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Why did Troika make ToEE?

Kaftan Barlast

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If only NWN2 would have TOEE's combat system :o

I'm so incredibly glad it doesn't! Can you spell slow-paced.. S.L.O.O.O.O.O.W or something.

If only NWN2 would have TOEE's combat system :geek:


Congratulations. You just topped watching paint dry :geek:



Phillistines! PHILLISTINES!!! :lol: *shakes angry fist*

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Important: as the following sentence contains many naughty words I warn you not to read it under any circumstances; botty, knickers, wee, erogenous zone, psychiatrist, clitoris, stockings, bosom, poetry reading, dentist, fellatio and the department of agriculture.


"I suppose outright stupidity and complete lack of taste could also be considered points of view. "

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Fallout never had a brilliant combat system... of course, retarded friendlies shooting each other's nuts has somehow become endearing, not distasteful. Watching the career of Dogmeat is like watching that of Paris Hilton minus the casual sexing.


Hm, I need to work on my metaphors.

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Don't compare Dogmeat to Paris Hilton  :angry:


That's one of the best characters in any game, let along Fallout :angry:



Paris puts out while Dogmeat dishes out. :ermm:

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CAT FIGHT!  (w00t)

Cat fights are good. Come on ladies lets see the claws.

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Gyax always created modules with little story, because he wanted the DM to flesh out the story and so everyone could have a different experience playing the same module. Troika failed at being a good DM by going by the book and creating a game with no story.


I think you give Gygax too much credit. His modules didn't have stories because that'd get in the wat of the monster-killing.



That's only half in jest. I have a book written by Gygax called Role-Playing Mastery and it's scary reading indeed.

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IWD was buggy and dull :-


ToEE was even moreso. Hell, ToEE was unplayable for me out of the box while Icewind Dale and Icewind Dale 2 worked right out of the box. I had to do some convoluted install to just get the damn game to work and even then there were tons of things wrong with it.


ToEE is a failure of design and it is good that Troika is no longer around to make such bug infested unworking games.

Edited by Judge Hades
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IWD was buggy and dull :)

Damn my little friend, you are scoring some negative points with me. First you insult the Mighty Fallout combat system and now you put down IWD. :(


I never insulted Fallout :)


And I have every right to put down IWD :) I paid for it, I tried playing it not once but four times and each time got stopped by a nasty CTD bug.


Despite all of TOEE's flaws, I could at least play the darn thing :)

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ToEE is a failure of design and it is good that Troika is no longer around to make such bug infested unworking games.


For some reason I feel the need to channel someone else for this reply:


Right, roofles, TOEE is the best game ever made, game over. And because it was made to be the best game ever and you just didn't play it right Troika are game gods incarnate roofles.


Roofles, roofles, game over man, game over, I win, roofles (w00t)

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each person's experiences will differ. Gromnir had some nasty bugs in iwd, but no ctds. toee, on the other hand, were far worse for us. having a pretty clear recollection of both game's message boards post release, we would say that the complaints 'bout toee bugs were far more numerous and... aggressive.


in any event, even if bugs weren't a factor, iwd were a superior game on many levels. story and character development in iwd were far better. artwork and music were better in iwd. iwd combat were a improvement over bg. sure it would have been nice to have the tb and options of toee available but the enemy ai in toee were so gawdawful that the options it had were largely wasted.



never finished toee nor iwd2. slowdowns and boredom killed our enthusiasim to finish either of 'em, but iwd were an excellent game, especially when one considers its humble origins.


HA! Good Fun!

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For some reason I feel the need to channel someone else for this reply:


Right, roofles, TOEE is the best game ever made, game over. And because it was made to be the best game ever and you just didn't play it right Troika are game gods incarnate roofles.


Roofles, roofles, game over man, game over, I win, roofles  (w00t)

I'm afraid you need to work on that.




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Does anyone know if theyve improved the rules system thingie with NWN2 or if that is one of the things that was left from aurora?

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Important: as the following sentence contains many naughty words I warn you not to read it under any circumstances; botty, knickers, wee, erogenous zone, psychiatrist, clitoris, stockings, bosom, poetry reading, dentist, fellatio and the department of agriculture.


"I suppose outright stupidity and complete lack of taste could also be considered points of view. "

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