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How exactly is "well developed" equal to "100+ hours in length"? It appears that somebody has made a connection here that doesn't quite belong.

- When he is best, he is a little worse than a man, and when he is worst, he is little better than a beast.


100+ Hours seems too long for KOTOR III. Perhaps somewhere between 50-70 would be nice. Frankly, if it's going to be that long, it better be worth playing 100+ hours. I'm not going to spend 100+ hours playing a mediocre game. This is well quality comes in.

  213374U said:
How exactly is "well developed" equal to "100+ hours in length"? It appears that somebody has made a connection here that doesn't quite belong.


I think it's the nostalgia theory that makes the connection.


Games like BG are always heralded as "100+ hours of greatness", so now those people automatically assume that 100+ hours=great.

"Console exclusive is such a harsh word." - Darque

"Console exclusive is two words Darque." - Nartwak (in response to Darque's observation)


What's wrong with using Tatooine again? It's a classic planet. And maybe they can have a sarlac pit like BioWare Intended to have in the first game. They need to add a lot of elements that pay homage to the original game (because it's a classic) and the movies. Maybe they go to Taris for some reason...they could have some rakgouls add stuff. They could have a trash compactor puzzle, like BioWare intended to have in the first game. Have a scene where our heros have to go on board a ship and rescue Bastila. That's where they could have the trach compactor puzzle. I don't know how the rest of you feel, but I think adding elements from the movies like that would really make this a good game. I don't like copying a bunch of stuff, but if they were to add little bit from each movie and the original game, this could be quite a game.


Tatooine is overdone. Period.

  kirottu said:
I was raised by polar bears. I had to fight against blood thirsty wolves and rabid penguins to get my food. Those who were too weak to survive were sent to Sweden.


It has made me the man I am today. A man who craves furry hentai.


So let us go and embrace the rustling smells of unseen worlds


I think there was a reason that the bits that ended up on the virtual cutting room floor were edited out of the first game.







A well-written RPG of 30-40 hours length will in fact give 100+ hours of play because the replay value will be high. Better for developers to stick with the 40-hour convention and focus on multiple paths and several role-playing options for each action. The Kotors offered enough for 3 or 4 plays through, games like Arcanum arguably 5 or 6 at least.


Kotor 3 needs more difference between the paths, in particular between the endings, rather than to be longer overall.

"An electric puddle is not what I need right now." (Nina Kalenkov)


All too true.

  kirottu said:
I was raised by polar bears. I had to fight against blood thirsty wolves and rabid penguins to get my food. Those who were too weak to survive were sent to Sweden.


It has made me the man I am today. A man who craves furry hentai.


So let us go and embrace the rustling smells of unseen worlds

  Jambo said:
What's wrong with using Tatooine again?

I found the reused planets in Kotor 2, Dantooine and Korriban, to be weaker than the others. Perhaps it's because the writers didn't feel sufficient 'ownership' of the setting.

  Jambo said:
They need to add a lot of elements that pay homage to the original game (because it's a classic) and the movies.

I liked Kotor 1 but I don't think it needs to have homage paid to it. I'd like to go back to Taris, however, and the idea of starting as a Tarisian survivor (whoever it was thought of it) was a pretty good one that's grown on me as I've read this thread and some of the other ideas proposed. ;)

"An electric puddle is not what I need right now." (Nina Kalenkov)

  SteveThaiBinh said:
I'd like to go back to Taris, however, and the idea of starting as a Tarisian survivor (whoever it was thought of it) was a pretty good one that's grown on me as I've read this thread and some of the other ideas proposed. :shifty:


>_<" ;)

"Console exclusive is such a harsh word." - Darque

"Console exclusive is two words Darque." - Nartwak (in response to Darque's observation)


... And the Taris survivors in the Promised Land will have uncovered The Fountain Of Youth, and rumour of its discovery will have just been leaking out (fountain, leak: get it?) to the rest of the galaxy, and there is a super battle between the Sith and the Jedi for control of it, whilst the people who drink from it become super-strong and ... then die horribly and painfully because it was all a Sith trick ...


... or something.




A well-written RPG of 30-40 hours length will in fact give 100+ hours of play because the replay value will be high. Better for developers to stick with the 40-hour convention and focus on multiple paths and several role-playing options for each action. The Kotors offered enough for 3 or 4 plays through, games like Arcanum arguably 5 or 6 at least.


Kotor 3 needs more difference between the paths, in particular between the endings, rather than to be longer overall.


I agree with this, btw.


Also, I don't want to see Tatooine again because of the same reasons I felt Dantooine and especially Korriban were weak in TSL.

"Console exclusive is such a harsh word." - Darque

"Console exclusive is two words Darque." - Nartwak (in response to Darque's observation)

  Baley said:
How about we fuse SW with ST,Farscape and Andromeda=Mucho Money!111

It would be interesting (from a RL logistic pov)!


It would require GL sharing IP and royalties (never going to happen) with Paramount (ST) and whomever produces Farscape and Andromeda.


Still, I never thought I would see Superman and the gang from DC in the same comic as Iron Man and the gang from Marvel ...




  GhostofAnakin said:
A well-written RPG of 30-40 hours length will in fact give 100+ hours of play because the replay value will be high. Better for developers to stick with the 40-hour convention and focus on multiple paths and several role-playing options for each action. The Kotors offered enough for 3 or 4 plays through, games like Arcanum arguably 5 or 6 at least.


Kotor 3 needs more difference between the paths, in particular between the endings, rather than to be longer overall.

I agree with this, btw.


Also, I don't want to see Tatooine again because of the same reasons I felt Dantooine and especially Korriban were weak in TSL.

Yeah, in the words of Yoda: Do, or do not. There is no try.


Too many poor attempts to milk previous IP without adding anything innovative. It just ends up as another version, although because there is an original (which was new, and still contains the focus of nostalgia), the copy is necessarily pale immitation. All it can do is cheapen the original experience.


Now, if the developers take an idea and bend it, stretch it into a new set of circumstances, or with different enemies and even factoring in the old solutions to weaken or invalidate them, so that the situation has grown, then the result is a deeper experience: it draws from the original all the history and adds the impact of a new twist.


But that isn't easy. It takes hard work. And writing skill.





given what kreia says at the end of the game about Korriban, I think that it should play a part in KotoR 3. As long as they make the area a hell of a lot bigger and actually make an effort to make Korriban worth while, I think it would work...


I don't think Korriban is important enough to be in all THREE games, especially when there's not much else you can do there. We already got the Sith Academy, we already got the tombs, we already got that cave to revisit our past. There's nothing else you can add to make it bigger or better. There are literally thousands of planets in the SW galaxy. Why re-use one?

"Console exclusive is such a harsh word." - Darque

"Console exclusive is two words Darque." - Nartwak (in response to Darque's observation)

  metadigital said:
... Because they still have all the prior artwork? :)"


...which goes back to the big problem of why Korriban and Dantooine were the most boring of the planets in TSL. :-"

"Console exclusive is such a harsh word." - Darque

"Console exclusive is two words Darque." - Nartwak (in response to Darque's observation)


Yeah, I would have expected, since the artwork models, maps, etc were already there, that OE could have added loads of depth in TSL.


I mean, in two games, on an entire planet, the PC explores about a hectare (conveniently cut off from the rest of planet's surface, not by water, but by boulders).






  metadigital said:
Yeah, I would have expected, since the artwork models, maps, etc were already there, that OE could have added loads of depth in TSL.


I mean, in two games, on an entire planet, the PC explores about a hectare (conveniently cut off from the rest of planet's surface, not by water, but by boulders).



Obviously you can't create a whole planet full of people, places and things to do, so you have to limit where the player can go. I agree that boulders were somewhat overused, but that's surely a limitation of the engine which requires small areas rather than the wide open spaces of Morrowind. It's also true to the movies in that the characters always arrive at a planet and are only seen to visit a tiny portion of it.


I think the epic qualities of the stories in Kotor contrasts unfavourably with the small feel of the planets, but what to do? Have more of the world visible, but out of bounds? Have your character say "On second thoughts, I don't really need to go there" every time she wanders to far from the action? Try to have several cities or places to visit on each planet? Telos was like that, up to a point - it didn't change the feel of the game. Maybe filling up the empty spaces with more clutter and more NPCs would alter the feel of the game. I've yet to see a genuinely bustling market in a game, for example. Too much for the computer, perhaps, but maybe the new consoles will be able to handle it?

"An electric puddle is not what I need right now." (Nina Kalenkov)


I'd like to see some brand new planets. And I'd also like to be able to land my ship somewhere else other than the one docking area. I'm so sick of only seeing one city/village of a planet. I'd want to visit both sides of the planet.

  SteveThaiBinh said:

I think the epic qualities of the stories in Kotor contrasts unfavourably with the small feel of the planets, but what to do?  ...  Try to have several cities or places to visit on each planet?  Telos was like that, up to a point - it didn't change the feel of the game.  Maybe filling up the empty spaces with more clutter and more NPCs would alter the feel of the game.  I've yet to see a genuinely bustling market in a game, for example.  Too much for the computer, perhaps, but maybe the new consoles will be able to handle it?

Exactly. :-


Telos was better than Dantooine. And Korriban. So was Peragus.


The only other planet that even slightly impressed was Onderon / Dxun, and that was because there was a more-than-one-dimenstional-plot together with multiple areas to explore (much the way that Kashyyyk had multiple areas).


Really, what is the point in having a dozen planets with an acre or two of land? Just as Telos demonstrated, you can have extreme climate / different landscapes on the same planet (obviously), so I just think it is yet another example of style over substance. I wouldn't be surprised if OE originally were going to make the game as rich and textured everywhere, as they did in Onderon / Dxun.


Trouble is, if your aunt had wheels, she'd be a wagon. IF doesn't cut it, and so the result is a mastabatorial exercise.





I still voice support for the planets I have in the past.


Begin on Coruscant, then move onto Alderaan, Sleheyron and Myrkr. All worlds that are known, but which we haven't seen or explored much, especially not in the KotOR age.


Then move onto the Sith worlds - Khar Shian/Khar Delba and Ziost, which we've heard of only briefly.


What would be the difference between Alderaan and Coruscant, in the KotOR age?


Would these worlds even be technologically and socially advanced?


Who cares, anyway? Just have an environment that is rich and deep.




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