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How is he racist?


I think people need to be a little less sensitive.


Well there was his visor comment. Something about only frenchmen and Europeans wear them. People got all up in arms about that comment. Then he turned out to be right. Most of the European or French Canadian players wear helmet visors, while most of the Anglophone Canadians and Americans don't.


The funny thing was that it was the english speaking Canadians that got all up in arms about it, while the Francophones were all either "Well... he's right" or "Don who?"


I wish we got Coach's Corner over here. We have "Behind the Mask" with Kelly Hrudey over in the west. Don may be an idiot sometimes, but he's WAY more entertaining.


I also don't mind that Hockey Night in Canada focuses on Canadian teams, as most Canadian hockey fans are just that Canadian Hockey fans. I want to see the Canucks play, I don't really care about the games with anyone else unless its the playoffs and the Canucks are already gone. Allthough now Sportsnet Pacific has exclusive broadcast rights to the Canucks, so I'll have to make due with other teams, but as I only get 2 channels, its more hockey than I'll get otherwise.

The area between the balls and the butt is a hotbed of terrorist activity.


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Eric Lindros is awesome. It's one of the things Coach Bigot is right on. Though I agree his parents are a bit over the top.


Correction: Eric Lindros pre-concussions was awesome. The Eric Lindros that you see play the past 3 or 4 seasons has been mediocre at best (in comparison to other NHLers, not in comparison to say, my hockey skills).

"Console exclusive is such a harsh word." - Darque

"Console exclusive is two words Darque." - Nartwak (in response to Darque's observation)

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Eric Lindros is awesome. It's one of the things Coach Bigot is right on. Though I agree his parents are a bit over the top.


Correction: Eric Lindros pre-concussions was awesome. The Eric Lindros that you see play the past 3 or 4 seasons has been mediocre at best (in comparison to other NHLers, not in comparison to say, my hockey skills).


I've never been a fan of Lindros after the whole draft thing where he refused to play for the Nordiques. Too bad for him they ended up being one of the best teams in the league before moving to colorado.

The area between the balls and the butt is a hotbed of terrorist activity.


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Thats a pretty weak excuse to like Dennis.


And the comedian you're looking for whom everyone "ripped off" is named Lenny Bruce


That's a pretty weak excuse for a rebuttal. :)

I know who Bruce is. I also know someone named Alan King. Who was insipired by Danny Thomas.

Which isn't really important - no one has to like Leary, or anyone else...but just because one doesn't like something someone may have done years ago, doesn't make 'em 'talentless', or brainless, or not worth liking, in everything they do all their lives.


But whatever. Maybe you're a see things in black & white kind of person, or similar, and that's cool.

“Things are as they are. Looking out into the universe at night, we make no comparisons between right and wrong stars, nor between well and badly arranged constellations.” – Alan Watts
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"The Eric Lindros that you see play the past 3 or 4 seasons has been mediocre at best (in comparison to other NHLers, not in comparison to say, my hockey skills)."


Huh? He may have not been the best player in the league; but he's at least been better than half the league to be sure.


Afterall, let's check out his stats:



2004 - 32 points in 39 games, +5, ranked 200th out of 940 players, all that in half a seasons


2003 - 53 points in 81 games, +5, ranked 82nd out of 888 players, not nearly as good PPG average but definitely not medicore in comparison to other NHLers


2002 - 73 points in 72 games, +19, ranked 17th out of 874 players, a pretty darn good PPG average, and stats include 37 goals



Now, we can take out about 100 of those players because their goalies, and another 200 or so likely were part timers; but still he was most definitely not 'medicore'.



Sure, he's nothing like the Eric Lindros of yesteryear; but unless something major has changed during the lockout, Monsiuer Lindros is still one of the better players. Top 10? Nah. I don't think I'd quite put him in the elite of the elite; but top 20 possibly, and most definitely top 30.


Also, notice that amazingly he is a + in all of the last 3 seasons in spite of playing on a crappy Rangers team.




edit: "I've never been a fan of Lindros after the whole draft thing where he refused to play for the Nordiques."


That's a plus in my book. Everyone should have the right to refuse to work somewhere or should players be slaves to the draft? Geez.. How many other businesses are you actually forced to work at a very specifci workplace? I mean, imagine, if game devlopers had a draft.? Or restuanrants? Or lawyer firms? LMAO LMAO LMAO



I win. Lindros wins. Those who make things up lose.


Game over.


Have fun.


:p:) :cool:


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If he's against the draft policies, then why even enter the Draft?


Also, notice that amazingly he is a + in all of the last 3 seasons in spite of playing on a crappy Rangers team.


Being on a solid line facing defensive lines that don't look to score can do that.




Professional sports is not like any other business. Concessions are made for parity and competition. Which is why goofy things like the draft exist. He knew full well what the draft was like prior to joining the NHL. Odd that many players that are better than him didn't partake in the same actions that he did.

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Ask him what he thinks of Europeans.



He thinks they are more likely to wear a visor in hockey.


Turns out he's right.



I think people shouldn't be racist/bigots.


Odd, considering you certainly don't stray from the definition of a bigot, which is someone that is essentially intolerant of any opinions differing from their own.


I've lost track of how many times you've flat out called people names and simply "Wrong" because their opinion didn't match yours.

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That's a pretty weak excuse for a rebuttal. :thumbsup:

I know who Bruce is. I also know someone named Alan King. Who was insipired by Danny Thomas.

Which isn't really important - no one has to like Leary, or anyone else...but just because one doesn't like something someone may have done years ago, doesn't make 'em 'talentless', or brainless, or not worth liking, in everything they do all their lives.


But whatever. Maybe you're a see things in black & white kind of person, or similar, and that's cool.



No, but if the question is if Dennis Leary made his way through life as a talentless hack then the answer is pretty black and white :D

People laugh when I say that I think a jellyfish is one of the most beautiful things in the world. What they don't understand is, I mean a jellyfish with long, blond hair.

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In Canada we have a network called Showcase. They play kind of risky stuff, and weekends are devoted to foreign T&A films and the Trailer Park Boys. Last night they played 'Little Britain', and I recognized it from some of Kaftans' posts. Is this show done or is it coming back next seson?


Jaguars4ever is still alive.  No word of a lie.

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Last night they played 'Little Britain', and I recognized it from some of Kaftans' posts.  Is this show done or is it coming back next seson?

It's been a huge success so I'm sure they'll make more. They make them in blocks of six episodes, though, and we don't really have regular 'seasons' the same way North America seems to. So I have no idea when they'll be made and shown, though the BBC website might tell you more.

"An electric puddle is not what I need right now." (Nina Kalenkov)

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So far there have two seasons of Little Britain (around 15 eps). Another is supposed to be coming in the autumn. Whether this wil continue beyond that i do not know. (personally i think it is gettting a little tired)



Oh and Lost is finally being shown in the UK on Channel 4, bleh i seen it already :D

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I've never understood what people found funny about Little Britain. I can't think of a single time I ever laughed at a sketch. Min you, I thought the exact same of Bo Selecta and the Royle Family, so obviously people with good taste are in the distinct minority in Britain. :lol:" :darque:


Chewin' the Fat was way, way, way better.


Oh, and I'm tnow taking your advice about Battlestar Galactica, Flatus. I just hope the quality is up to snuff.

Hawk! Eggplant! AWAKEN!

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[evil]Good, Gooooood![/evil] :ermm:


Btw i aint eva seen da nu Galactica eps so i dunno fis any gud. As for the actual picture and sound quality - they should be excellent depending on source and encoding.


Oh man, it was awesome. There truly was some large amount of awe. And best of all, it's on again tonight, so I might be able to watch it tomorrow. This grin :D is miniature compared to the one on my face right now.

Hawk! Eggplant! AWAKEN!

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I do hope you use liquid soap.

kirottu said:
I was raised by polar bears. I had to fight against blood thirsty wolves and rabid penguins to get my food. Those who were too weak to survive were sent to Sweden.


It has made me the man I am today. A man who craves furry hentai.

So let us go and embrace the rustling smells of unseen worlds

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I don't think it's dull. I think it's leagues ahead of most of the lame reality shows that spring up on television. Considering that the guys are really fighting (unlike the lame crap in WWE), it makes it all the more worth while. I saw one scene where a Brazilian guy punched his opponent so hard he broke his arm, but then his opponent came back on knocked him out with one hand!! (Unfortunately, I can't remember their names)

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