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Declaration of Revocation


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"I don't see them bullying the Koreas, Japan, Vietnam, Mongolia, or any other of their neighbours for that matter."


Eh. They already 'bully' the Koreas and Japan.


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you is being foolish if you think it is just american corps.  the euros is falling all over themselves to get access to chinese markets.


ok, well, duh.


So are lots of various investors. Not all of them nessasarily bringing "American" values or having to answer to the American people. Like when Microsoft (I think it was MS) help the Chinese gov censor words like "freedom" on the internet.


My point wasn't that US companies are solely driving the chinese market, but that US companies have a unique role to play in this.


cold war 2? not a chance.


as I said, we're already there. Edit: to a degree


I was just thinking of the silly notion that the EU will align itself more with the US in face of the Chinese "threat."


Want to venture a guess who is number one in human rights violations and in the bottom five of press freedoms?


I'm guessing China doesn't get "nicer" when it gets more powerful. Without, of course, some serious reforms. Those reforms would, of course, very likely hurt the chinese economy badly for some time to come.



It's possible that 'American' corporations will cease to be American



As I said, interesting, isn't it? :)



"My response was in reference of Groms question about what will Europe do when China rises in power. My thought: Align themselves closer with the US and vice versa. "


align with u.s.a to combat growing chinese influence?




so no, we don't really agree... at least not as far as Gromnir can tell.


HA! Good Fun!

"If there be time to expose through discussion the falsehood and fallacies, to avert the evil by the processes of education, the remedy to be applied is more speech, not enforced silence."Justice Louis Brandeis, Concurring, Whitney v. California, 274 U.S. 357 (1927)

"Im indifferent to almost any murder as long as it doesn't affect me or mine."--Gfted1 (September 30, 2019)

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China is growing with skilled labor, education, technology and a growing military.


They are also using nuclear threats to keep or acquire Tibet, Taiwan and places like East Timor with no one really paying attention or caring.


Yet the US is the aggressive bully of the world.


People also forget that China is making a killing in trade since everyone buys from China, and China has various embargos on products coming into China. They also openly steal and pirate any intellectual property.

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China was completely cut off from US and Europe for 30 years. Yes, they don't trade fair, but they really can't open up everything after decades of living in angry isolation.


Some may think US as the bully of the world, but more see US as the indisputable leader of all nations, so everyone judges US government with a higher standard. It's understandable that people are dissatisfied with their leader. Consider the case of George W. Bush.

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Hong Kong is a kind of bastard child. The UK and China did a great job with him, but he's still illigitimate.

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Wouldn't they need to revoke independance from Austrailia first?

Firstly, Australia is still a British Commonwealth country, and the largest proportion of landholders (by a significant margin) are British.


Secondly, your point is specious. Why would the status of another country have any bearing on the independence of the USA ?

Continued from this thread, I thought it was kinda funny, and I dig John Cleese. ^_^


Except Utah, which she does not fancy.  :)


The 2.15% of you who are aware that there is a world outside your borders may have noticed that no one else plays "American" football. You will no longer be allowed to play it, and should instead play proper football.


Initially, it would be best if you played with the girls. It is a difficult game. Those of you brave enough will, in time, be allowed to play rugby (which is similar to American "football", but does not involve stopping for a rest every twenty seconds or wearing full kevlar body armour like nancies).


That made me chuckle.


I don't like whomever it was that typed up the document, though. It was thoughtful of them to use US grammar, but it is totally fallacious (unless it was an attempt at irony ...). :)"




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Seriously, China is trying to copy the West so much, they are losing their own identity. The democratic ideas will eventually get there in this age of Internet, so be patient. China is not going to be a carbon copy of the USSR.

The entitiy we now know as China has always managed to assimilate all foreign cultures and influences; there is still a strong streak of ancestor worship, for example. (This results in the very laudable respect that Chinese people have for their parents, such that




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The reason why countries like China, India etc. have prospered economicly in the recent years is solely because they offer western companies cheaper means of production, mostly through cheap labour. Once the standards and wages of their societies rise to the point when it is no longer profitable for foreign companies to outsource to these countries, they will move elsewhere. And the economy of the country will decline very rapidly.

There are in the order of 2000 Bachelor of Science graduates in India every week.


One of the driving factors in China's growth is that most of her population are peasants (farmers). There is an unmeasurable amount of growth to be spurtedt oget the country to a level near some of her cities, like Hong Kong, for example.




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The reason why countries like China, India etc. have prospered economicly in the recent years is solely because they offer western companies cheaper means of production, mostly through cheap labour. Once the standards and wages of their societies rise to the point when it is no longer profitable for foreign companies to outsource to these countries, they will move elsewhere. And the economy of the country will decline very rapidly.

There are in the order of 2000 Bachelor of Science graduates in India every week.


One of the driving factors in China's growth is that most of her population are peasants (farmers). There is an unmeasurable amount of growth to be spurtedt oget the country to a level near some of her cities, like Hong Kong, for example.



And they go right into designing software for Microsoft at less than half the salary of their western counterparts.



And the bulk of Chinas growth is because of western investment and outsourcing. Or if we are to be frank, exploitation of the poor salaries and conditions of chinese workers. Why pay a Frenchman 1800euro a month to sew your clothes, when you can get a hundred Chinese working 12 hour shifts for the same amount?

DISCLAIMER: Do not take what I write seriously unless it is clearly and in no uncertain terms, declared by me to be meant in a serious and non-humoristic manner. If there is no clear indication, asume the post is written in jest. This notification is meant very seriously and its purpouse is to avoid misunderstandings and the consequences thereof. Furthermore; I can not be held accountable for anything I write on these forums since the idea of taking serious responsability for my unserious actions, is an oxymoron in itself.


Important: as the following sentence contains many naughty words I warn you not to read it under any circumstances; botty, knickers, wee, erogenous zone, psychiatrist, clitoris, stockings, bosom, poetry reading, dentist, fellatio and the department of agriculture.


"I suppose outright stupidity and complete lack of taste could also be considered points of view. "

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Yep. Look at Nike, they have a floating factory of marginalised Chinese peasants working on clothing and being paid less than a Yaun a day (or something equally ludicrous). I think they have the factory floating on a sea platform in international waters, or some such legal side step.




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Wouldn't they need to revoke independance from Austrailia first?

Firstly, Australia is still a British Commonwealth country, and the largest proportion of landholders (by a significant margin) are British.


Secondly, your point is specious. Why would the status of another country have any bearing on the independence of the USA ?

Because Austrailia broke away after we did, therefore if they be taking rebelling states back into the fold Austrailia would likely be the first. Especially since their military is a 100 Fighting Kangaroos.

Victor of the 5 year fan fic competition!


Kevin Butler will awesome your face off.

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With or without reforms, China's likely not stupid enough to just go on a powerhungry conquering spree if they're halfwits enough about why their economy is developing rapidly.


One word: Taiwan

People also forget that Taiwan was really the rightful seat of the Chinese government. China doesn't have a claim on Taiwan so much as Taiwan has a claim on China.

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Guest Fishboot

Just a note, Cleese didn't write whatever the thread starter was - Shnopesh. Pretty much anything clever you find written on the internet will eventually get attributed to some kind of totemic celebrity.


Anyway... Um, Taiwan. That's always one of those things that makes me wish I had enough Chinese enculturation to understand why they'd even care - every demographic pressure imaginable is on their side for bloodless world domination. But they do, in fact, care about it, enough so that reactionary generals will threaten nuclear war over it. Who cares? Why invest bravado in such a gamble? I have no idea.


Edit - I can see how the above could be read to imply that I don't understand the China-Taiwan history, but I do. I still don't see why the commie leadership would bother to grind that axe anymore.

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Wouldn't they need to revoke independance from Austrailia first?

Firstly, Australia is still a British Commonwealth country, and the largest proportion of landholders (by a significant margin) are British.


Secondly, your point is specious. Why would the status of another country have any bearing on the independence of the USA ?

Because Austrailia broke away after we did, therefore if they be taking rebelling states back into the fold Austrailia would likely be the first. Especially since their military is a 100 Fighting Kangaroos.

My point was that Australia never left.


The Governor General, who is appointed by the Queen, shall be Her Majesty's representative in the Commonwealth.



After receiving their Commission, the Governor-General makes an Oath of Allegiance and an Oath of Office to Her Majesty and issues a Proclamation assuming office. Formally, the Governor-General's appointment is at Her Majesty's pleasure.


The Governor-General has many important constitutional, official and ceremonial duties to perform. For example, the Governor-General:

  • dissolves the Parliament and issues writs for new elections;
  • commissions the Prime Minister and appoints other Ministers after elections;
  • gives assent to laws when they have been passed by the two Houses of Parliament - the Senate and the House of Representatives;
  • acts on the advice of Ministers through the Executive Council to issue Regulations and proclamations under existing laws; appoint Federal judges; ambassadors and high commissioners to overseas countries and other senior government officials; issue Royal Commissions of enquiry; exercise the prerogative of mercy; and
  • authorises many other executive decisions by Ministers such as raising government loans or approving treaties with foreign governments.

The Governor-General is the Commander-in-Chief of the Australian Defence Force



Oath of Office





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