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Is a PST remake really that unfeasible?


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I think a big thing with the Hollywood remakes is that the movies they are remaking are now quite old.  And to some, archaic.  My friend has a hard time watching a black and white movie.  It's just something about him.


Though he has seen some, based on heavy recommendations.

Since technology in gaming is moving so fast, PS:T will soon be as outdated as a black-and-white movie, if it isn't already. Ripe for a remake, perhaps? I don't think so. As with movies, publishers who want to remake old games are declaring that they have no ideas for new and original productions. This will just annoy precisely the kind of gamers who appreciated PS:T the first time.

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I personally have no problem with remakes. I'm actually nearing a point where its hard to go back and play PS:T because the graphics bother my eyes. (mostly because of the fixed resolution) So I'd love to see a remake. I don't see it as saying they have no ideas left, as long as they don't do ONLY remakes. There are lots of games I'd like to see remade. FFVI, the BG series, PS:T. BG I think would benefit a lot from a remake. Add NPC interaction, some nice animations, an actual ending instead of that "You have won, saving characters." message. It could be incredible. Then once you have the engine all done, you could easily remake BG2 as well, and expand throne of Bhaal into a true sequel.

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I think the PS setting is a bit "out there" as some have indicated and will never have mainstream appeal.


I, personally, think that a FR game that features an amnesiac Drizzt Do Urden would sell like hotcakes and, because of all the rich backstory and dialogue, could have many of the things that PST fans are looking for.


It could be a cult classic and a money maker.

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I think the PS setting is a bit "out there" as some have indicated and will never have mainstream appeal.


I, personally, think that a FR game that features an amnesiac Drizzt Do Urden would sell like hotcakes and, because of all the rich backstory and dialogue, could have many of the things that PST fans are looking for.


It could be a cult classic and a money maker.




I take that back... Hell no :)

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A good amount of the text was to show things that the IE wasn't capable of showing. With modern graphics a lot of the description could be cut down and just shown using the engine, and that would solve the lots of text problem.


And how many publishers are willing to finance a game that would visually show disenbowelment, splitting skulls, pulling out eyes and some such? Any of those would make anti-Grand Theft Auto inquisitors to cream their pants at just how much censure they could apply, or suggest be applied.


Also, text is many times downplayed in face of graphics but we're forgetting that text, including the one in Torment, is also used to describe things which we can't visually show such as the sense of smell. How would the particular smell of the Mortuary, for instance, be described visually to players?

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remake a game that didn't sell the first time? seems like a great way for a developer to be spending their time and resources. no doubt bunches o' publishers will be scrambling to get a chance to be doing another planescape game real soon.


HA! Good Fun!

"If there be time to expose through discussion the falsehood and fallacies, to avert the evil by the processes of education, the remedy to be applied is more speech, not enforced silence."Justice Louis Brandeis, Concurring, Whitney v. California, 274 U.S. 357 (1927)

"Im indifferent to almost any murder as long as it doesn't affect me or mine."--Gfted1 (September 30, 2019)

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remake a game that didn't sell the first time?  seems like a great way for a developer to be spending their time and resources.  no doubt bunches o' publishers will be scrambling to get a chance to be doing another planescape game real soon.


HA! Good Fun!


Mr. Sawyer, that just doesn't make any sort of sense to me.  Why make a sequel to a game that is considered a financial failure?  It just doesn't make good business.

Actually, sometimes it does. Prince of Persia didn't sell very well, but Warrior Within sold much better. The original game had a small but enthusiastic following, with word of mouth allowing more copies to be sold at a reduced price later on. That collective awareness of the quality of the original title helped the sequel sell even more at full price (regardless of the sequel's quality).


EDIT: Also, development costs are sometimes lower because a lot of technology from the first title provides a solid base for moving forward.

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Remakes are generally not that worthwhile. Either the changes are minimal (in order to stay true to the original) or the original gets lost in the remake.


PST isnt really the sort of game that benifits greatly from technology anyway.


I suppose if you were to do it for another system, like the handheld FF games, that would be a reason otherwise cant see the point.

I have to agree with Volourn.  Bioware is pretty much dead now.  Deals like this kills development studios.


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"EDIT: Also, development costs are sometimes lower because a lot of technology from the first title provides a solid base for moving forward."


yeah, now how would this help a ps:t remake? what sorta pre turn of century infinity engine tech is gonna be useful in any resurrection of ps:t?


btw, in case folks isn't aware, prince of persia were an ip with numerous titles. there had been numerous succesful prince of persia games released previous to warrior within. how many winner ps:t games has there been? so, in spite of sawyer's non analogous example, why on earth would any developer in their right mind go through the effort o' trying to sell ps:t when the folks who is going to have to publish it thought it were a loser.


start with 0 expected support from wotc as they use crpgs to sell their print material and they consider planescape dead.


start with perception/reality that ps:t were a financial looser.


why start out fighting an uphill battle, and as tough as game development racket seems to be... what developer in their right mind would do so? 'cept maybe josh.


HA! Good Fun!

Edited by Gromnir

"If there be time to expose through discussion the falsehood and fallacies, to avert the evil by the processes of education, the remedy to be applied is more speech, not enforced silence."Justice Louis Brandeis, Concurring, Whitney v. California, 274 U.S. 357 (1927)

"Im indifferent to almost any murder as long as it doesn't affect me or mine."--Gfted1 (September 30, 2019)

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