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ABC Miniseries: The Lost


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Apparently, the writers are planning to stretch this show for 8 seasons total, meaning it will finally reach its conclusion in 2012. I'm not sure I'll be able to keep it up that long.


But anyway, this knowledge, combined with the fact that no specific date has ever been given, and that each season seems to be around 40 days, makes current speculation believe that Lost is situated in 2012, and will end December 21st, which happens to be the end of the Mayan calendar. On that date, a global event will supposedly occur which will change mankind's vision from one of conflict to one of cooperation. The Mayans, aside from being great astronomists, were also occupied with the studying of polar reversal. Add to this the elecromagnetic field Dharma is doing research on and we may actually be on to something.


I've read theories on www.4815162342.com about the polar reversal thingy, but up until I read this Mayan stuff I didn't really buy into it. Now it's starting to seem quite plausible though.

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^A couple of things:


1) Isnt that date on the Myan calander supposed to be the end of the world?

2) Where did you get the information that Myans were interested in polar reversal? IIRC, the last polar reversal to happen on Earth occured LONG before the existance of the Myans and hasnt happened since. They would have had no clue of its existance.

Edited by Gfted1
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1) Isnt that date on the Myan calander supposed to be the end of the world?

No, though it seems this is what most people believe.



2) Where did you get the information that Myans were interested in polar reversal? IIRC, the last polar reversal to happen on Earth occured LONG before the existance of the Myans and hasnt happened since. They would have had no clue of its existance.

Yes well, it appears the Mayans knew a lot more than we'd give 'em credit for.




Read this: http://www.levity.com/eschaton/Why2012.html. I found it to be most interesting.


For people interested in more wacky theories: http://www.4815162342.com/forum. There's plenty of good stuff up there, as well as plenty of far-fetched speculation (such as the Black Box theory, which I found to be the most original one, however over-the-top it might be).

Edited by Pope
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Definition of: ABC Miniseries, "The Lost"-


Unfortunately not as 'mini' of a series as its name denotes, this lame excuse for television entertainment has captivated thousands of viewers internationally. Survivor was bad; scripting it only made it worse.

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complete filler episode


I dunno...I don't think it was really a filler episode; certainly it didn't push the overarching story to a turning point, but I think its drawn out several things that will play out interestingly later.


I guess more of a "set up" episode to me than "filler".

I cannot - yet I must. How do you calculate that? At what point on the graph do "must" and "cannot" meet? Yet I must - but I cannot! ~ Ro-Man

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This last episode had too much Sun/Jin stuff and not enough Ana/Henri stuff.


Jack is really starting to get on my nerves with his hypocritical hollier than thou attitude and Locke lost his edge when Boone died.


I find it very interesting that all the people who were "good" in the beginning are becoming more twisted and vice versa.

Sawyer for example is becoming a really nice guy and Kate too although she could still be playing people. Ana's 180 was too fast though.


Anyway those are my 2cents.

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I wasn't wowed by this episode, but I do think it was necessary.  Personally I think Jin and Ecko are the two most likely to kill Others with their bare hands, and that's neat.


I think the Others are kept mysterious but they are in fact not. I'm thinking they are previous occupants of the shelters. I mean, where the hell did Desmond run off to? :blink:

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I think the Others are kept mysterious but they are in fact not. I'm thinking they are previous occupants of the shelters.

Ermm, I would have thought the answer to that is pretty obvious given the events of a couple of episodes ago.

I mean, where the hell did Desmond run off to?  :blink:

...he is a German intelligence agent :("

Edited by Surreptishus
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I think the Others are kept mysterious but they are in fact not. I'm thinking they are previous occupants of the shelters.

Ermm, I would have thought the answer to that is pretty obvious given the events of a couple of episodes ago.

I mean, where the hell did Desmond run off to?  :blink:

...he is a German intelligence agent :("


Oh come on! German? That was NOT a german accent. It was very obviously french.

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I think the Others are kept mysterious but they are in fact not. I'm thinking they are previous occupants of the shelters.

Ermm, I would have thought the answer to that is pretty obvious given the events of a couple of episodes ago.

I mean, where the hell did Desmond run off to?  >_<

...he is a German intelligence agent :lol:"


Oh come on! German? That was NOT a german accent. It was very obviously french.

What the hell? the accent is scottish.

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It is worrying to think what kind of drivel will be turned out for season 3 and beyond. Why is this season so different to the first? Have there been any major changes in creative staff? Did they just run out of ideas? Even if it is all about hype now don't they have to base it on at least some vestige of qulaity to keep viewers hooked?

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Since they opened the hatch, it's not about survival anymore, it's about finding the Others. The tension is not the same at all because we don't really "fear" for their lives.

Also, we know the back story for everyone(or enough of it) so all those flashbacks are just filler and seems very much taked on.


Shannon died when she was getting interesting(AND she was hot. Big mistake).


It's turning into Gilligan's Island. For real.

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I know the show seems to be faltering a little, and the premise of the whole thing seems to have changed somewhat, but LOST is about the only show I watch religiously nowadays. (looks around for GJK) :blink:"


I did not mind this weeks episode. Sure it was filler, like KQ3 said, but it did have some nice character building spots.


And for a guy stranded on a tropical island with no protein aside from fish, Jin sure does have a set of pipes on him.


Jaguars4ever is still alive.  No word of a lie.

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I thought the very end was the best part. Had they not shown the balloon in the "next week" trailer thingy, it would have been better.


Next week it seems that Darque will see that there are consequences for not pushing the button.......

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All shows need a hot, bitchy and dumb california blonde. I agree that it was a huge mistake to let her die.


I also think that Boone shouldnt have died.


That annoying **** Charlie should have been killed off.


Charlie was interesting at first. I found his struggle and the outcome inspiring. But ever since Claire "dumped" him he's become this mean back orifice. He should have another long talk with Rose.


The show is heading towards a Lord of the Flies thing.

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