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TSL Restoration Project: The Phantom Deadline

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Lou Gutman, P.I.- It's like I'm not even trying anymore!

One billion b-balls dribbling simultaneously throughout the galaxy. One trillion b-balls being slam dunked through a hoop throughout the galaxy. I can feel every single b-ball that has ever existed at my fingertips. I can feel their collective knowledge channeling through my viens. Every jumpshot, every rebound and three-pointer, every layup, dunk, and free throw. I am there.

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What, all video game modders are men now?  Way to be sexist, jerk.

Whoa, take it easy. He meant it in a casual way. He didn't mean to imply that all the modders were guys (which is untrue). No need to blow your lid because he wasn't PC about a casual comment.

How can you be Playable Character about any kind of comment?

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Yeah, like, you should know Pixies was joking, so to reply to him as if he had actually exploded is surprising. Hence, wow, that is, you really are clueless. I'm just decoding it though, and I might be wrong.

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I was trashing some old stuff out of my drawer a few days back and stumble across my old kotor2 cds. Since it was a game that, unlike the first version of Kotor, I have sincerely disliked due to the various reasons everyone already knows about, I've played only a couple of times after I bought it and never touched again. I then remember having read something about a year or so of group of modders that where trying to add new stuff to the game in order to give at least a more dignifying ending to it and figured: "whatta heck, I think I might give kotor2 another shot to see how the modification turned out". Having started digging on the web for the mod I found the Team-Gizka website and imagine my surprise finding out that the mod is STILL being done, and with no estimate of when will be completed.


In my opinion, this signifies that the programmers must have gotten sick of messing with it for god knows how long and left at that. I mean, I've never heard of a particular mod for any game taking that long to be done, maybe because it's very easy to lose interest in modding if you stumble across a problem you can't solve for not having the appropriate tools to do it. Especially if it is something its being done on your free time and you are not being paid for it.


To conclude, I think team-gizka just got frustrated with kotor2 and decided to give it a rest. The mod may be completed at some point, but that may happen only when, or if, people become interested in starwars games again start fuzzling about it, like an announcement of a Kotor 3 or footage of another SW rpg.

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betamax: 2/3 of mod is completed, and THEY ARE STILL WORKING ON IT. They haven't stopped :)


Oh, and welcome to the forums :) Have a good time

Edited by Xard

How can it be a no ob build. It has PROVEN effective. I dare you to show your builds and I will tear you apart in an arugment about how these builds will won them.

- OverPowered Godzilla (OPG)



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Betamax, meet Ultima V Lazerus


Ultima V Lazerus meet Betamax


Now if you start going :) Ulitma V Lazarus is a mod for Dungeon Siege that took 5(!) years to complete...




I agree that that is such a stupid idiotic pathetic garbage hateful retarded scumbag evil satanic nazi like term ever created. At least top 5.


TSLRCM Official Forum || TSLRCM Moddb || My other KOTOR2 mods || TSLRCM (English version) on Steam || [M4-78EP on Steam

Formerly known as BattleWookiee/BattleCookiee

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If you think about the other fixes they found on the way, we did benefit from their tinkering over the past year and a half. I think it is a waste of energy to worry about when this project will be done. At the moment, I have already uninstalled KotOR II. I don't see how one mod will change how I feel about what I originally bought. It could bring a slightly newer perspective, and allow me to have a little fun. However, my fun days with KotOR II are over.


It is kind of sad to see that outsiders have to fix a game developer's errors and blotched edits. It should also be taken as a warning sign.


Some interesting questions come to mind:

1. Will buying another Obsidian & LA product result in blotched edits?


2. Will buying another Obsidian & LA product mean that I have to rely on outsiders to finish their job?


3. Does this mean that Obsidian & LA will abandon any future games that have errors, for they believe modders will pick up the pieces?


How much further will this go? I am glad to see NWN2 was delayed, for it does give me hope. However, I will probably wait until I see some fan reviews, not game magazine or site reviews, before I decide to buy NWN2.


I praise TSL Restoration teams efforts, but it is not a long-term solution for Obsidian and LA. In the short-term, this will please gamer. In the long-term, this could have dramatic affects on how Obsidian and LA do business. "Leave it to the modders."


Truth be told, the developer and publisher should have gotten together and released an expansion pack. At least with the expansion pack, they would have restored the cut content themselves, and they could have fixed their blotched errors. At least I would have given them both a thumbs up, for they fixed their own errors.


I guess that is too much to ask.

Edited by DarthMethos
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OE was going to make on "content patch" but you know what, LA did not permit it

How can it be a no ob build. It has PROVEN effective. I dare you to show your builds and I will tear you apart in an arugment about how these builds will won them.

- OverPowered Godzilla (OPG)



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TSL Restoration team has my vote, but they are not a long-term solution for Obsidian and LA. I paid them $40 for this game, and now they are  'quietly' relying on a non-profit group to pick up the peices. That is very unprofessional. Some of my money should have went to TSL Restoration Team.


That is naive. Making games is business, in business money is always top priority. And there are contracts which forces obsidian's members to keep their mouths shut. They can not talk anything about cut content, or their work with LA.


One of the reasons why Bio did not (this was not biggest one of them though) do K2, was that they had enough of LA's annoying policy. But Bio was too big company for even LA to push around, so Bio had quite free hands to what to do. Schedule was far from K2's one.


However, Obsidian Entertainment was new company, and Kotor 2 was their first game. They were not in so good position as Bio was, and LA had greater power over them. A new gaming company, even if it's top members have been working on games like Planescape Torment, Fallout's, Icewind Dale's etc. is still a new company, that is in much weaker position than massive corporation than Bioware.


Team Gizka are doing this whole job because they want to do it, OE surely did not rely on some band of modders to make the game as it was ment to be


edit: Oh, and from official point of view K2 is complete game

Edited by Xard

How can it be a no ob build. It has PROVEN effective. I dare you to show your builds and I will tear you apart in an arugment about how these builds will won them.

- OverPowered Godzilla (OPG)



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  • 3 weeks later...
betamax: 2/3 of mod is completed, and THEY ARE STILL WORKING ON IT. They haven't stopped :p


Oh, and welcome to the forums :) Have a good time


mod version 0.6b6 was finished on April 13, it is now 5 months later and site still shows 0.6b6 and was curious if any progress has been made. I periodically check the site and while I won't burst if they never complete it, I have rooted for them mightily. I have seen pretty steady progress over the past few years and this seems to be the longest gap with no update posted. Anyone???

Edited by tobiasds
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I believe they mentioned they were in a bug squashing period... often one of the longer more frustrating parts of game development. If that is the case it would certainly go a long way to explaining the long update time.


I think I remember reading on their forum that the updates would slow down because they would just involve talking about little annoying bugs they had spent hours working on and would rather forget so they can start on the next maddening bug.

Edited by GreasyDogMeat
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I believe they mentioned they were in a bug squashing period... often one of the longer more frustrating parts of game development. If that is the case it would certainly go a long way to explaining the long update time.


I think I remember reading on their forum that the updates would slow down because they would just involve talking about little annoying bugs they had spent hours working on and would rather forget so they can start on the next maddening bug.

Actually, the team is at the point where all content is being put in. Bug squashing of that ...well...never mind but I'm confident in the teams ability to bear some juicy fruit soon enough. ;)

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One can only hope. When I first bought this game, I was very much looking forward to it as I played the oringinal on X-Box several times. I was disappointed at missing out on some updates though as I never got X-Box live. So I purchased the PC version for KotOR 2. After seeing such disappointing reviews for it while looking for game patches after install, I never bothered to play it. I did the same thing with MOO 3. Why bother when it was so universally panned?


I can only hope that they will put something out someday as I won't play until then.

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Well, here's my 5 cents:


I'd first like to thank Team Gizka and the M4-78 restoration team for their hard work, I'm dying to see your mods guys :D Right now I'm playing KOTOR 2 again with some of Team Gizka's bug fixes found on their homepage :) It's great to get rewards for some of the huge quests (Telos Fuel-Quest) for instance :)


Okay, here's the deal.


I've read through this thread and maybe this ain't the place to say it, but I'm quite sick 'n tired of this fine game to get bugged by people who think that it "sucks"


Too many times has this game been compared to the predecessor, Knights of the Old Republic I, it is both wrong and impossible to compare these two games. First of all this game is connected yes, but still *NOT* KOTOR 1, nor does it continue the story after the destruction of the Star Forge. Sure the game's got a lot of bugs < trust me, i've experienced them too many times myself -.- *grmbl grmbl* >


Yet I think that after seeing the screenshots from both Team Gizka and the M4-78-team, this game will be fantastic. I've also looked at the progress reports from Team Gizka and they've done a heck of a good job so far, and I agree with Wild Storm here, they'll probably bring up some juicy material in their next progress report...hell...we can hope at least :)



Once again, I'd like to give my outmost thanks to both Team Gizka and the M4-78 team for exisiting, and I'm dying to see your work completed :geek:


I've got a question though, maybe dumb to some people but still :shifty: ; How far up in the progress is Team Gizka? I haven't seen a progress report for some time now

Edited by Rycal

"Battle not with monsters, lest ye become a monster - and if you gaze into the abyss, the abyss gazes into you"


QUOTE(The Architect @ May 9 2007, 05:18 PM)

And if LA announces KotOR III will never be made shortly after TSLRP is shut down, is it reasonable to assume that what happened to Alderaan in A New Hope would happen to LA HQ?

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I'm pretty sure the last time I checked, there were still a few progress bars (light sabers) at the bottom of the list showing 0%.


They are "gone" now (as in left the 0% mark) :)






Can we play it now ? :shifty:


Please ? (w00t)

“He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice.” - Albert Einstein

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Too many times has this game been compared to the predecessor, Knights of the Old Republic I, it is both wrong and impossible to compare these two games. First of all this game is connected yes, but still *NOT* KOTOR 1, nor does it continue the story after the destruction of the Star Forge. Sure the game's got a lot of bugs < trust me, i've experienced them too many times myself -.- *grmbl grmbl* >




You know, K2 is K1 with new plot and stuff. Game engine totally same, they use same rules, They both are Star Wars CRPG's, they share some same characters, they are SAME CONTIUNITY even though K2 doesn't start immeaditly after K1 :ermm:


If you think like that, you can't really compare anything.

How can it be a no ob build. It has PROVEN effective. I dare you to show your builds and I will tear you apart in an arugment about how these builds will won them.

- OverPowered Godzilla (OPG)



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Let's keep the dear Restorations Team's thread clear of this ancient discussion shall we? :(


You can always start a new thread if you wish to discuss the subject... again.


Huh? :ermm:


What ancient discussion?

How can it be a no ob build. It has PROVEN effective. I dare you to show your builds and I will tear you apart in an arugment about how these builds will won them.

- OverPowered Godzilla (OPG)



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Let's keep the dear Restorations Team's thread clear of this ancient discussion shall we? :)


You can always start a new thread if you wish to discuss the subject... again.

A good idea.

War is Peace, Freedom is Slavery, Ignorance is Strength

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If you think about the other fixes they found on the way, we did benefit from their tinkering over the past year and a half. I think it is a waste of energy to worry about when this project will be done. At the moment, I have already uninstalled KotOR II. I don't see how one mod will change how I feel about what I originally bought. It could bring a slightly newer perspective, and allow me to have a little fun. However, my fun days with KotOR II are over.


It is kind of sad to see that outsiders have to fix a game developer's errors and blotched edits. It should also be taken as a warning sign.


Some interesting questions come to mind:

1. Will buying another Obsidian & LA product result in blotched edits?


2. Will buying another Obsidian & LA product mean that I have to rely on outsiders to finish their job?


3. Does this mean that Obsidian & LA will abandon any future games that have errors, for they believe modders will pick up the pieces?


How much further will this go? I am glad to see NWN2 was delayed, for it does give me hope. However, I will probably wait until I see some fan reviews, not game magazine or site reviews, before I decide to buy NWN2.


I praise TSL Restoration teams efforts, but it is not a long-term solution for Obsidian and LA. In the short-term, this will please gamer. In the long-term, this could have dramatic affects on how Obsidian and LA do business. "Leave it to the modders."


Truth be told, the developer and publisher should have gotten together and released an expansion pack. At least with the expansion pack, they would have restored the cut content themselves, and they could have fixed their blotched errors. At least I would have given them both a thumbs up, for they fixed their own errors.


I guess that is too much to ask.


Well, according to Obsidien the game is complete, however there are a lot of left-overs which tell us they were trying to do more, but damn lucasarts had to speed up the release date.


So, using what they found in the game, modders are trying to add to it and recreate the parts which were cut.

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Let's keep the dear Restorations Team's thread clear of this ancient discussion shall we?


You can always start a new thread if you wish to discuss the subject... again.


Oh I think I said it maybe ain't the place to say it, but I did feel an urge to say it :">


hehe, oh well. Hopefully they'll release another progress report soon. And Darnit, I saw the M4-78 team's homepage was down again :rolleyes:

"Battle not with monsters, lest ye become a monster - and if you gaze into the abyss, the abyss gazes into you"


QUOTE(The Architect @ May 9 2007, 05:18 PM)

And if LA announces KotOR III will never be made shortly after TSLRP is shut down, is it reasonable to assume that what happened to Alderaan in A New Hope would happen to LA HQ?

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Guest The Architect

I've got a question regarding TSLRP...


What's the situation with T3-M4? I've heard a lot about what can happen to the rest of the Exile's companions depending on the gender and the alignment of the Exile as well as the amount of influence he/she has with his/her companions, but I've heard absolutely nothing about T3-M4, regarding his fate/role on Malachor V.


Will we see T3-M4 at Malachor V? Or will he just be ignored, as if he didn't exist? What was originally supposed to happen/or could of happened to T3-M4 regarding cut-content? Does anyone know at this stage? Is he just on the Ebon Hawk trying to repair/reboot the systems of the ship in an attempt to get it functional and airborne again implying that we won't see him?

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