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By the way, what the hell is a construct? I made a Construct fighter and boy did I kick ass. I felt totally overpowered as I could kill most anything in one hit.



A creature constructed through mechanical/magic ways. In short, a Golem.

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"I suppose outright stupidity and complete lack of taste could also be considered points of view. "

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Regarding DDO, I was also excited about the game but after visiting the site and reading up, not so much. I dont like the fact that experience is only awarded via quest completion. The site states that you can receive bonus exp by destroying a certain % of the crates and boxes or by finding secret doors and traps but to me that just forces you to find the exact perfect group if you want to maximize your returns. And its not a puny reward either, you can gat upto a 25% exp bonus if you do things like they want you too. Sounds like the class to be is thief as everyone and their brother will need one to group to achieve the bonuses.

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"I was at a press showing for Dungeons & Dragons Online: Stormreach yesterday, and at first I thought it would be a game that Hades would like. It's a MMORPG with a level 10 level cap! It takes a looong time to level in that game. Also, the world is consistant for every player, meaning that if you blow up a bridge with a fireball (which is entirely possible), the bridge will stay blown up forever (not sure how that works, but it has to do with instancing)! That's very uncommon for a MMORPG. Also, the game heavily favours groups. There's no soloing in DDO: Stormreach. Another thing that's bound to suit old PnP players is that there's an automated gamemaster talking whenever there's something special to be told. For instance, if you're a thief and your Spot skill is high enough and you happen to find some tracks, the gamemaster will say something like "Heavy footprints in the moist sludge on the floor leads off in the direction of a moldy brick wall, where they come to an abrupt halt", but he says that only to the thief and not to the rest of the group. Then it's up to the thief to inform the rest of the group about what his skills have told him, if he chooses to. I liked the gamemaster system, it really gave the game some unique atmosphere."


This makes it sound very good. That said, everything else I've ehard about the game makes it sound sucky. Plus, I avoid paying for online play.



"By the way, what the hell is a construct? I made a Construct fighter and boy did I kick ass. I felt totally overpowered as I could kill most anything in one hit"


A new Eberron race.

Edited by Volourn


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I have no real interest in the DnD MMORPG. If I want to play DnD online I'll play NWN 1 or NWN 2 online when it is release. I think it is silly to pay for online fees for a game when the same basic premise is in another game and online gaming is free.


Oh, the construct PC is known as the Warforged, an Eberron specific race.

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I don't get how constructs breed. I tried making a female construct fighter, but it looked exactly the same as the male version. Must be a lot of mistakes and homoerotic situations when they decide to mate :p

Swedes, go to: Spel2, for the latest game reviews in swedish!

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FR is awesome. Best setting in DnD. Dark Sun and its fakeness is the worse. Ooo.. Look at us! We're so bad with our fakness. Oo.. When a setting relies on being different for the sake of different it becomes lame.


Still, as always, a setting is only as good as the Dm or players who use it.



Edited by Volourn


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Killing the black bears and the Xvart village for no reason was interesting in a I LIEK XP powergaming sort of way, but mindless.  As was targeting the squirrels to see whether Kivan was a better shot than Imoen (Kivan won).


Maybe when you kill some wildlife for no reason in NWN2 you'll get a bunch of PETA hippies on your case.

It's all about fun not just exps. Chop chop goes the squirrel.

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Eberron does indeed suck.  :)


Like you'd know, you're still stuck in 2nd edition :p

That's because I know greatness and stick with it. I'm not easily thrilled by the next new candy that comes out. :)


I know a lot of old people that feel that way about things... :-






:p not that I'm implying anything :p



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