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KotoR 3: Ideas and Suggestions

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If it's announced at E3, does that necessarily mean it'll be out this year?  That could mean an early 2007 release.  Not to mention if it IS mentioned at E3 it likely indicates that K3 has been in development for atleast a half dozen months by now.  In which case a 2007 release would give it about the same time as NWN2 is getting.


Just announced then? Not shown...

If there is a new Kotor it would probably have to run on a new engine, and that may take a pretty while, and then shown would either be "of stuff certainly never getting into the game" or "there we go *again*..., don't they learn?"


And there have indeed been several games that made several E3's, including DNF and STALKER :p

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If there's a new KOTOR it probably won't be on a new engine, but the Unreal 3 engine.


New engine for a Kotor-game...


And I would expect Elektra before U3. U3 is still primarily a engine for FPS, and making a Kotor-like game of it would probably take some time, especially if you are one of the first devs in game-country doing it and thus not be able to lend from their ideas or ask Epic about how others did such things before...


If it does use U3, I think we would see PNJ first, despite which company would made KOTOR3...

Edited by Battlewookiee
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No, you don't understand: the short-time changes of alignmen r all possible couse of this strong connection to the Force/reality


no, I do understand actually.....it is an ability that even Revan did not have.

it is directly tied to the Protagonist of KOTOR 2 and the special

anomoly that gives him his power over others

(which is all the more reason

we should not see it in future games).


Influence = yes


UBER Munchkin Alignment Influence = no

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I would prefer a system that would make people of the opposite alignment less likely to "hop on for the ride". So you do not need to change people to get like you, but you atract people like you...


yes, indeed. and I also like slots for non-sentient droids (purchasable) and I like single-world henchmen with names like "Mandalorian Mercenary" and "Telosian Scout".


henchmen don't have much in the way of convos and there is nothing to unlock.

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If there's a new KOTOR it probably won't be on a new engine, but the Unreal 3 engine.


New engine for a Kotor-game...


And I would expect Elektra before U3. U3 is still primarily a engine for FPS, and making a Kotor-like game of it would probably take some time, especially if you are one of the first devs in game-country doing it and thus not be able to lend from their ideas or ask Epic about how others did such things before...


If it does use U3, I think we would see PNJ first, despite which company would made KOTOR3...



What are you talking about? An engine is an engine. A home made mod team made an RTS mod out of the Unreal Engine. I wouldn't think a team of professional developers would really have all that difficult of a time adapting it. The important stuff in the engine isn't the perspective, but the actual data for the engine itself.

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Hope not. Last thing Kotor (and LA) needs is ANOTHER sequel rushed out in a year...


If it's announced at E3, does that necessarily mean it'll be out this year? That could mean an early 2007 release. Not to mention if it IS mentioned at E3 it likely indicates that K3 has been in development for atleast a half dozen months by now. In which case a 2007 release would give it about the same time as NWN2 is getting.


GOA hits the nail on the head again. What I meant was, I have a feeling that LA will make some sort of announement concerning KOTOR 3. That doesn't mean that KOTOR 3 will be out at the end of this year or even anytime next year. Hell, it doesn't even mean OE will be the one developing it. LA could say at E3 that KOTOR 3 is in development and will be released in Q4 2008 for the PC and XBox 360, being developed by <insert dev company here>.


It's no different then a movie studio saying that the next Batman movie is currently being written and will be out in the summer of 2010.

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For the most part the only thing that needs to be changed is the graphic textures and minor modifications to the rules set to make it Star Wars. It would take a whole less work to do that than learn a new engine and apply the d20 game mechanic. Hell, we have people making Star Wars games out of the baseline NWN.

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Seriously?  Link me up?


Guess you never visited the Post your pics thread...


Nope. But that also (atleast not in that specific pic) didn't have a link to where one could find that kind of thing.

"Console exclusive is such a harsh word." - Darque

"Console exclusive is two words Darque." - Nartwak (in response to Darque's observation)

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How many Padawans will be around at the start of K3? At this point I really don't see more than say 4 or 5, considering how many remaining Jedi would likely sit on the Jedi Council.




Dawes ain't too bright. Hitting rock bottom is when you leave 2 tickets on the dash of your car, leave it unlocked hoping someone will steal them & when you come back, there are 4 tickets on your dashboard.
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How many Padawans will be around at the start of K3? At this point I really don't see more than say 4 or 5, considering how many remaining Jedi would likely sit on the Jedi Council.


It depends on the ending what we chosen in KOTOR2, nearly all of the NPC allies could have become jedi in LS, and they created a new Jedi Council, so if we take that ending, there could be lots of them :D


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well if the exile was darkside u were given the option of asking for force sensitives to be surrendered to you so there could be a huge council on onderon and the main pc may be one of thise force sensitives. p.s sorry bout spelling


heres a thought u may be the child of revan and bastilla think about it

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