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Emo Rules


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and today i praise you the assuming virgin. If you may have noticed in some of those threads someone by the name of kyle/chris has posted on them because those are my roomates. I overall have posted atleast 20 times on this forum. It was a mighty good try tho. Oh, and i didnt even read that lil put 2gether of quotes....so that was a waste of time. Great try tho...rlly....... FAGGIT!




Stop being such an Emo.

"Some men see things as they are and say why?"
"I dream things that never were and say why not?"
- George Bernard Shaw

"Hope in reality is the worst of all evils because it prolongs the torments of man."
- Friedrich Nietzsche


"The amount of energy necessary to refute bull**** is an order of magnitude bigger than to produce it."

- Some guy 

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and today i praise you the assuming virgin. If you may have noticed in some of those threads someone by the name of kyle/chris has posted on them because those are my roomates. I overall have posted atleast 20 times on this forum. It was a mighty good try tho. Oh, and i didnt even read that lil put 2gether of quotes....so that was a waste of time. Great try tho...rlly....... FAGGIT!

*shakes head*


Just bow your head in shame freak. I don't know what you should be more embarrassed about - your mental retardation, or the fact your **** fits through the center hole on your K2 CD. :-

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and today i praise you the assuming virgin. If you may have noticed in some of those threads someone by the name of kyle/chris has posted on them because those are my roomates. I overall have posted atleast 20 times on this forum. It was a mighty good try tho. Oh, and i didnt even read that lil put 2gether of quotes....so that was a waste of time. Great try tho...rlly....... FAGGIT!

*shakes head*


Just bow your head in shame freak. I don't know what you should be more embarrassed about - your mental retardation, or the fact your **** fits through the center hole on your K2 CD. :-



Don't feed him jag, you're just giving him more fuel.


Personally, I think it's hilarious he went and insulted Ender. Ender, who is married, has his own house, and a steady, well paying job.



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I'm not rich. I am horribly underpaid for my profession, but I live in a cheap portion of the country.


I work in IT, where I am given T3 internet access and I handle IT operations for two casinos in Iowa. I am ultimately responsible for keeping anything and everything IT-oriented in said casinos running. At the same time, if things are running, I have little-to-no work to do. Thusly I get paid $30,000 a year to sit on my ass and post on this forum right now.

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Omaha is right on the border with Iowa/Nebraska. The casinos are on the riverfront bordering Nebraska. I have a 10 minute drive from my house in downtown Omaha to the casinos. Really the casinos cater to the Omaha crowd, but gambling is not legal in Nebraska.

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The sad thing is if you saw how many forums I have 5,000 posts on.





I usually have a hard time breaking 1000. I go onto a forum because there's a game I want usually. So I frequent it before it's release. A short while after it's release, I'll stick around discussing the game and helping out anyone that needs a hand...then I usually move on.


I'm not sure if you noticed because you seemed to have disappeared for a while yourself, but I had a few month hiatus from this forum and have only recently come back. I guess I'm just bored :D

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Now consider that I couldn't post for the first three months of the forum because it wouldn't let me properly register. (That's why Enderandrew my usual handle is registered but never activated - the bastards!)


Now consider that I only post here on days that I work.


Now consider that I took a several month hiatus. My post count could be 10,000 by now.

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Since when were Taking Back Sunday and Dashboard Confessional considered emo music? From where I come from Emo is mostly used to refer to a style of hardcore music from the late 80s/early 90s. You kids should do some research on bands like Four Hundred Years or Moss Icon :wub:

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I had some friends who had a HC band called "Ten steps to nothing" then they started playing Emo, changed their name to "Adera" and started sucking :wub:

DISCLAIMER: Do not take what I write seriously unless it is clearly and in no uncertain terms, declared by me to be meant in a serious and non-humoristic manner. If there is no clear indication, asume the post is written in jest. This notification is meant very seriously and its purpouse is to avoid misunderstandings and the consequences thereof. Furthermore; I can not be held accountable for anything I write on these forums since the idea of taking serious responsability for my unserious actions, is an oxymoron in itself.


Important: as the following sentence contains many naughty words I warn you not to read it under any circumstances; botty, knickers, wee, erogenous zone, psychiatrist, clitoris, stockings, bosom, poetry reading, dentist, fellatio and the department of agriculture.


"I suppose outright stupidity and complete lack of taste could also be considered points of view. "

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Emo refers to any music that condones feeling sorry for yourself.


Wrong. That's what the moguls have transformed it into. Emo was original Emocore, or Emotional Hardcore, basically, any hardcore that had something to say. Can't list any examples, never even bothered to listen to it as I hate hardcore anyway.


Emo Rock may seem like a fairly new flow, but it's really just all the punk rock that deals with something else than hating the government, rebelling and disillusionment. Which is, for good reason, often stereotyped as 'boohoo my girlfriend left me' rock. Because it usually is. Blink 182 has, for example, been falsely labled as punk, as it is actually emo. A prime example would be Bright Eyes. Which would also be a prime example of TERRIBLE MUSIC.


Personally, I don't care much for Emo. I have a couple of songs by From Autumn To Ashes because they're actually pretty heavy, and a few songs by Dashboard Confessional because I recently started playing an acoustic guitar and their songs are easy as hell to start with and learn through.


I'm more of a metal man myself, although loads of metal fans won't agree. Can't say I blame them. Modern metal has radically changed in a short amount of time, and I can hardly say bands like Disturbed, KoRn and Godsmack still count as metal. More like hard rock.


Also, whoever said Power Metal was for goths is a fool. Goths have been labled as people who listen to false metal by various power metal bands such as Manowar. All hail Manowar.

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