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Obsidian's Feargus Urquhart at RPG Codex forum


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Let me finish off the evening by expressing why I like the idea of a third-person game with "RPG" stat advancement, responsive and visceral melee combat, and deep character interaction: I don't know of any games that combine these things well.


* Castlevania: Lament of Innocence and Curse of Darkness - RPG stats, item collection, responsive combat.  No character interaction.


* Ninja Gaiden - Minor RPG stats, item collection, very responsive combat.  No character interaction.


* KotOR 1/2 - RPG stats, character interaction.  Horrible combat.


* Tales of Symphonia - RPG stats, decently responsive combat.  No choice in character dialogues.


* Devil May Cry 3 - Minor RPG stats, minor item collection, very responsive combat.  No character interaction.


* Jade Empire - Minor RPG stats, item collection, kinda responsive combat, good character interaction.


* Dark Alliance - RPG stats, item collection, clumsy combat, okay character interaction in 2.


* Demonstone - Minor RPG stats, decently responsive combat, no character interaction.


I don't like the idea of a game like this because Marketing Matrix #812 tells me that 72% of all American males between the ages of 14 and 27 express interest in a focus test write-up.  I like the idea of a game like this because I don't think anyone's actually delivered on what I believe the promise of such a blend could be.


If I could play a game with the world interaction of Fallout, a solid and focused statistical advancement system, and really crisp action-based combat, I think that would be great.  I totally understand if you don't like the idea, but I think it could be awesome.  I just get annoyed when the elements from other games/genres are oversimplified.  If someone wrote that RPGs are just memorizing formulae and crunching numbers, I'd think that was silly too.

I agree.


KOTOR2 with Jedi Knight series combat would have been really fun, come to think of it. REALLY fun.

Edited by Llyranor


(Approved by Fio, so feel free to use it)

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*waits for Gabby to make an entrance*

and Kaftan :wub:



As always, the only console company with any sense is Nintendo. They dont steal games off the PC market and rumour has it you might be able to buy a "nintendo card" that will let you play on your PC



But I question the idea that you can make more money off a console exlcusive than a cross platform game. Development costs will be higher but so will the sales, and by no small amount.

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"I suppose outright stupidity and complete lack of taste could also be considered points of view. "

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"a third-person game with "RPG" stat advancement, responsive and visceral melee combat, and deep character interaction" using the Revolution controller would be quite appealing, hmm?


*hint hint*


(Approved by Fio, so feel free to use it)

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The Jedi Knight combat may be realistic, but it is also twitchfest 2006. I hate that kind of combat, especially when it is fast-paced and there are friendly NPCs running around with AI stupid enough for them to walk into your swinging weapon. I'll take KotOR's combat, if enemies were more difficult.



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"Hey, I like having a party of 4 to 6 people."


So do I. And?



"Secondly I don't like the AI because the AI is often very stupid. Like Marcus using full auto to kill a baddie which you are in melee with or Linu casting Harm on undead."


I've seen players do dumber thinsg both in video games, and in pnp. It's REALISTIC! :huh:



"If you like the AI to keep control then assign and AI to the NPC."


Nah. AI in games like BG will likely be worse than NWN or Fo because the games are intended to be fully controlled.


" Personally I like a more direct control in most cases."


Direct control of npcs is not role-playing.

Edited by Volourn


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I'd agree with Magical Volo if NPC AI in RPGs weren't mindnumbingly stupid.


Combat in the Call of Duty series is infinitely more 'immersive' to me than any combat system any RPG has ever tried.


(Approved by Fio, so feel free to use it)

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...so that we have more freedom when it comes to the types of games we can create.

This is a little disturbing. I may read too much into it, but it sounds like Obsidian wants to branch out into other genres than just RPG. I know Josh, for example, is an avid fan of games like God of War and Ninja Gaiden Black..


Own technology + Console only + freedom to the type of game they can create = ?


Are we going to see action games coming from Obsidian in the future?



If they're good then I seriously do not care.

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"By yes, Magical Volo meant that they died trying."


Mine never died when detetcing/disarming trasp. Thoguh the dwarf female from SOU sure seem to try to sometimes. :D


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I hated it when an NPC would "notice" something behind a trap that had just popped up for me. I'd have to tell them to stop, which would only work until their next heartbeat at which point they would try to go interact with it again.

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I hated it when an NPC would "notice" something behind a trap that had just popped up for me.  I'd have to tell them to stop, which would only work until their next heartbeat at which point they would try to go interact with it again.

The Arificially Enchanced Stupidity does you no favors when it comes to mines/traps, alanschu.

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The Jedi Knight combat may be realistic, but it is also twitchfest 2006.  I hate that kind of combat, especially when it is fast-paced and there are friendly NPCs running around with AI stupid enough for them to walk into your swinging weapon.  I'll take KotOR's combat, if enemies were more difficult.





in pnp we needs just 'nuff strength and coordination to be able to lift and toss a handful of dice. while a single-player crpg is NOT pnp gaming and should not treated as identical, we choose to believe that arcade control combat ain't necessary to be making games fun. yeah, we know that a true melding of squad-based tactical combat aspects from a game like ja2 and the character interaction and story development of a game like ps:t is probably too much to ask for... but that is what we is asking for.




regardless, a crpg that tests the manual dexterity of our character is ok, but one that tests Gromnir's physical attributes is... annoying. am too old and grumpy for such things.


HA! Good Fun!

"If there be time to expose through discussion the falsehood and fallacies, to avert the evil by the processes of education, the remedy to be applied is more speech, not enforced silence."Justice Louis Brandeis, Concurring, Whitney v. California, 274 U.S. 357 (1927)

"Im indifferent to almost any murder as long as it doesn't affect me or mine."--Gfted1 (September 30, 2019)

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