, is the one that fails to score a penalty, the decisive penalty that proved the difference in the end and won the World Cup for Italy.


In 1970, Italy lost the World Cup Final to Brazil...

In 1982, when there was a match fixing scandal in the Italian League, Italy won the World Cup...

In 1994, Italy lost the World Cup Final to Brazil...

And now this year, in 2006, there was a match fixing scandal in the Italian League and Italy wins the World Cup...


Is this just a weird coincedence? That ever since 1970, Italy have made the World Cup Final every twelve years, in 1970, they lose the final to Brazil, in 1982, there was a corruption scandal in the Italian League and they win the World Cup, in 1994, they lose to Brazil...again and now this year, where there has been a match fixing scandal in the Italian League, Italy ends up making the final, twelve years after 1994 and wins the World Cup. I'm sorry folks, but I seriously think the World Cup is rife with corruption, I have no idea how it's done or who's in on it but it seems to me like some of these World Cup results that are just 'too good to be true' keep occuring.


Or perhaps, history just has a rather freaky way of repeating itself, who knows? Nevertheless, the 'Revenge of Euro 2000' has been complete, and it couldn't have been done in a more ironic manner...

Edited by The Architect
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It's no surprise that Italy won the World Cup.

I still think it's going to be a 'Argentina vs. England' final, this was my prediction for the final before the World Cup began, lets see if it holds up.


I think Pidesco called it first..


Italy will make it to the final playing like they usually do.

Swedes, go to: Spel2, for the latest game reviews in swedish!

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every time we sees a stretcher come on the field and take a guy off, a guy who miraculously springs to his feet after he reaches sidelines, we recalls #'s comments 'bout "footballer" toughness.  somebody gots to send us a crate of that magic spray the world cup medical personel gots access to.  a world-class athelete, writhing in agony one moment, leaps up and runs back onto field w/o so much as a limp after some clown sprays his shin with some sorta magic concotion?  amazing stuff.
Eh? I remember discussing this stuff with you but I don't remember the arguments exactly. Must've made you quite mad if you still remember everything in such detail... heh.



I disagree... this was the only match I actually watched and I must say that Italy dominated the first half... and stepped up their game again in the second half after the first 15-20 minutes in said half.


And I felt that France's main problem was they played far too individually, there was little communication or team work that occurred that didn't directly involve Zidane in some way. Italy managed to play as though they were a domestic team, in that they played very well and comfortably together... they deserved the win, as far as I'm concerned.


Congratulations to Italy :thumbsup:

No. Italy attacked a lot during the first half, but only because they were losing. Once they got their equalizer, they fell back and let their magic defense do their stuff. I had really hoped they would play as they had in their last matches, but it seems the perspective of winning the world cup reverts them to their "primal self". France kept up the pace, but they were unlucky. And, there's this guy called Buffon, too.


Also, I'm surprised nobody mentioned that second penalty they were robbed of.



Dirty scum Cannavaro's been injuring players all tournie.  At any rate we must give Zidane 10/10 for the technique though.  Both power and accuracy.  Oh, and the cheeky pen was nice too.  :D
Yeah. Kinda reminded me of Klose's style... lol @ berserk Zidane.

- When he is best, he is a little worse than a man, and when he is worst, he is little better than a beast.

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" Must've made you quite mad if you still remember everything in such detail... heh."


or it could simply mean that Gromnir has a good memory, pretty shocking for somebody in our line of work, eh?




feel free to imagine that we added a childish eye-rolling icon if you wish.


HA! Good Fun!

"If there be time to expose through discussion the falsehood and fallacies, to avert the evil by the processes of education, the remedy to be applied is more speech, not enforced silence."Justice Louis Brandeis, Concurring, Whitney v. California, 274 U.S. 357 (1927)

"Im indifferent to almost any murder as long as it doesn't affect me or mine."--Gfted1 (September 30, 2019)

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It's no surprise that Italy won the World Cup. I predicted the '1-1' scoreline after 90 minutes, but my initial prediction was that Italy would score in extra time and win '2-1'. It's ironic how Trezeguet, the man who scored the golden goal for France against Italy in the Euro 2000 Final, is the one that fails to score a penalty, the decisive penalty that proved the difference in the end and won the World Cup for Italy.


In 1970, Italy lost the World Cup Final to Brazil...

In 1982, when there was a match fixing scandal in the Italian League, Italy won the World Cup...

In 1994, Italy lost the World Cup Final to Brazil...

And now this year, in 2006, there was a match fixing scandal in the Italian League and Italy wins the World Cup...


Is this just a weird coincedence? That ever since 1970, Italy have made the World Cup Final every twelve years, in 1970, they lose the final to Brazil, in 1982, there was a corruption scandal in the Italian League and they win the World Cup, in 1994, they lose to Brazil...again and now this year, where there has been a match fixing scandal in the Italian League, Italy ends up making the final, twelve years after 1994 and wins the World Cup. I'm sorry folks, but I seriously think the World Cup is rife with corruption, I have no idea how it's done or who's in on it but it seems to me like some of these World Cup results that are just 'too good to be true' keep occuring.


Or perhaps, history just has a rather freaky way of repeating itself, who knows? Nevertheless, the 'Revenge of Euro 2000' has been complete, and it couldn't have been done in a more ironic manner...



And this, folks, is an example of what vegemite can do to your brain. :D

"My hovercraft is full of eels!" - Hungarian tourist
I am Dan Quayle of the Romans.
I want to tattoo a map of the Netherlands on my nether lands.
Heja Sverige!!
Everyone should cuffawkle more.
The wrench is your friend. :bat:

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Guest The Architect
And this, folks, is an example of what vegemite can do to your brain. :D


Hey! Just so you know, not all of us Aussies (including me) like vegemite, so there :rolleyes: :D I like to speculate. What if the trend continues, will you still beleive that this Italy scenario is a coincedence? I certainly do not think it's a coincedence, and in fact, most people at my school agree with me, however, considering the way we got knocked out, that's no surprise is it?


I think Pidesco called it first..


I never claimed I called it first,, all I'm saying is that, it is no surprise that Italy won the final against France, I knew they would, if you look at history, it was their turn to win, I never had any doubt in my mind that Italy would win. Yes, I know Pidesco called it first, I know I predicted an 'Argentina vs. England' final and was wrong about that, but, when the final ended up being between Italy and France, that's when I said Italy would win, I said that France would score first and Zidane would probably score (which is what happened) then Italy would equalise (which is what happened) and that it would finish '1-1' after 90 minutes (which is what happened).


I was wrong about Italy winning '2-1' AET, but regardless, they still won, don't beleive me? Check my previous posts then and you will see that I am not some liar.

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Guest The Architect
Ugh...give it up with the lame conspiracy theory ideas.


What is so lame about my 'soccer conspiracy'? I was just pointing out some facts, I know it could all be just a strange coincedence (note however, that I predicted Italy would beat France before the match started) but come on, isn't what I posted at least mildly interesting or at least raises an eyebrow? Did you even read my post properly? Why is it that with most people, the idea of the World Cup being corrupt is insane?


Don't be so naieve to assume that the World Cup is fully legit when it is possible for it to be corrupt, look at the history of soccer, match fixing is not unheard of, look it up on wikipedia and learn about what match fixing is, it isn't some theatrical game, I am not saying that the players are all in on it and games are staged, etc but there is corruption in soccer, and even though I don't have any proof aside from the 'coincedences', I'm sticking by the theory that Italy won the World Cup because it was rigged, it was their turn to win it.


This can be compared with the 'Kreia=Kae' theory from KOTOR II, while there isn't any proof that Kreia is Kae, there isn't any proof that Kreia isn't Kae, however, the coincedences and similarities between Kreia and Kae are certainly questionable.

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On the morning of September eleven, I woke up and noticed I had two legs parallel to each other, which CLEARLY forms an eleven. Then I had precisely nine cups of coffee that week. OMG?!

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@Architect: I have nothing against good conspiracy theories, but yours are quite lame. Um, sorry.

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Guest The Architect
On the morning of September eleven, I woke up and noticed I had two legs parallel to each other, which CLEARLY forms an eleven. Then I had precisely nine cups of coffee that week. OMG?!


Beleiving in 'soccer conspiracies' does not instantly imply that I beleive in 'political conspiracies 'now does it? :rolleyes: If that is what your trying to imply.


@Architect: I have nothing against good conspiracy theories, but yours are quite lame. Um, sorry.


Oh for ****s sake! Instead of saying my 'soccer conspiracies' are quite lame, explain why they are. You say they are lame, how so? I know it could just be a coincedence, I just don't know what to beleive in this case, but wouldn't you agree that what I've observed is at least interesting?

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As far as conspiracies go there was one where the sum of the years which countries won the world cup (say Urugay's twice) came up wtih a similar number. That one had a fair go and implied Brazil would win this year but we all know that didn't work out.

Spreading beauty with my katana.

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No, I'm trying to imply that the lack of condemning evidence has nothing to do with the validity of an elaborate conspiracy theory based on numerology and what is absent, with no materiality. There's no need for Atreides to explain himself. :rolleyes:

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