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Uh oh! Another Star Wars RPG


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i got this information from the official xbox magizine (so its not a lie)

One of the main editors in the magazine was questioning 2 lucas game producers. The editor said "will you be making a game of the 3 original star wars in the style of Kotor style RPG"

and the 2 producers looked at each other and said to him "how could you have possibly known that"

believe what you will.


found that on a Lucas Arts thread.


can anyone confirm that...or have any of the issues and care 2 look thro like all 10 of them 2 find it. Because of the grammar, and lack of labeling the date of which in came from...i take it he is of young age.


Or has this already been covered...idk ive been just recently looking up information on a possible Kotor3.(again...took a break for a while) So i may be a little behind.


so please...flame me, and give me information on anything in this topic.

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Why don't you read the KotOR 3 thread and post this there instead of making yet another KotOR 3.  New KotOR 3 threads are not welcomed here.


Its not a Kotor3 thread thats why. This is about a Kotor style game set in the original trilogy.

Edited by Oerwinde
The area between the balls and the butt is a hotbed of terrorist activity.


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As long as they do the characters right playing in the Original Trilogy would be a blast. I still remember flying with Darth in Tie Fighter and that was years ago.


None of the new trilogy characters have the same gravitas (unless they were already in the OT).

I have to agree with Volourn.  Bioware is pretty much dead now.  Deals like this kills development studios.


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See, I would have read that and interpreted it in a completely different way. Isn't it more likely that they were joking with the interviewer? These LucasArts people must get asked variations on 'I hear there's a rumour you're developing a new Star Wars game featuring the Teletubbies' around twenty times a day.

"An electric puddle is not what I need right now." (Nina Kalenkov)

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As long as they do the characters right playing in the Original Trilogy would be a blast. I still remember flying with Darth in Tie Fighter and that was years ago.


None of the new trilogy characters have the same gravitas (unless they were already in the OT).


Yup, i rather have a new Tie-fighter-game than an RPG set in such a close enviroment as the original Trilogy.

"Some men see things as they are and say why?"
"I dream things that never were and say why not?"
- George Bernard Shaw

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i got this information from the official xbox magizine (so its not a lie)

One of the main editors in the magazine was questioning 2 lucas game producers. The editor said "will you be making a game of the 3 original star wars in the style of Kotor style RPG"

and the 2 producers looked at each other and said to him "how could you have possibly known that"

believe what you will.


found that on a Lucas Arts thread.


can anyone confirm that...or have any of the issues and care 2 look thro like all 10 of them 2 find it. Because of the grammar, and lack of labeling the date of which in came from...i take it he is of young age.


Or has this already been covered...idk ive been just recently looking up information on a possible Kotor3.(again...took a break for a while) So i may be a little behind.


so please...flame me, and give me information on anything in this topic.


I tend not to take too seriously sources that can't even type at a high school level.


But if it's true, I'd not really enjoy it. The fun thing about the KOTOR games were they were original. Original antagonist, original protagonist, original stories (albeit copies, but still "original" in that they made up a new story to flesh out).

"Console exclusive is such a harsh word." - Darque

"Console exclusive is two words Darque." - Nartwak (in response to Darque's observation)

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On topic...


I'd love a Star Wars game set within the original timeline... just not "as" anyone from the movies.


Leave the movies alone, but by all means use the setting.


That's basically what I said, is it not miss Valentine?

"Console exclusive is such a harsh word." - Darque

"Console exclusive is two words Darque." - Nartwak (in response to Darque's observation)

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I would love to play a SW RPG set in the OT time period....HOWEVER, such a thing is not without difficulties....


1) there is no Jedi Order.


2) there are only 2 Sith at any one time.


sooooo, unless they really want to mess around with canon, they will either have us play a pregen (i.e. Luke or Vader) or a non-Force Sensitive. I would love to play a non-Force user (i.e. bounty hunter, mercenary, etc) in the OT era.


I just don't know if they have the guts to do it.

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I would love to play a SW RPG set in the OT time period....HOWEVER, such a thing is not without difficulties....


1) there is no Jedi Order.


2) there are only 2 Sith at any one time.


sooooo, unless they really want to mess around with canon, they will either have us play a pregen (i.e. Luke or Vader) or a non-Force Sensitive.  I would love to play a non-Force user (i.e. bounty hunter, mercenary, etc) in the OT era.


I just don't know if they have the guts to do it.


There is also the possibility for a Force Adept PC. Basically consider them jedi with a tribal/totemic slant from more primitive backgrounds who attribute their powers for the most part to spirits or gods. There are also several Jedi offshoots, from failed colony missions which could be viable, should they desire it strongly enough. I guess what Im trying to say is: If they want to include the force, theres nothing that can truly stop them.

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The dreams in which I'm dying

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Lets hope it wouldn't be rushed like a *cough* certain game was.

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I would love to play a SW RPG set in the OT time period....HOWEVER, such a thing is not without difficulties....


1) there is no Jedi Order.


2) there are only 2 Sith at any one time.


sooooo, unless they really want to mess around with canon, they will either have us play a pregen (i.e. Luke or Vader) or a non-Force Sensitive.  I would love to play a non-Force user (i.e. bounty hunter, mercenary, etc) in the OT era.


I just don't know if they have the guts to do it.


Heh, if it will make money, LA are going to make it. When it is going to happen depends on how desperate for money they are. I don't really want to play as Luke or Vader or and main character for any matter in a RPG game, because I want to choose the destiny of my, hero like in KotOR.(At least playing Boba Fett sounds quite interesting, but I seriously doubt it is going to happen).

Edited by Bulgarian Jedi

Нека Силата винаги бъде с теб!


I reject your reality, and substitute it with my own.


Time you enjoy wasting is not wasted.

John Lenon


This thread is a big "hey, f*** you!" to the humanity's intelligence.


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You didn't really choose any kind of destiny in KotOR. Just which ending movie you wish to see.

kirottu said:
I was raised by polar bears. I had to fight against blood thirsty wolves and rabid penguins to get my food. Those who were too weak to survive were sent to Sweden.


It has made me the man I am today. A man who craves furry hentai.

So let us go and embrace the rustling smells of unseen worlds

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For another RPG to be succesful, it has to be written after the New Jedi Order books or before TPM. Now, who would you like more as your party members:




Tahiri Veila

Kyp Durron

Jag Fel

Jacen Solo

Jaina Solo

Corran Horn

Mara Jade - Skywalker

To name a few Jedi, and some of the moviecharacters maybe


Or Before:



Plo Koon

Bail Organa

Mace Windu

Qui Con Jinn

Jar Jar Binks.. I hear some people say NNNNNNNNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO......


HK-47 hahahahaha


We will see..

But lets hope LA actually does complete the Kotor series with a great new 3rd installment.

Master Vandar lives!

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"For another RPG to be succesful, it has to be written after the New Jedi Order books or before TPM"



kirottu said:
I was raised by polar bears. I had to fight against blood thirsty wolves and rabid penguins to get my food. Those who were too weak to survive were sent to Sweden.


It has made me the man I am today. A man who craves furry hentai.

So let us go and embrace the rustling smells of unseen worlds

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