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2006 FIFA World Cup

Guest The Architect

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Y'know, I went into the game rooting for France, however upon hearing what surely must be English fans using that much energy on booing whenever Ronaldo has the ball, I'm kinda hoping he'll score just to spite. :()



It appears that I have not yet found a sig to replace the one about me not being banned... interesting.

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When Odonkor came on for the Poland game, I was very amused: the commentators warped on for minutes about his amazing breathtaking speed, then Odonkor, a fresh subtitute, proceeded to race a tired Polish full back for the ball, lose by a yard then get reprimanded for holding on to the other's shirt. :(


Anyway, I'm definitely a French fan (since 98), but I have to say Portugal and especially Ronaldo are playing very well. They are passing quickly and moving around to disrupt the Vieira/Makelele wall, so the back four has a lot more to do. I suppose since they are losing they can't disrupt and bog down the game like they did to the Dutch, and that's all the better for the viewer.

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Wooooooooo, Portugal are out.




*Does happy dance*

Just because you're a bit thinner than your even fatter mum it doesn't mean you're in excellent physical shape, if you could fit through the door and view the normal people you'd notice that cheeseburger boy. Squid suck.

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Crap! Now it's Italy vs. France in the final :angry:


I can't think of two teams that play more boring football, since they both defend, defend, defend  :(


I hate it when defensive play is rewarded, especially since one of them now will be world champions, and none of them deserve it IMHO.

I'm going to assume you haven't been watching the last games.


So, before making this sort of clueless comment, watch the games. :thumbsup:



Diving Crynaldo is out.

- When he is best, he is a little worse than a man, and when he is worst, he is little better than a beast.

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Diving Crynaldo is out.




It's funny because it's true.



Just because you're a bit thinner than your even fatter mum it doesn't mean you're in excellent physical shape, if you could fit through the door and view the normal people you'd notice that cheeseburger boy. Squid suck.

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Good old Zidane! Quite a way he's managed to end his career indeed. :rolleyes:


I agree, however, Ronaldo needs to lose the dive stuff, it doesn't suit him knowing that he's actually quite the ball player. (oh and yeah Rooney deserved to get kicked out)



It appears that I have not yet found a sig to replace the one about me not being banned... interesting.

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Yeah, Ronaldo played well. It was really funny to see every Port attack end in a cross straight to Barthez and a simultaneous Port dive, however. :rolleyes:


France weren't as entertaining as they were vs Spain and Brazil, but I rather suspected that would always be the case. Hopefully the final can give a good show.

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Yet Coupet will retire from the international stage after this tournament in all likelihood.


Is anyone reassured by an upcoming Landreau-Frey pairing?

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Crap! Now it's Italy vs. France in the final :angry:


I can't think of two teams that play more boring football, since they both defend, defend, defend  :(


I hate it when defensive play is rewarded, especially since one of them now will be world champions, and none of them deserve it IMHO.

I'm going to assume you haven't been watching the last games.


So, before making this sort of clueless comment, watch the games. :wub:


Ooh, I have been trolled! How quaint. And obviously I can't have seen the games, since I have an opinion. After all, you can't have an opinion, if you've actually seen the game, as you have now clearly demonstrated... :shifty:


Diving Crynaldo is out.


I don't understand why people hate this guy so much. He's a good player, though Portugal sadly didn't get enough out of him. He is a bit green, though. And he should dive a bit less. The ref would probably award more of the fouls against him with a free kick if he did... It was unflattering how much the Portuguese tried to cheat, but then I don't think they're much worse than any of the other teams.

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The Red Wine and blue cheese won, yay! Quite a boring match though, except for the very end when Portugal had 3-4 corners in a row and for each and every cornerkick, 2-3 portugeese players suddenly fell to the ground.

"Some men see things as they are and say why?"
"I dream things that never were and say why not?"
- George Bernard Shaw

"Hope in reality is the worst of all evils because it prolongs the torments of man."
- Friedrich Nietzsche


"The amount of energy necessary to refute bull**** is an order of magnitude bigger than to produce it."

- Some guy 

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Ooh, I have been trolled! How quaint. And obviously I can't have seen the games, since I have an opinion. After all, you can't have an opinion, if you've actually seen the game, as you have now clearly demonstrated...  :wub:
Oh please. Stop trying to be clever, it's not like you are new here.


I was in fact granting you the benefit of doubt, as only someone that hadn't watched the games could say that France plays defensively. Usually I'd agree with that statement applying to Italy, but their last two matches at least prove they don't always do that. It's not a matter of opinion either, pally.


So, have it your way. You have watched the games. The only conclusion then is that you just have no idea what you're talking about.



I don't understand why people hate this guy so much. He's a good player, though Portugal sadly didn't get enough out of him. He is a bit green, though. And he should dive a bit less. The ref would probably award more of the fouls against him with a free kick if he did... It was unflattering how much the Portuguese tried to cheat, but then I don't think they're much worse than any of the other teams.
He's overrated. He dives when he should take it like a man and keep going. He would rather get a penalty kick than a fair goal. That's enough for me to dislike a player.


Sure, he's not the only one doing that. But I don't like those others that do the same, either.

- When he is best, he is a little worse than a man, and when he is worst, he is little better than a beast.

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Ooh, I have been trolled! How quaint. And obviously I can't have seen the games, since I have an opinion. After all, you can't have an opinion, if you've actually seen the game, as you have now clearly demonstrated...  :wub:
Oh please. Stop trying to be clever, it's not like you are new here.


I was in fact granting you the benefit of doubt, as only someone that hadn't watched the games could say that France plays defensively. Usually I'd agree with that statement applying to Italy, but their last two matches at least prove they don't always do that. It's not a matter of opinion either, pally.


Actually, it is, as it almost always is with sports, except for the facts (number of goals scored, players booked or sent off, etc.). The french have been very defensive, and have survived because nobody can seem to break through their defense. Apart from that they have used the fast breaks they get well. This does not mean that they play very creatively - they looked old against South Korea.


IMHO they are efficient mostly at destroying the play of the other teams, but if they were good offensively, they would have scored many more goals than they have. They scored three goals against Spain, which is the only decent game they've played, and they scored nearly as many goals in that match as they did in the rest of the tournament. Teams winning because the opposition beat themselves to pieces on France's defense and then lose only from very few goals scored on the fast breaks when they push the issue suggests destructive football to me. Apart from the match against Spain, the french game has been very boring and defensive.


So, have it your way. You have watched the games. The only conclusion then is that you just have no idea what you're talking about.


Whatever. I have a right to my opinion, just as you have a right to your's, no matter how misguided I may think it is.


I don't understand why people hate this guy so much. He's a good player, though Portugal sadly didn't get enough out of him. He is a bit green, though. And he should dive a bit less. The ref would probably award more of the fouls against him with a free kick if he did... It was unflattering how much the Portuguese tried to cheat, but then I don't think they're much worse than any of the other teams.
He's overrated. He dives when he should take it like a man and keep going. He would rather get a penalty kick than a fair goal. That's enough for me to dislike a player.


Sure, he's not the only one doing that. But I don't like those others that do the same, either.


Well, I'm not going to argue there. Fact is, as long as players are not punished more for diving, they will continue to do it, because it can decide matches. Sent them off the field and it'll be fine by me, as long as it's done fairly and across the board.

Edited by Jediphile
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Actually, it is, as it almost always is with sports, except for the facts (number of goals scored, players booked or sent off, etc.). The french have been very defensive, and have survived because nobody can seem to break through their defense. Apart from that they have used the fast breaks they get well. This does not mean that they play very creatively - they looked old against South Korea.
The part about "surviving because nobody can seem to break through their defense" can be applied to any team, any time. So, whatever. The thing is, France is constantly on the offensive, trying to get the ball to Henry or Ribery, and pressuring the goal. They rarely fall back (with their defenders line being more in the middle than in the rear). and don't rely on counterhits to get their goals. I'm going to take your word for it about the match vs SK as I didn't watch it, but then again, their game has only picked up since the match against Spain. They almost didn't make it to the second round, so...



IMHO they are efficient mostly at destroying the play of the other teams, but if they were good offensively, they would have scored many more goals than they have. They scored three goals against Spain, which is the only decent game they've played, and they scored nearly as many goals in that match as they did in the rest of the tournament. Teams winning because the opposition beat themselves to pieces on France's defense and then lose only from very few goals scored on the fast breaks when they push the issue suggests destructive football to me. Apart from the match against Spain, the french game has been very boring and defensive.
Ah, right. So now because they have an awesome bunch of players in the middle of the field that cut most passes and prevent the other teams from playing at their leisure, they are boring, nay, destructive? So what should they do, let everyone pass and have Barthez save it at the last moment? Get real.


Also, goals are seldom a good indicative of anything. Good games have often ended in 0-0, and it's not uncommon in boring matches that two or three goals are scored, because of counterhit tactics.



Whatever. I have a right to my opinion, just as you have a right to your's, no matter how misguided I may think it is.
Eh? Where did I say you aren't entitled to your opinion? I'm just saying you're wrong at best, and completely clueless at worst. That's my opinion. Don't get all snappy on me.



Well, I'm not going to argue there. Fact is, as long as players are not punished more for diving, they will continue to do it, because it can decide matches. Sent them off the field and it'll be fine by me, as long as it's done fairly and across the board.
Meh. They need to fix the refereeing so the amount of mistakes is reduced to a minimum. Be it unintentional or forced, it makes no sense that with technology available that could easily put a stop to it, they still do it the old fashioned way.

- When he is best, he is a little worse than a man, and when he is worst, he is little better than a beast.

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Portugal play like crap against everyone and still manage to win. Afterwards they play well against France and they lose. This sucks.

"My hovercraft is full of eels!" - Hungarian tourist
I am Dan Quayle of the Romans.
I want to tattoo a map of the Netherlands on my nether lands.
Heja Sverige!!
Everyone should cuffawkle more.
The wrench is your friend. :bat:

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I think Portugal play well. They've got a solid defence, nice passing game out to their center midfield and out to their fabulous wingers. Like it or not, Ronaldo's a superb player. At this stage I think he probably needs to improve his decision making. Stepping over the ball a few times before passing it square is silly.


The penalty was the right call. Henry landed on Carvalho's footand was off balance so I think it was the right call.

Spreading beauty with my katana.

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This was a very hard day for me, I was Happy runing with my Portugese flag and then the world stoped for me as I saw the end of the game. I was crying, you know, it hurts seeing your favorite team lose.

But Ronaldo needs time to learn to play good socer, he is just a little kid for being there, But next cup he will be ready.

As for Ricardo, he did a very good job, same for Barthes.

Good bye for Figo I will miss you!!!!!!!!

The I saw tha Lopez Obrador was wining the elecctions. Every one exept "El Peje".

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...They scored three goals against Spain, which is the only decent game they've played...

Huh? Did you even see the game against Brazil? Zidane, Henry etc. owned that game even though it wasn't a goal fest.



It appears that I have not yet found a sig to replace the one about me not being banned... interesting.

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The Red Wine and blue cheese won, yay! Quite a boring match though, except for the very end when Portugal had 3-4 corners in a row and for each and every cornerkick, 2-3 portugeese players suddenly fell to the ground.




That's exactly how feel about C. Ronaldo et al. I get so tired of all those oversteps that are basically only fancy moves but rarely accomplish a whole lot. Look at the other Ronaldo, you know Mr. Fat Guy from Brazil, and his goal against Ghana. That's how you do it. Just a quick weave over the ball and the keeper is ordering hot dogs with extra ketchup. I get so tired of C. Ronaldo, Denilson and others who just do it too much instead of just looking up to see where his team mates are. Ronaldo took a shoot from a bad position yesterday instead of passing a free Pauleta in the area.


Also I was happy to see Portugal go out because of how many of their players are falling over all the time. Take Maniche against England, for example. He gets an arm on his shoulder and up somewhere close to his neck. He sees the ball rolling out of his reach and falls over holding his head as if someone just hit him with a hammer and lies like that for a minute. It makes you wanna puke.


All that said I'm rooting for Italy in the final. If anything I felt very sorry for them back in 2000 when they lost the Euro final to France following a late equaliser and an overtime winner. Very surprised to see France in the final, but a guy like Zidane wakes up in this type of games and he's been very valuable lately. I wouldn't be surprised to see the experienced Frenchies, who know what it takes to win, beat Italy in a final almost as boring as West Germany-Argentina in 1990. :D

^Yes, that is a good observation, Checkpoint. /God

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