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Well my intrest in NWN2 just tripled =)


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Stun, web spells etc.

kirottu said:
I was raised by polar bears. I had to fight against blood thirsty wolves and rabid penguins to get my food. Those who were too weak to survive were sent to Sweden.


It has made me the man I am today. A man who craves furry hentai.

So let us go and embrace the rustling smells of unseen worlds

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In my DnD campaigns I allow space travel but it is real world space and space physics. magic can be used to power rockets and the such if one wishes to try but you better bring along a way survive a vaccuum. Also arcane magic tends to be centered on the world itself so as a wizard moves farther away from the planet the less potent his spells are. Druids become completely powerless because they loose connection to the natural world unless they go back to the home planet or touch down on a new life abundent world and "re-attune" themselves. Clerics, by their nature do not lose power because they are divine conduits of their gods though bring their faith to a new world might tick off the gods of that planet. Sorcerers and bards tend to be infused with magic but still loose "power," abeit at a slower rate, than wizards.

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"always felt it was a silly munchkin spell."


Just because a spell is powerful doesn't make it munchkin. Timestop is a 9th level spell. It should be powerful. Not munchkin though.


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"IMO no other 9th level spell compares to Timestop."


Oh really? Someone has forgotten about Wish, and Miracle just to name a couple. Not to mention Gate (bringing a demon to you is nothing to sneeze at), true Ressurection, Implosion, and a host of others are just as if not more powerful than Timestop.



"They should make a firewall spell"


Let's hope so. NWN had/has it. :(


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I have never played a PnP adventure that would have had me coming close to using a 9th level spell.


What's the "real" wish like?  Just whatever you want happens?



Anything within the realm of possibility as long as the DM allows it and it doesn't *seriously* disrupt game balance..lol :(

Edited by Lancer




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Hmm, speaking of DMing, I'm pretty tempted to just focus solely on DM mods for NWN2 with Nick. I'm wondering if making the singleplayer mod is worth it.


It's a shame I haven't DMed more with NWN. I've only made one mod, and we had pretty good but short run on NeverwinterConnections. We only really did for around a month, and ended up in 3rd place re: DMs for that month with limited effort. We kind of stopped DMing after that, but I don't imagine it would have been to hard to get in the DM Hall of Fame if we tried.


I really miss DMing. I should definitely DM more in NWN2. I'm kinda torn, really.


(Approved by Fio, so feel free to use it)

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