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The Ithorians told the Exile that Ba-Dur is a Zabrak engineer. Bao-Dur himself told the Exile that he is an Iridonian. BTW, what is a Zabrak? Besides in the descriptions of items, where else is Zabrak mentioned?


This has been asked before, methinks.,


He is a Zabrak (that is his species), but he comes from the Irridonia (his homeplanet). So he is referred to as both.


Atton also refers to him as a Zabrak, IIRC.

"We were hoping we could bring the Xbox platform into December but didn't want to make the formal announcement until we knew an earlier ship date would not compromise the quality of The Sith Lords," says Producer Mike Gallo.

A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away there was a species known as the Zabrak and after much colonizing they settled on a planet known as Iradonina, but because of there change of address many people forgot what to call them and there was much confusion on the species name.


Then one day in a galaxy not all that far, there was a wise peon who said


Zabrak= Species


Iradonina= Home Planet

Statemeant: you cannot stop me you cannot harm me, in order to do that I would need to stop being one of you; I have concluded that this is something I am willing to accept!


In short you have just shown me your soft meatbag-like underbellies and said


iridonian zabrak.


i asked this once long ago, and i believe there are multiple kinds of iridonians, and i believe Maul was a different type of iridonian than bao-dur.


Maul was a Zabrak, like Bao-Dur. His face has all those black lines on it like Bao-Dur when he's Dark Side. He just painted his face red.


"Many Zabrak identify themselves by the colony they hail from." - Star Wars Roleplaying Game Revised Core Rulebook



"The Zabrak are another one of the early spacefaring races of the galaxy, a humanoid species that arose in the Iridonia system (many refer to the species as the Iridonian Zabrak)." - Star Wars Roleplaying Game Alien Anthology



Yeah, I'm that big a geek. =)

Maul actually tattoed his face.


Which part of Maul's face is tatttooed? The black or the red?

From what Arkendale said earlier im guessing its the red thats tattooed on as Bao-Dur has the black lines when he is DS anyway..,.

Why is this so confusing for people? when we are humans from the planet Earth.


Not humans from Humania or earthlings from Earth.

Younglings from a young Earth?




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