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Huggable WotC


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As far as I remember it was a problem everyone would eventually encounter with a unpatched game, but it's been too long to recall. The fact that there is only one showstopper is bad enough. It's like saying "But officer, I only killed one person."


I completed the game unpatched. And I even got the Leopold crash. It wasn't that hard to find a workaround.


No, a workaround shouldn't have been needed in the first place, but the game was still possible to finish.

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As far as I remember it was a problem everyone would eventually encounter with a unpatched game, but it's been too long to recall. The fact that there is only one showstopper is bad enough. It's like saying "But officer, I only killed one person."

Bad enough compared to... what? And yeah, your analogy is exactly the kind of blowing things out of proportion I was referring to, before.


And well, as you say, it's been some time now, but I don't think everyone would experience the Leopold crash, as there were some people who had reportedly beaten the game even before the unofficial fix appeared. Can't confirm, though.



I never took alanschu's comment as meaning Bloodlines was released as beta, and I was right considering his "I wasn't saying that Bloodlines was a beta when released." comment in the last post.

That sounded more like a clarification on his part than an attempt to correct me. Newsflash: A beta tester is somebody that deals with beta versions. He referred to BL players as beta testers, so it's not too long a shot to assume he meant to imply that BL had been released in a beta state.



That is, I took is more as a comment on the apparent attitude of publishers/developers that they can release a game and fix major problems after release, as opposed to alanschu thinking that Atari and/or Troika ever said "We need to beta test this game, but we'll let the consumer do that."

Which in the end is nothing but a misuse of the expression "beta tester".



And thanks for the condescending "you don't understand" comment. Here I was thinking mkreku had a monopoly on them.



I don't see why you would get so worked up about that, anyway. If you don't think the game was a beta version at release, then the comment doesn't really apply to you. But hey, don't let me stop you from purposefully misinterpreting my posts so you can make obnoxious replies to add some flavor to the discussion.

- When he is best, he is a little worse than a man, and when he is worst, he is little better than a beast.

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I finished the game twice without a patch. ...But I do have sympathy for folks who didn't. It's just the nature of computer gaming that some folks have problems with certain games. It's not even the same person for each game.


All that said, I enjoyed Bloodlines quite a bit. It gave me a glimpse of the Masquerade universe. If everyone didn't insist on DnD around here, I'd probably try to get them to play it. I'd even buy the books, supported or not.

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BL is buggy. Plain, and simple. It's one of the buggiets games ever. It's also a pretty good agme without the bugs. From crashes to slowdowns to other silly bugs it has it all. And, every single bug is 100% Troika's fault.




As for WOTC, they're cool. :cool:


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Was it a beta? You don't understand the concept of "beta", if you think it was.

Yeah, play the release version of Dungeon Lords to find out what a real beta is.

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Which proves my point. There have been games that were buggy for everyone, with much more serious bugs than a memory leak or poor performance, if that can be considered a bug at all. BL was buggy, but it wasn't "one of the buggiest games ever". That's nonsense.


Yeah, I know it's wrong to call BS, but I just have a bad habit of doing it, so please bear with me.

- When he is best, he is a little worse than a man, and when he is worst, he is little better than a beast.

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Yeah, well. I wasn't ripping into you specifically. It just amuses me a great deal to see people pulling their hair at the state in which BL or K2 were released. Most of those people just don't know what they're talking about, and what's worse, a lot of them speak from second-hand experiences.


I actually agree with you here. For the most part, I am in the "lucky" camp, and never seem to experience the majority of bugs that most people do.


It's funny, because my showstopper wasn't in Leopold Society, but in the Kuei-Jin temple. There was some door block I had to push out of the way, that it wouldn't let me push.


It's just the only way that makes sense to me with respect to Activisions involvement based on the conjectures we've heard :D

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"Which proves my point. There have been games that were buggy for everyone, with much more serious bugs than a memory leak or poor performance, if that can be considered a bug at all. BL was buggy, but it wasn't "one of the buggiest games ever". That's nonsense."


No. It's one of the buggiest games evar. Lots of people had major problems with BL bugs. It wans't just one, or two. And, besides, I don't care if you had absolutely no problems with it. MInmy epxeirence - and, yes, I've tried games like DF - it very much is one of the buggiets games ever.


I had tp fight with the game to finish it, and no, it's not my computer. Crashes, slowdowns (ooo the slowdowns), and various bugs all made the gaming experience worse than it should have been. Even FO2's bugs wer enowher eenar as bad. In fcat, FO2 had one notable annoying bug.




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From experience, Temple of Elemental Evil was much buggier than Bloodlines. And while I can't speak for others, I have seen more complaints aimed at the former than the later... And wasn't the buglist for ToEE ginnormous compared to that of Bloodlines?

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Good Lord, did either one format your hard-drive? With PoR2 out there, how can anyone compete for buggiest game ever?

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Bloodlines had one of the biggest bugs in gaming history (the game stopping one), but it sure as hell didn't have the most bugs or anywhere even close to the most bugs found in a game.

Swedes, go to: Spel2, for the latest game reviews in swedish!

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Good Lord, did either one format your hard-drive?  With PoR2 out there, how can anyone compete for buggiest game ever?


I think it's simply because most people on these boards had the sense to stay away from that game.


It's that or they're denying to themselves that they ever played. That trauma is probably too much for anyone to handle otherwise.

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It's funny, because my showstopper wasn't in Leopold Society, but in the Kuei-Jin temple.  There was some door block I had to push out of the way, that it wouldn't let me push.

that bug is still in there even patched, but saving and reloading(sometimes a few times) solves it

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No. It's one of the buggiest games evar. Lots of people had major problems with BL bugs. It wans't just one, or two. And, besides, I don't care if you had absolutely no problems with it. MInmy epxeirence - and, yes, I've tried games like DF - it very much is one of the buggiets games ever.


I had tp fight with the game to finish it, and no, it's not my computer. Crashes, slowdowns (ooo the slowdowns), and various bugs all made the gaming experience worse than it should have been. Even FO2's bugs wer enowher eenar as bad. In fcat, FO2 had one notable annoying bug.



I already know you have 100% immunity to reason, but I'm going to try this anyway.


Your experience is irrelevant. Your experience, your perspective of things isn't a universal truth. I had zero problems with BL the first time I played through. I suspected I hadn't experienced the Leopold crash, but I couldn't confirm it. Now I can.

Slowdowns and poor performance are not bugs. That's just unoptimized code, and people with newer hardware don't experience them. Unoptimized code doesn't count as a bug. As I said before (and you obviously failed to understand, I'll try only monosyllabes next time), there have been examples of games where very serious bugs affected everyone, not just Volourn. Those games were much more buggier than BL, to the point that some of them were unplayable right out of the box.


Again, BL was buggy. That's undeniable. It is not, however, "one of the buggiest games ever" just because you had to struggle to finish it. It's obvious you don't know what you're talking about. Even CIV IV has more people raging through message boards than BL ever had, due to a renderer problem. CIV IV isn't one of the "buggiest games ever", either, as it doesn't have that many bugs, and the big one doesn't affect everyone.


FFS you can't even provide a detailed list of the bugs that made it "one of the buggiest games ever". You are just talking out of your ass, and trying to defend by any means possible a statement that was absurdly exaggerated. But of course, if you admitted you were wrong, you wouldn't be Volourn.

Edited by 213374U

- When he is best, he is a little worse than a man, and when he is worst, he is little better than a beast.

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What is the Society of Leopold bug?

It's a bug that causes the game to crash when you reach the boat in the caves under the Society of Leopold church, just after rescuing professor somethingorother.

- When he is best, he is a little worse than a man, and when he is worst, he is little better than a beast.

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Well, slowdowns caused by that memory leak are a bug :)

Yup. There are some people that don't experience those either, anyway. The game just crashes after playing for a long while for them.


But yeah, the memory leak was pretty bad. It doesn't make the game anywhere near unplayable, anyway, and the workaround is real simple.

- When he is best, he is a little worse than a man, and when he is worst, he is little better than a beast.

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It did slow things down for me. I don't recall a workaround though, outside of getting the fan made patch (which may not have even fixed it).


Unless the work around was "restart the game" at which point I performed that work around often :)

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