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Whatever happened to F.E.A.R ?

Kaftan Barlast

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Nick pointed me in the right direction. Operation: Flashpoint. Pretty old game, a 'FPS', if you will - but labelling it such doesn't do it justice. A realistic military simulator would be more accurate, perhaps. I played the demos and quickly got hooked in. I can't really go back to 'standard' FPS games anymore, not when I can get better tactical teamplay elsewhere. This is why I'm really looking forward to Armed Assault, which should be due later this year, from the makers of OFP.


Just to clarify, <3<3 OFP


(Approved by Fio, so feel free to use it)

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I like Operation Flashpoint right up until I had the squad commands to deal with. I just sucked so much with them that I really, really struggled from that point on.


I remember being stuck behind enemy lines at one point, and that was a lot of fun, avoiding tanks and patrols so I could get back to base.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Played F.E.A.R. and finished it.


I'm not going to bother writing a long review. I will satisfy myself by saying I thought the ending sucked. For once, can we have a horrror film that doesn't have that sort of cliched ending. I mean, I understand that the reverse used to be true, but it would be nice if

the monster didn't return from complete destruction to attack the good guys and set up a sequel.... sorry, Bokishi, I disagree. It's either a bad ending or a setup for a sequel.



Moreover, there wasn't any fear in the game. The Original DOOM still reigns supreme in this regard. Hell, Half-Life 2 had more suspense and it wasn't billed as a horror game. Come on! Virtually all your opponents were bad guys with guns.


For all that, however, it was a solid shooter. I enjoyed it and don't resent the purchase. It wasn't as long as Half-Life 2, but it wasn't over in ten hours at least. It was a fun game overall, even with its shortfalls.

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Played F.E.A.R. and finished it.


I'm not going to bother writing a long review.  I will satisfy myself by saying I thought the ending sucked.  For once, can we have a horrror film that doesn't have that sort of cliched ending.  I mean, I understand that the reverse used to be true, but it would be nice if

the monster didn't return from complete destruction to attack the good guys and set up a sequel.... sorry, Bokishi, I disagree.  It's either a bad ending or a setup for a sequel.



Moreover, there wasn't any fear in the game.  The Original DOOM still reigns supreme in this regard.  Hell, Half-Life 2 had more suspense and it wasn't billed as a horror game.  Come on!  Virtually all your opponents were bad guys with guns.


For all that, however, it was a solid shooter.  I enjoyed it and don't resent the purchase.  It wasn't as long as Half-Life 2, but it wasn't over in ten hours at least.  It was a fun game overall, even with its shortfalls.



DOOM, scary? Have you played System Shock?

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The only game that scared me(in modern times) was the first Aliens vs. Predator when playing as a marine.



The terror of making your way through a dark complex and hearing your motion sensor give off that first ominous "bee-beep" ..huuuh, still gives the the creeps.

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"I suppose outright stupidity and complete lack of taste could also be considered points of view. "

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I've never played System Shock, but I've played quite the assortment of FPSs. DOOM is still my favorite. Of course, I played it when it was first available, so I had the full impact of the game. It was monumentally important to the genre, a fact so obvious it surprises me when folks try to downplay the role DOOM played in advancing gaming. Even now, some fool will put DOOM on some all time over-rated games list. *shrug* nothing captures more ire than success.


For the record, however, even doom 3 had more suspense, better enemies, and a cooler story than F.E.A.R. I liked FEAR, but it just didn't make me afraid. It was a solid shooter with a good assortment of enemies and weapons. I had fun at every level and I especially liked finding every bit of information about the backstory as I moved through each level. The phone messages and laptops were a great way to keep the player abreast and the design team did an excellent job with pacing the story developments throughout the game.


Which brings me back to DOOM. Normally, I don't engage in arguments about DOOM. That's because I don't feel the need to compare a game to DOOM unfavorably. However, FEAR is billed as a sort of thriller/horror game, but it fails to deliver on that end. In that regard, DOOM was, when I played it, the best. Since then, while there have been games that have aspired to the same level, none of them have captured the suspense and horror of DOOM. Some of the levels remain excellent designs even by today

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Remembering tarna, Phosphor, Metadigital, and Visceris.  Drink mead heartily in the halls of Valhalla, my friends!

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No way man, you cannot say that Doom 3 was scarier than FEAR. Doom 3's monster in closet scares got old really fast, and I almost lost the will to beat the game after seeing all that repitition. Clone soldiers had much much better ai than dumbass imps and zombies.

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FEAR is an excellent game, despite the flaws in the story.  For all its flaws, the enemy AI makes the game a blast to play.  It was really interesting when I shot out a window, seeing the AI adapt and the enemy came diving through it moments later.

the main problem with the story I saw was that you had to find EVERY part of it if you wanted to understand.

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