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Tee, hee.

Lou Gutman, P.I.- It's like I'm not even trying anymore!

One billion b-balls dribbling simultaneously throughout the galaxy. One trillion b-balls being slam dunked through a hoop throughout the galaxy. I can feel every single b-ball that has ever existed at my fingertips. I can feel their collective knowledge channeling through my viens. Every jumpshot, every rebound and three-pointer, every layup, dunk, and free throw. I am there.

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Finished Colossus.


Number 16 was indeed very annoying. No sympathy for that one just elation.


Ending was interesting. Wonder if they will use that for the start point of the game they have signed up for on the PS3.


Tell me good things about the game so I can regret not having bought a PS2.

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Shadow of the Colossus made me feel like a giant; standing immeasurable against the unbending law of the universe, and making it yield to my will. Well... not quite, but it was pretty good.


I really liked Drakengard. Caim is a total hardass psycho. Unlocking the final secret ending was total bull though. La la la la, the watchers...


I would be playing Mercenaries now, but it hasn't arrived yet, so I'm not.

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Need for Speed: Most Wanted.


If you have played NFSU or NFSU:2 and NFS Hot Pursuit this game offers nothing new to you, but I decided to play it through once.


Oh, and I dislike having a sports car to be pimped. It

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Getting Ready for Resident Evil Code Veronica X :p


@SP: How was Run Like Hell?


Rather liked that one.


Very good. Excellent story and ending.


The lightning gun worked wonders. Like carrying around a chain lightning spell.

I have to agree with Volourn.  Bioware is pretty much dead now.  Deals like this kills development studios.


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Shadow of the Colossus made me feel like a giant; standing immeasurable against the unbending law of the universe, and making it yield to my will. Well... not quite, but it was pretty good.


I really liked Drakengard. Caim is a total hardass psycho. Unlocking the final secret ending was total bull though. La la la la, the watchers...


I would be playing Mercenaries now, but it hasn't arrived yet, so I'm not.


A very satifiying game. Everytime you destroy one you feel like you really have accomplished something monumental.


I've played a couple of levels before but never finished it. Since I ordered part II yesterday seemed like as a good a time as any.


That the one with Jennifer Hale ?

I have to agree with Volourn.  Bioware is pretty much dead now.  Deals like this kills development studios.


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Mostly Mount & Blade. Tomorrow i will start Galactic Civilzations II.





what? a medievalish game in which people ride around and fight on horseback?

of all the things!


M&B is one of the best games i have ever played. It's a sandbox type CRPG like Pirates!. But it has much more roleplaying elements and it's way better than the last Pirates!. It also has the best mounted combat ever. It's addictive.

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