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ummm... this'll change christianity


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Erm, no offense to Jesus in anyway. I have to go out soon and I don

Edited by kirottu

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christ had the good fortune and foresight to be killed thousands of years ago... so that the Truth 'bout his life will never be a matter of certainty. all religions require the Mystery aspect, and too much reality can spoil that for people.


am not gonna resurrect the scientology thread, but we thinks that one reason why a guy like l. ron hubbard could never really get his religion to be mainstream is that too many people have access to too much info about him and his church. there is court documents and school transcripts and military records and all sorts of other bits o' info that most of us consider to be beyond reproach that suggest that l. ron hubbard were possessed of more than his share of petty human frailties and shortcomings. is much harder to deify somebody today than it is to deify somebody who lived long before 60 minutes and the washing post.


regardless, is the idea we has faith in far more than it is the men. is gonna take far more than a single really old manuscript to change the idea of christianity.


now maybe if christ had been a teenage girl we could possibly find his diary

"If there be time to expose through discussion the falsehood and fallacies, to avert the evil by the processes of education, the remedy to be applied is more speech, not enforced silence."Justice Louis Brandeis, Concurring, Whitney v. California, 274 U.S. 357 (1927)

"Im indifferent to almost any murder as long as it doesn't affect me or mine."--Gfted1 (September 30, 2019)

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Ah, just one of my usual bouts of heartburn.  I don't know why I was so angry about this stuff yesterday.  It is true that the Church has secrets.  In that regard, it's like a state.  It has many state secrets and, since it has operatives in virtually every country, the church has no lack of spies.


Yes, I believe open is better for these things.  Let the scholars hash out this business.  On the other hand, the church is acting in accordance with their stated goal and, while there is undoubtedly some subtrefuge, the church is generally concerned more with congregations and demographics and responding to the changing needs of the members than it is with these cloak and dagger things.  After all, that's where the majority of the money is spent.

Ah, good old paternalism: don't worry, we'll do all that nasty hard thinking for you, you just be good, worshipful drones. :wub:


Not only do secret sects garner my ire, but also my suspicion: what have they got to hide? :(" (Apart from the papal distain of the common person's ability to grasp complex truths, of course.)


Nah, they have something to hide alright, and I am only sorry that I'll never get to read all that juicy stuff in the Vatican vault.




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I can't see this having much of an effect on christianity. Christians won't lose their faith; atheists won't really care; people won't ring Hades' doorbell to tell him about Judas...


It's interesting from a historical standpoint but aside from that, it doesn't really matter.

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I can't see this having much of an effect on christianity. Christians won't lose their faith; atheists won't really care; people won't ring Hades' doorbell to tell him about Judas...


It's interesting from a historical standpoint but aside from that, it doesn't really matter.


I'm sure some will. But if you believe that the earth was created 6000 years ago in the face of the evidence availble. This wont breach your little bubble of reality.

I have to agree with Volourn.  Bioware is pretty much dead now.  Deals like this kills development studios.


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We didn't exactly need that, Potent.

kirottu said:
I was raised by polar bears. I had to fight against blood thirsty wolves and rabid penguins to get my food. Those who were too weak to survive were sent to Sweden.


It has made me the man I am today. A man who craves furry hentai.

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The thing is, Judas's (real) story is a hell of a lot better than the one in the Bible. (Hee hee, see what I did there?)


The boring old "sold out for 30 coins of silver" doesn't do the story justice. Hmm ... story ... *goes off to notepad*




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The thing is, Judas's (real) story is a hell of a lot better than the one in the Bible. (Hee hee, see what I did there?)


The boring old "sold out for 30 coins of silver" doesn't do the story justice. Hmm ... story ... *goes off to notepad*

Now that we have entered the land of speculation, I think Judas never had true faith in Christ. Perhaps in his eyes, Jesus was not the Lord but someone exceedingly arrogant for all his claims. Perhaps Judas betrayed Jesus out of jealousy over the Jesus' power and anger over His arrogance, and the "30 pieces of silver" are only an added bonus. (Besides, that's a lot of money back then, no?)

Edited by julianw
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Judas was Jesus's little brother.


Thomas was Jesus's twin brother.


John the Baptist was Jesus's cousin, and he had a similar (yet inferior) claim to the throne (King of the Jews), direct line from Solomon and David.


But, yeah, sibling rivalry is as good a motive as any for murder. :D




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It made me giggle.


I think it'll be interesting if actual scholarly study is done on it finding out whether or not the book is real or one of those wacky apochryphal books like Bel and the Dragon. I don't think it'll really matter whether it is or not though because if it doesn't fit with the accepted views well enough most Christians will just denounce it.


Absurd scriptural references FTW!



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Bah, a good read is a good read! I kinda like the new twist to be honest. Who made the greatest sacrifice now, the man who has been hated for 2 thousand years, or everyones hero Jebus Christ? It would think Juda honestly, but lets not forget others who have died.


1546 Etienne Dolet, French printer and bookseller and passionate advocate of learning, was imprisoned several times for his outspoken criticisms of the Church.


Dolet was condemned for atheism and burnt at Lyons, along with his books, leaving his family destitute.




1553 Michael Servetus, the Spanish physician who discovered pulmonary blood circulation (an advance upon Galen) fled the Inquisition and thought himself safe among Protestants.

Big mistake.


John Calvin, the puritanical "Protestant Pope" of Geneva proved his Christian credentials by having Servetus burned at the stake for heresy. Servetus had criticized the Trinity and infant baptism.




1589 Francis Kett, a tutor at Bene't (Corpus Christi), Cambridge, expressed doubts that JC may not have been the great moralist Christians believed.


For his audacity the professor was burned to ashes.




1600 Giordano Bruno, Italian philosopher who taught in Paris and Wittenberg, paid the ultimate price for thinking for himself.


After languishing for 7 years in a dungeon of the Inquisition, where he was subjected to repeated torture, he was condemned and burned at the stake.


Bruno had had the audacity to suggest that space was boundless and that the sun and its planets were not unique.




1619 Lucilio Vanini (aka 'Giulio Cesare' - 'Julius Caesar').

Philosopher, teacher and freethinker, in 1616 the ex-Carmelite monk Vanini imprudently published his thoughts in

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The manuscript itself seems genuine enough - carbon dating, language evaluation by scholars etc. I'm very impressed that they've managed to restore it to 85% of what it was. 15% has been lost forever - literally crumbled to dust.


The question is its contents. At the very least it provides an valuable view to what early Gnosticism was like.

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