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New studio: Bioware Austin


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I am aiming to be more open minded.



Don't let yourself become boring, Hades dear. The world is chock full of open-minded rational people. eh. well maybe not, but you get the point. :-

Notice how I can belittle your beliefs without calling you names. It's a useful skill to have particularly where you aren't allowed to call people names. It's a mistake to get too drawn in/worked up. I mean it's not life or death, it's just two guys posting their thoughts on a message board. If it were personal or face to face all the usual restraints would be in place, and we would never have reached this place in the first place. Try to remember that.
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I'll pass on this one aswell. Single player RPG take too much time already.

"Some men see things as they are and say why?"
"I dream things that never were and say why not?"
- George Bernard Shaw

"Hope in reality is the worst of all evils because it prolongs the torments of man."
- Friedrich Nietzsche


"The amount of energy necessary to refute bull**** is an order of magnitude bigger than to produce it."

- Some guy 

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I hope this game is console-exclusive.


That wouldnt be particularly suprising.


This is a tough one. Personally I hope it's primarily a PC game, because I don't see myself plugging in a keyboard to my console and typing from the couch. I mean, typing is pretty important in these games, particularly to avoid the whiny kids on the headsets. WoW has clearly shown that you can sell a TON of games on a PC only title.


It could be a hybrid, like Final Fantasy Online. While the interface is a bit odd, I played it on my PC and never felt like it was a console port. The interface was designed to work for both a controller and a keyboard, but it wasn't skewed one way or another.


I'd be shocked if it was console only. That would be a major gamble, as I don't think FF online is big enough to prove that a MMO can succeed on consoles alone.

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I'll pass on this one aswell. Single player RPG take too much time already.


I don't know - they don't take much time if no one releases any, which for PCs has pretty much been the case since KOTOR 2 came out last year unless you count weird European/Russian stuff or Jeff Vogel's budget games.

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I'd be shocked if it was console only. That would be a major gamble, as I don't think FF online is big enough to prove that a MMO can succeed on consoles alone.


Well... considering the vast majority of Japanese FFXI players use the PS2 and a good amount of NA players do as well... Also considering that FFXI really is only for the "hardcore" MMORPG crowd. I agree with you, but if something with the ease of WOW was released console exclusive, I say it could do fairly well.

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Would have been nice if they kept it in the country and started a branch studio over here in Vancouver.

The area between the balls and the butt is a hotbed of terrorist activity.


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You mean, Montreal.


No, because then I couldn't get a job there until the development of personal teleporters. :thumbsup:


Heck, they're big enough, open branches in Vancouver AND Montreal. It just makes sense to open one in Vancouver considering how many 3d art and game development schools are here. Plus we have the big EA Canada campus here that apparently has people quitting all the time. We have too much talent, not enough jobs for them all over here.

The area between the balls and the butt is a hotbed of terrorist activity.


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This is a tough one.  Personally I hope it's primarily a PC game, because I don't see myself plugging in a keyboard to my console and typing from the couch.  I mean, typing is pretty important in these games, particularly to avoid the whiny kids on the headsets.  WoW has clearly shown that you can sell a TON of games on a PC only title. 


It could be a hybrid, like Final Fantasy Online.  While the interface is a bit odd, I played it on my PC and never felt like it was a console port.  The interface was designed to work for both a controller and a keyboard, but it wasn't skewed one way or another.


I'd be shocked if it was console only.  That would be a major gamble, as I don't think FF online is big enough to prove that a MMO can succeed on consoles alone.


No one has really tried. It's a huge untapped market where as with things like EQ and WoW the PC MMPORG market is pretty competative and likely to become more so.

FFXI actually required you to buy an additional HD so given that, the FFXI numbers on the PS2 are pretty good.


Going to be 2-3 years before anything comes of this anyway.

I have to agree with Volourn.  Bioware is pretty much dead now.  Deals like this kills development studios.


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"Would have been nice if they kept it in the country and started a branch studio over here in Vancouver."


It's nice that Bioware aren't bigots and don't just stick to their own country. It's good to give their Amerikan fans employment oppurntunity without forcing them to move into an Igloo, afterall. :thumbsup:


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You mean, Montreal.


No, because then I couldn't get a job there until the development of personal teleporters. :thumbsup:


Heck, they're big enough, open branches in Vancouver AND Montreal. It just makes sense to open one in Vancouver considering how many 3d art and game development schools are here. Plus we have the big EA Canada campus here that apparently has people quitting all the time. We have too much talent, not enough jobs for them all over here.



You could say the same for Austin, Texas. I think that the "people quitting all the time" from EA Canada in Vancouver is also overstated, based on the talks I have had with people that work with them.

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I'll pass on this one aswell. Single player RPG take too much time already.


I don't know - they don't take much time if no one releases any, which for PCs has pretty much been the case since KOTOR 2 came out last year unless you count weird European/Russian stuff or Jeff Vogel's budget games.


Believe me, an MMO will suck the living out of you. I have several friends who think that 8-12 hour session of WoW/day is avarage.


And since there are no newer games to play, i've gone retro and i'm currently fighting guards in Curst underground prison in Planescape: Torment ;)

"Some men see things as they are and say why?"
"I dream things that never were and say why not?"
- George Bernard Shaw

"Hope in reality is the worst of all evils because it prolongs the torments of man."
- Friedrich Nietzsche


"The amount of energy necessary to refute bull**** is an order of magnitude bigger than to produce it."

- Some guy 

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Believe me, an MMO will suck the living out of you. I have several friends who think that 8-12 hour session of WoW/day is avarage.


absolutely right, they are such time sinks...even the ones that have a decent story...way too much time involved IMO.


the good thing about MMOs is that they usually introduce gameplay enhancements (such as mounts and clothing dyes) that the public gets used to and, thus, it becomes harder not to offer those things in single player games.

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While I admit plenty of people sink their time into MMO's, and the game design tends to favor that, it's not the only way to play. Personally I play only on the weekends and typically in the morning before my wife wakes up. I probably average 5-10 hours a week in WoW, and I'm plenty happy with my progress.

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I'm not very fond of Bioware's products so far, but Mass Effect and Dragon Age might be better suited for my gaming style. This MMORPG-business is totally uninteresting for me though. But a new studio means it won't affect Bioware as badly as World of Warcraft has affected Blizzard.


Let's hope they manage to make something financially successful so Bioware becomes even stronger and bigger and more productive!

Swedes, go to: Spel2, for the latest game reviews in swedish!

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I'd suspect the fate of ME2 is still very dependant on the fate of ME1, which is why I don't typically consider it "announced."  More of an expressed interest.

I was under the impression that the ME franchise trilogy was being created all at once, like one big game delivered in three parts. (Hey, maybe that is a way for studios to deal with the increased cost of production: multi-generational games ... hmmm ... )




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I'd suspect the fate of ME2 is still very dependant on the fate of ME1, which is why I don't typically consider it "announced."  More of an expressed interest.

I was under the impression that the ME franchise trilogy was being created all at once, like one big game delivered in three parts. (Hey, maybe that is a way for studios to deal with the increased cost of production: multi-generational games ... hmmm ... )



I am sure they have ideas for the future games, but they're no way as ironed out as the first game at this point.


It'd also be risky, because ME might turn out to be a big bust. No sense making a sequel to a game that doesn't sell.

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If anything, I imagine that just means all three games will be delivered using the same technology. That means they can release three games in three years (although that may rush production, like KotOR 2.)


Anyone else notice that the Guild Wars expansion is priced at $50? I guess that's the drawback to no monthly fees. Of course, that's still cheaper if you compare a year of WoW to bothe GW games.

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If anything, I imagine that just means all three games will be delivered using the same technology.  That means they can release three games in three years (although that may rush production, like KotOR 2.)


Anyone else notice that the Guild Wars expansion is priced at $50?  I guess that's the drawback to no monthly fees.  Of course, that's still cheaper if you compare a year of WoW to bothe GW games.


Thank you for convincing me to buy Guild Wars for my MMORPG needs. :D

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